Sand Trap
Sand Trap
| 02 June 1998 (USA)
Sand Trap Trailers

After falling victim to a burglar, Nelson, a wealthy businessman, takes a trip to the desert with his wife Margo and lawyer/friend Jack. The trip takes an unexpected turn when Jack helps Nelson over a cliff. Jack and Margo return to the site with the sheriff only to discover Nelson's body is missing, indicating he is still alive. As Nelson struggles to survive against madness and the elements, two separate searches for him are conducted--one by an increasingly suspicious sheriff and the other by the treacherous Margo and Jack.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Mal Walker This movie is great entertainment, unlike some of the other reviewers we did not find it a comedy, but a well paced thriller. The actors although not well known did a very good job and the location was terrific. The story plot of course is as old as Shakespeare, but like Shakespeare it is the love triangle that surmounts the nature of man and in this case woman. It is not the first time that a woman has used a man to help kill a husband, but what makes this film unique is the slow break-up of the plan as things go wrong. Reviewers call the husband a 'nerd', well believe me there are plenty of so called 'nerds' running countries and industries and being involved in most of the major dealings of man. Some people think that they would be really terrific if put in the same circumstances as the husband, injured, alone, hunted in a cruel environment such as this roasting/freezing desert. do not be too cocky people because if you were hunted in the desert just what would you do?
willie-1 When I saw this movie on the cable (I don't believe that it ever made to the cinema), I wasn't expecting much, but to my surprise, with these hardly famed cast, the whole presentation stood out. Not only the acting and the story line were good, but also the photography and editing. Although it's obviously a low-budget film, something about it made it feel genuine (if not ingenious). Perhaps it's the new faces of the actors, or the comic feel over the resemblance of the sadder City Slickers. Overall, it's a very entertaining, simple-and-easy, and refreshing movie that gives you great taste while watching it, and also great after taste! The general plot is simple: Your wife and a good friend conspire to kill you for your fortune. He lures a city slicker like you to the desert to see a prime piece of property. He pushes you off the cliff and disguises the fall as a fatal accident. But you somehow survive the fall and later on the harsh desert. Overcoming the survival challenges you gradually transform yourself into an indigenous warrior for the ultimate revenge.. Well, you can guess the rest. However, you won't know the comic subtlety that it brings unless you're fortunate to find a copy to watch!
Wizard-8 The story of "Sandtrap" won't be very original to most viewers - it's kind of a cross between "Body Heat" and "The Most Dangerous Game". As well, each of the three characters has been written to come across in an embarrassing way a few times (especially David John James' character when he starts getting delirious), and the characters make some silly actions at times. Still, it looks slick and well-shot, it's never boring, and there are some really good moments - especially the ending, which is very satisfying.
nilis-3 I was very disappointed when I saw this film. It was a big achievement of me to sit through this film and it shows that I have got a lot of perseverance.The film was very predictable and not original at all. You know what is going to happen from the beginning till the end. The acting is terrible. The transfomation of Nelson (David John James) from a city man into a wild man in the desert is the laugh of the film. If this was a comedy it is OK, but it isn't. It is a serious film about a man that is betrayed by his wife and his best friend and who's trying to survive in the desert.I would like to warn everyone to stay away from this film. It can ruin your evening!