R | 06 March 2009 (USA)
Watchmen Trailers

In a gritty and alternate 1985, the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown. But after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered, an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so they uncover a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in grave danger.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
bgar-80932 I saw this movie when it came out so 9 years ago now and was sorta meh on it. I think I was hoping it was going to be like Sin City after seeing how stylized it was and it's not that movie not at all. That doesn't mean it was bad and I actually liked it a lot more this viewing. Most everything was good. The story was really cool and much better than all the marvel nonsense out these days. The action was fine but didn't stand out. The characters were deep. There's more thinking going on here than the typical super hero movie and that's a good thing. It's a world where caped heroes had retired basically but came out of hiding after one of their own got killed. A plot that affects the whole world though is revealed when investigating his death and it goes from there. Basically the pacing of the moving is the only thing I thought was a bit off but still MUCH MUCH better than I remembered. And no it's not as good as Sin City, Sin City is a masterpiece.
bobbbyjoe The movie is almost a word for word translation from the comic, but through a clear misunderstanding of the source material and directorial incompetancies it somehow manages to be unfaithful. Both Silk Specters are are not at all like they are in the comics, again this is without changing a word. Absolutely impressive actually. Dr Manhattan, Nite Owl, and Rorschach are done well though. Zack Snyder is a 50 year old 12 year old and any good performance given by the actors is more than likely in spite of his direction.
AnusPresley Always problems filming a cult classic. Always. Purists will pop blood vessels. The ignorant will scratch their heads. I am a purist, the graphic novel blew me away. I also love this. Close to perfect.It captures the slime of the world in the comic. The depression, the sadness, the grim realism. As an adaptation, it is close to the oh so perfect Dredd. This is a work of beauty that the graphic novel lovers should not dismiss. Very, very, very good.
torstensonjohn Take everything we know about superheroes and set it aside. This is NO Batman or Superman, yet an all together different albeit distinct superhero film based off comic strip from 86-87 by Alan Moore. Utilizing an alternative timeline and applying multiverse theory, the story exists in a nearly identical, but separate America, whilst slightly mimicking both historically significant time periods.The film has an absolute fitting cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Carla Gugino, Jackie Earle Haley, and Patrick Wilson. Carla Gugino makes an absolute dynamic impact with her beauty and skills in martial arts in the fight scenes. The film comes across with a unique, yet dark look and take into the superhero universe.There are several sub-plots involved in this film, many which get passed by, but the strength of the Cold War, nuclear destruction and what humanity must do to prevent it comes across very strong and very relevant. The characters are strong and the audience will get invested in them, the SPX are decent, not to over the top. I thought the music score sat perfectly with the development of the story. I give this film a solid 8 as it is entertaining, action filled and has drive of character development. Good film, a must see.