National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze
National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze
R | 26 September 2003 (USA)
National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze Trailers

When a foreign-exchange student and a hooker - both named Dominique - show up on a college campus, the unsuspecting student body is in for the education of a lifetime!

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
proffate I watched this on Netflix's online service, initially as a time-killer. I had expected to turn it off after 10 minutes. Thankfully, I didn't.It turned out to be a fast-paced comedy of errors even more complex than What's Up Doc?. Let's see... There's two gossipy girls who keep getting everything wrong, mis-delivered love letters, a hooker mistaken for an exchange student (and vice-versa), two identical handbags, one of which contains a big wad of cash and a planned armored car robbery.With all that happening, yeah, it's hard to follow all the plot convolutions, but that's what makes it funny initially and eventually hilarious.The young cast performs energetically, which is all this kind of movie really requires.Not highly recommended, but a pleasant way to kill an hour and a half.
wgeddings With a title like Dorm Daze and it being from National Lampoon, I was expecting an updated yet cornier Animal House. That is the furthest thing from the truth about this movie. I do not even remember if this movie came to theaters and I had no desire to see it but the local clerk at the movie rental store said it was really good. I was embarrassed not to at least try it since I could not find anything else and it was a rainy weekend. I am awfully glad I doubted my preconceptions long enough to try it.Rather than Animal House, think Frazier. Some of my favorite Frazier episodes are the ones where everyone is involved in something but thinks of the situation as totally different. Person A thinks person B has a crush on them but person B is really trying to find a way tell person C that they love them but person C is trying to steal something from person A, etc. The mistaken comments and the way people misinterpret things can either be confusing and boring or it can lead to very funny comedy. Frazier almost always pulled it off as very funny. This movie does the same thing.This is a co-ed dorm and one afternoon at the dorm. The characters have different ideas about what is going on and each is usually doing things they believe are one way but others see as another way. It is hard to explain, especially without spoilers, but it is easy to follow when you watch it and I found it very funny. There is one character (or group) that were a little too vulgar for me to let my teens watch it right now, but for adults, it is overall very funny. Even the vulgar parts (involving a brother trying to hire a prostitute for his brother) are funny for the most part and play okay.I highly recommend this movie but it is important not to be expecting Animal House or other things and just plan on a relaxing funny movie.
Slackerblues This movie was hilarious. I had no expectations on it, I only watched it because I wanted to see Tatyanna Ali, I just wish she had a bigger part. But this movie kept me laughing the whole time it was pure greatness! Every time I figured it was over and they would finally fix things, you'd get another curveball thrown at ya. Although Tatyanna Ali's character is a main part of the movie but she doesn't have a big part, the parts she is in are great, especially when she's doin her little martial arts things, can't handle it! I don't think some of the nude scenes were really necessary, but considering it's a college sex movie I guess that's to be expected. Thumbs up to this movie!
smatysia I can't give this one much of a recommendation. It was pretty much like a 95 minute sitcom. There were at least a lot of pretty girls to look at, including, but not limited to, Marie Noelle Marquis, Marieh Delfino, Katie Lohmann, Gable Carr, Boti Bliss, and Tatyana Ali. However the prettiest one of them all was Cameron Richardson. Unfortunately, the only one to show her boobs was the one with the fake-st-looking, most-unattractive mounds of silicone. Most of the acting was TV level, but then so was the material, so I suspect that many of the performers could do better, with better stuff. I have to admit that I did laugh out loud once. That's about it. Give this one a pass.