While She Was Out
While She Was Out
R | 12 December 2008 (USA)
While She Was Out Trailers

A suburban housewife is forced to fend for herself when she becomes stranded in a desolate forest with four murderous thugs.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Micransix Crappy film
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Nadine Salakov The performances are great, the story is what is the problem. While She Was Out is unwatchable from the moment of the first kill of one of the thugs. There isn't much to this Flick except people being killed one after the other and that's pretty much it.Viewing this film the first time will have you scared for "Della" played by Kim Basinger, but as the movie goes on - you realise that they messed with the wrong b*tch.It is good to finally see that "Della" is no longer scared of her abusive husband by the end of the movie, and we see that her kids are what keeps her literally fighting for her life, that picture that one of the kids drew early on in the movie is very important to the story, we see that she looks at it at some point while trying to hide from the punks and that picture enforces her to stay alive by any means.I read some of the reviews and some people just don't get it, the scene where she tries to seduce the punk "Chucky" was clearly a ruse as she has a plan for his death, we see that when she is literally on top of him - she tries, nearly fails, but successfully kills him, there is no way she would be able to do that had she not pretended to let her guard down, "Della" was not a stupid woman, she knew that "Chucky" was talking crap about running away together, his plan was to kill her in revenge for his little buddies, and he was going to kill her anyway due to what he did to the security guard pre-car chase.The Film Score composed by Paul Haslinger is fantastic, it has that thriller/creepy vibe and i never get tired of listening to it on my Spotify playlist. Skip the movie and check out the film score instead.
tunedreamer3 The title of the movie really makes you expect something interesting and mysterious, but what you get is just incredibly hilarious. Everything is so exaggerated and taken to ridiculous unreal measures. Della seams to be really thick in the safety department. Because we all go to an abandon place where no one can see us or call for help when 4 people are chasing us. right? The plot is just ridiculous. Running around with the red tool box through the woods while they try to find her and slipping on rocks and banging the damn tool box, making noise, and the thugs going "there she is!". So funny. Then what comes next is just plain ridiculous. If you want to laugh at failure watch this movie. It's been years since I saw this movie and I still remember it. I was laughing about it for a month since I saw it with my friends. I would definitely watch it again.
bob_meg The premise of this "thriller" (ha ha) sounds kind of cool at first: suburban mom trips to the local mall on Christmas Eve, gets pi**ed at a group of punks who park illegally, and leaves them a (very benign) "nastygram" on their windshield.The punks show up (led by LUKAS HAAS of all people) and proceed to make her life a living hell after shooting a mall cop in the head. They then chase Basinger out into an underdeveloped tract of real estate land where the rest of the movie has her carting around her little red toolbox (get it? she's like little red toolbox riding hood running from the big bad wolves) ready to use all its lethal contents in a preternaturally expeditious manner.The problem is, it's more like Kim versus the four (or were there five) stooges, doing a takeoff on the Toolbox Murders. The goons aren't scary or threatening (did the Lukas Haas ref ruin that for you?) and it quickly becomes one of those "ordinary joe bests the baddies with her common chutzpah and spunk" stories. These occasionally work, but only when there's a real threat...as I said, these douche-bags are complete morons...they practically impale themselves on any blunt instrument Basinger can brandish.And 6 mil for this movie....most of which it looks like was filmed in a vacant lot and bit of scrub creek across from your neighbor's drainage ditch? Obviously a no holds barred attempt to get Susan Montford's name in lights as director and writer...well, sorry --- you can't buy film cred that easily.Even Michael Bay had to roll up his sleeves for a few seconds.
alsation72 Della (a still youthful Kim Basinger) is a downtrodden home-maker with young children and a domineering husband. She ducks out to the mall on Christmas Eve to buy some wrapping paper. Unable to find a parking space she leaves a stern note on the windscreen of an inconsiderate driver who has occupied two spaces.When she leaves the mall the parking lot is empty except for the car she had left the note on. It turns out to be a group of thugs looking for trouble. They shoot a security guard who intervenes and Della speeds off; pursued by the gang of thugs who want to get rid of the witness.She crashes her car and hides, grabbing a red toolbox. As the gang chase her through building sites and forest she knocks them off one-by-one with different tools from the red toolbox.The surviving gang members get spooked, deciding that she had a taste for blood.This was a strange movie but in a wonderful way; Kim Basinger is like a deer caught in the headlights but wants to survive for her children, and she gets better and better at dispatching the gang members.When she gets home she is no longer scared of her nasty husband and the ending leaves it pretty clear that he is dead meat.This movie is very entertaining, and Kim Basinger is wonderful as the meek and mild housewife who becomes a ruthless killer.If you get the chance to, see it!