Muppets Most Wanted
Muppets Most Wanted
PG | 21 March 2014 (USA)
Muppets Most Wanted Trailers

While on a grand world tour, The Muppets find themselves wrapped into an European jewel-heist caper headed by a Kermit the Frog look-alike and his dastardly sidekick.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
clock_me This new Muppet's movie started out pretty good the whole ides of having a evil frog switch with a Kermit made me continue watching it, but it all fell apart when they started the singing I mean why have a story like this and then add some really crappy music with it I have to say this would have been one of the best kid flicks I would have surly bought if it weren't for the long crappy not needed music even the cameos were kinda crappy and didn't add very much to the movie at all I prefer the first Muppet's movie from 2011 because I expected ever thing from music and comdie and I really enjoyed it not so much this one thou this is what i get for not watching the trailer first
TheLittleSongbird While this viewer wasn't a huge fan of The Muppets (2011), it did have some very good moments. Sequels rarely are as good as their originals, with some notable exceptions, and that is the case with Muppets Most Wanted. Muppets Most Wanted is a long way from awful, but it's nowhere near my favourite Muppet films like the Muppet Movie, The Great Muppet Caper, Muppet Christmas Carol, Muppet Treasure Island and Muppets Take Manhattan. In fact of all the Muppet outings, Muppet Wizard of Oz is the only one I'd rank worse.Muppets Most Wanted has good qualities certainly. It looks very colourful and is beautifully filmed, the puppetry as always is amazing. The sequel song was also very clever and catchy, if no The Rainbow Connection, The First Time It Happens, Professional Pirate and Man or Muppet, while the main villain Constantine does have some entertaining moments if rather overused, as do Ty Burell and Jermaine Clement.However, one of the main problems with Muppets Most Wanted is the same problem with The Muppets (2011); too many human characters, not enough of the Muppets. Most of the human characters are reduced to cameos, and there are too many, and very few of them are funny or memorable, often feeling too short and awkward, with the film making a big waste of Salma Hayak and Christoph Waltz and Ray Liotta and Danny Trejo's cameos are pointless. Of the main human characters, Ricky Gervais is very irritating and feels out of place. Tina Fey is very hammy and at other times too wooden, her crush on Kermit being nowhere near as funny or charming as his chemistry with Miss Piggy. The Muppets have been much funnier before, here their humour is rather childish and they are very underused and some oddly voiced, especially Fozzie. Also found them thinking Constantine was Kermit on the stupid and unbelievable side, because it is so obvious to the audience it isn't.Aside from the sequel song, the other songs are forgettable and nowhere near as witty or as emotion-filled as other Muppet songs. A lot of the jokes are weak, feeling rather tired, clichéd and not sharp enough. There are a few amusing moments, all of them in the one-liners, but they're too far (few too) and between. The story is a bit thin and hackneyed with a heist that lacks suspense and is high in predictability and is not as clever or exciting as the heists in Great Muppet Caper and Manhattan and it does lack the fun, emotion and charm of the best Muppet outings.In conclusion, disappointing and one of the weaker Muppet outings but not without its moments and good moments. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Bryan Kluger It's very difficult to find a sequel that's as good as the original. There aren't a lot out there that are great sequels, but when they do come along, they are remembered forever. And maybe what worked so well for the first Muppet film that starred Jason Segel and Amy Adams is that it had a human element to it, and didn't just follow the Muppets around. That's not to say that this sequel 'Muppets: Most Wanted' isn't a lot of fun and very entertaining. It is, but it doesn't have that magic that the last one had.Instead, we get a true to Muppet form movie as our favorite creatures set out on a multi continent tour full of shows, burglaries, and jewel heists. A theme that has been done before with the Muppets. But at least the Muppets are self aware that sequels are never quite as good as the original as they sing in their opening song called 'We're Doing A Sequel'. But this sequel is not all fun and games at all, as we start out exactly where we left off on the first film right outside the theater in Los Angeles, where the Muppets have dinner with a high-powered manager named Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais), who encourages them to go on a world tour with their show.Little do the Muppets know that Dominic is an actual bad guy who is planning on robbing priceless works of art and jewels from each place the Muppets play at in hopes of taking over the world as the planet's number one criminal. But he can't do it alone. He needs the help of Constantine, the world's most dangerous frog, who is a Russian ninja complete with an accent and mole and looks exactly like Kermit. It's funny, because in light of recent events in the actual news, this Russian bad frog is quite a coincidence. Once Constantine breaks out of a Siberian prison run by Nadya (Tina Fey), he switches places with Kermit, as Kermit is transferred back to the Siberian prison full of bad guys.While Constantine and Badguy are robbing art galleries and banks, Kermit is trying to survive prison life, but luckily for him, Nadya loves musical theatre and wants to put on a great performance for the annual prison talent show. And Kermit is just the frog to make it happen. Meanwhile, it seems nobody realizes that Constantine is actually Constantine, but rather Kermit with a col, due to his thick Russian accent. He even woos Miss Piggy into marriage within 48 hours which is to take place in London, the same place he plans to rob a precious piece of history and blow everyone up after the job is done. Even new guy Walter doesn't see through Constantine at first.Instead Animal is the only one who knows the real Kermit. Ty Burrell plays a version of Inspector Clouseau, searching for clues to the serial robberies, which gets several laughs. There are several references to other films such as 'The Sound of Music', a full number from the play 'A Chorus Line', and even 'The Seventh Seal'. And the music by 'The Flight of the Conchords' this time around isn't as great as the first one, but it does have some good moments with some catchy tunes. In fact, there is one number that is sure to get big applause from older fans. And returning director James Bobin along with his co-writer Nicholas Stoller must be big fans of Mel Brooks, because there are some silly scenes that play during the film similar to something Mel Brooks would have done including a bunch of rough and tough prison inmates who break out into song and dance Broadway style.The lights are not out on the Muppets by any means. There are plenty of laughs for all ages and some fun over-the-top performances. And the cameos keep coming including Celine Dion, Christoph Waltz, Ray Liotta, Danny Trejo, Frank Langella, Salma Hayak, Tom Hiddleston, Puff Daddy, Chloe Grace Moretz, and Zach Galifianakis to name a few. 'Muppets: Most Wanted' is quite fun, but I don't think it has a replay factor like the last one did.
SnoopyStyle Kermit and friends are given a sequel right after finishing the last movie. Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais) convinces the Muppets to go on a world tour. Meanwhile evil frog Constantine escapes from a Russian gulag run by Nadya (Tina Fey). Badguy is actually Constantine's second and he sets Kermit up to get arrested while Constantine takes over Kermit's place. Badguy and Constantine break into a museum during a show to steal paintings. Sam the Eagle and Inspector Jean Pierre Napoleon (Ty Burrell) investigate. Napoleon suspects the second most dangerous criminal The Lemur. However, the painting is only a map for Constantine to do an even bigger heist down the road.This starts well with the movie breaking down the 4th wall and singing about the sequel. It's fun and then Kermit is separated from the other Muppets. It's still fun but it loses the chemistry of Kemit leading the group. It doesn't happen all at once but eventually the separation takes a toll on the film. The group needs a leader and Walter can't be it. Kemit needs to escape much earlier. He spends too much time in the gulag which is not the funniest place. Also the gulag doesn't introduce any new friends for Kemit.