The Man with the Iron Fists 2
The Man with the Iron Fists 2
R | 14 April 2015 (USA)
The Man with the Iron Fists 2 Trailers

When a stranger, Thaddeus, is found badly wounded near the village, miner Li Kung and his wife Ah Ni offer him refuge. As he heals, he becomes entrenched in a conflict that pits the townsfolk against the evil Master Ho, his nefarious Beetle Clan and the terrifying Lord Pi.

TinsHeadline Touches You
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Eaftaker Uddin Mahmud What an epic waste of time and money. Far more worse than the previous one. Poor story line, screenplay, casting. The title is inappropriate also as RZA is playing a side role. Action scenes are not up to par.A complete rubbish. Only good thing is the story. It has some twist . But one can predict that easily. The castings are not good as the previous one. Without Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu and Batista this sequel don't stand a chance . The music is not appropriate with the scenes. And too much unnecessary violence. Personally, i watched it because i kind of like the first one. But the story lack continuity. It will go down as one of the worst movie in recent years.
LeonLouisRicci The Best Thing about this Thing is that the Diction Challenged Rapper Turned Director/Screen-Writer/Actor RZA, does Less Acting and Speaking in the Sequel and gave the Directing Duties to Someone Else.Therefor the Ears Bleed Less as the Mushed Mouth Mumbles and Horrible Pronunciation of the English Languish are Not as Frequent. RZA's Non Acting is also Not as Hard to Endure because He is On Screen Less in this His second Vanity Project with the Same Name.The Film Tries hard to be Blood Spurting Stylish and Copies many of the Action Flourishes from the Movies of its Influence. Namely Shaw Brothers Kung-Fu Films and Their Ilk. The Mythological Mixed with Hip-Hop is what is Attempted here along with Dialog Using 20-21st Century Street Slang and Idioms.Not Much of it Works and is Embarrassing Most of the Time and is at its Most Cringe-Inducing whenever RZA Narrates or is "In Character". Worth a Watch Only for those that for some Reason Like this Guy, but even RZA Fans will Require a Thick Skin and Blind Devotion and Ears Made of Iron to Put Up with this Ego Trip.
nicholls_les Just watched this film based on the fact that I saw and liked the first one. However almost from the start I knew i was going to hate this so called martial arts film, more in the kill bill style. What was all that stupid rap music about? It didn't fit in with the film at all and added to what seemed to be the film makers only criteria of this film which was to shock. The violence is unnecessarily gruesome and graphic with arms and heads lopped off for no particular reason. It is a shame because the storyline was a good one, the cast were good with a few exceptions and it could have been so much better. So unless you like Quentin Tarantino films with his excessive type of violence give this a miss.
g-w-l Here you can learn, how a movie can start and actually also end as an real epic movie - with elements from one of the oldest and proudest cultures on earth and perhaps the greatest and oldest philosophy our human civilization has developed on earth, and get transformed to an B-grade movie, in no time. Lot of crap effects with red fluid in slow motion and meaningless violence. Nothing really fits in this movie - from HipHop to music from a old Western: 'the good the bad and the ugly'... A black American actor as black American blacksmith...? If the story were great, we will probably not care about the detail so much. But a weak story, the viewer begins to wonder about all the mixed up elements from different genres.Landscape from Thailand (with even elephants...?) - no Chinese language language at all and the play and fighting scenes are performed poorly, more like in a school theater - all of this is staffed inside a Chinese Martial-Art movie. With all this elements, incongruent set together, it seems like a awful wast of money - producing and to buying the movie. There are beautiful scenes of Thailand... There are very deep spiritual thoughts in very small glimpses, but used like parsley on a inedible mush. Then back to the rather mechanical fight scenes. I could nearly hear the director on set: "People will see action, people will have distraction from their own miserable life, so don't bother with the story or anything else, just show some action". Underestimating the viewer and at the same time a perfect recipe to produce a B-grate Movie!Shooting a typical french movie in the Netherlands, with all the tulips and Windmills i the background, will probably be for some people in US not disturbing - it's all together in Europe anyway and doesn't matter for them. Or... Asia is Asia... Thailand, China... whatever... For us who are, or have been in China and Thailand many times - there are enormous difference in nature and building-styles and a totally different experience to be in this two different countries. I have never been a fan of Western movies - made in Italy in the 1970s - either. I had also he kind of experience like "something is not right and steals the focus"e already 40 years ago. Perhaps you will not buy this movie and see it instead on one of the millions of super commercial TV stations - with 5 minutes movie and 15 minutes commercials. With a good mix of toothpaste, call your plumbing specialist, hairstyling, Real Estate and Carwash - you will enjoy the 5 minutes movie, in between the commercials and don't realize any in-congruency anyway. It is still to us humans one of the finest Art to make a great movie, where there are being taking care of all the details and everything fits together. Then the whole world will stand up and applaud excited.
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