Dorm Daze 2
Dorm Daze 2
R | 05 September 2006 (USA)
Dorm Daze 2 Trailers

The gang from Dorm Daze is back, but this time they're on a cruise ship on a tropical voyage through the high seas. The cruise makes an educational stop at the island of San Paradiso, where the students are supposed to explore an important archaeological site. Things go from normal to crazy as their visit coincides with every other college's spring break. The moment the boat docks, classes are over! For these Billingsley students, their Semester at Sea will be an adventure no one will ever forget.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
delongebs182 FUNNY! If you want a smart comedy, this isn't for you. This is a movie that is absolutely hilarious to watch at 1 am with a bunch of friends. It is the ultimate "guy" movie- it is funny, actually has some plot, and a fair amount of nudity. There are so many situations that are bound to make you crack up, we were laughing non-stop the entire time and reference the movie in our conversations on a frequent basis. The movie is a actually pretty well written and not nearly as predictable as expected. The only negative is the frequent showing of the male rear end, although the 2 scenes with it are absolutely hilarious. Also, i wouldn't suggest watching it with girls/ your girlfriend if you haven't noticed.
Mike Jones I just rented Dorm Daze without knowing what to expect and it's the best thing I've rented this summer. Laughs every thirty seconds, and one scene is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Don't expect to be able to take a leak in the middle and then just keep watching cause there's so much going on you will lose track of everything and probably miss five nude chicks. Oren Scoog is an actor you've never seen before but I'm betting he'll be the next Ben Stiller. He's perfect as the lead virgin. There's a chick named Gable something who plays CHris Owen's girlfriend who is also really hot that you've never heard of. The other chicks are well known and hot so I wasn't surprised by them. See it is you can.
xecutionkrk After the disappointments of Scary Movie trilogy, this has to be the one of the best I've seen this year. Movies like these where producers tries to make the actor/actress so stupid, so that they can carry of the plot threw out the film. But this one is totally not focused into it. Every one seems to act out naturally and most of it seems reality. Well, anyone can argue, but after all we are only debating here so we can recommend if other should watch this movie or not. If you read my review I think you should get a clear view that this is a must watch if your are a teenager who just like to get a good laughter.I watched the Barely Legal of NLp's which was OK, but this got to be one of the top after American Pie.
movcd I went to a screening of Dorm Daze 2 last night. My cousin worked on it so that might make me a little biased, but anyway, I laughed my ass off. The crowd was mostly people from the film who automatically are going to like it, but it was still one of the funniest movies I've seen this year. The plot doesn't die halfway through and then you get stuck with the same lame joke over and over like it does in half the movies around. There's a lot of female nudity which I think offended the old lady behind me and unfortunately there's also a lot of naked man ass which made me want to gouge my eyes out. Note to all producers. No man should ever be naked on film. The male body is meant to be covered in a burka at all times. However, thank you for all the naked females. There can never be too much naked female. Yours truly. Gandhi.