R | 15 September 2000 (USA)
Duets Trailers

Duets is a road-trip comedy which revolves around the little known world of karaoke and the whimsical characters who inhabit it. All roads lead to Omaha, site of a national karaoke competition where this motley group of singers and stars come together for a blow-out sing-off.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Twins65 Well, I finally watched "Duets", almost FIFTEEN YEARS after it came out. I do have an excuse, as it was on STARZ recently, and I was laid up sick. I probably could have been OK by waiting another fifteen years until 2030 to see it, but it was accomplished. And I don't really have too much good to say about it, other than it looked like Paul Giamatti was starting to get into A-One form for his manic upcoming lead role in "Sideways" a couple years later, and if that was the case, it was worth it (for him, anyway).The whole "Competitive Karaoke Circuit" plot line was too far-fetched to believe, even if does (or did) exist in the late 90's. People travelling around for winner's prize money that wouldn't even come close to covering expenses…NO WAY! And don't even get me started on the big finale, where Andre Braugher's character gets blown away in front of an audience. Had it been a real event, it would have been a downright horrific event for someone to witness in a packed bar, yet nobody seems to be even slightly affected by it the next day as they all leave the hotel…WTF?? Stay away from this, unless you're a fan of Giamatti.
Paul Celano (chelano) The movie was pretty decent. You really have to like singing to enjoy the film more though. The film has nice colorful characters that keep you interested throughout, but that is to make up for the weak story. Basically the film is about people trying to win a karaoke contest. It does touch base on some of the side stories, but not that strong. The main part of the cast all had their own singing styles. Maria Bello was more female alternative. Andre Braugher with Paul Giamatti were a soul/jazz type. Then you got Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow as an upset fun type. It was nice to see Huey Lewis sing and I was really surprised by Paul Giamatti's voice. But who stole the show was Andre Braugher. He has the most emotional part of the film and it contains a shivering a cappella version of Free Bird. So a decent little film with some fun singing basically sums up this movie.
Jeffrey Welch Yes I know, its a movie about the world of amateur singers and the disparate personalities that flock from around the country to win the big jackpot. If you are reading this then chances are that you have already seen the movie so there is no need to rehash it now. The one thing that I truly enjoyed, however, was the absolutely believable friendship that develops between the characters of Todd Woods and Reggie Kane. Sure, there are other good aspects of this movie, such as surprisingly good acting from Huey Lewis and a very low key, quirky representation of his daughter, played by Gwenneth Paltrow. This movie didn't enchant the critics upon its release...and judging by its box office performance, not much of the country either...but there is something very sublime about, not only the subject matter, but also the method in which this movies elements were pieced together...much like a dramatic jigsaw puzzle. What really made this movie special for me though was the ending. Reggie Kane's final performance and the aftermath...especially with regards to Todd's wife, almost made me weep. I found it very moving and genuine in its execution, and the low-key nature if the acting simply enhanced those qualities. So, to sum up: mediocre movie that has some really great nuances that combine to make a movie that, though slow and draggy at times, makes up for those lapses with the end results. P.S. as usual, Paul Giamatti is perfect! Everything that he gets involved with...with the possible exception of that "re-envisioned" Planet of the Apes...ALWAYS is made better by his presence!
moonspinner55 Writer John Byrum and director Bruce Paltrow ostensibly had a good idea--to catch the fever of semi-professional karaoke singers in action--but maybe this subject might have been better served by a documentary. Byrum's hackneyed plots involving the troubled performers never take off, and Paltrow's staging of the musical numbers is far too slick. How much excitement can you work up when your karaoke singers are lip-synching? Gwyneth Paltrow, playing a child-like woman who is reunited with her estranged father, is a lovely presence, yet hiding her intrinsically smart and savvy personality here does her no favors. The most surprising thing about the picture is that Paul Giamatti can carry a tune, although he's distinctly studio-enhanced, as if the producers were hoping to get a hit soundtrack out of this thing. Small wonder the movie flounders; it's calculated and colorless. *1/2 from ****