The Man with the Iron Fists
The Man with the Iron Fists
R | 02 November 2012 (USA)
The Man with the Iron Fists Trailers

In feudal China, a blacksmith who makes weapons for a small village is put in the position where he must defend himself and his fellow villagers.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Dr_Deadbeat I enjoyed this film and recommend to those of you that watch anime as it has that feel about it. There are some great chatacters and fight sequences that are fun to watch. The script is not the best and the plot is not exactly deep or complex but it's not what this film about. Appreciate the film for what it is and just enjoy it.
adonis98-743-186503 The Man with the Iron Fists is a movie starring Russell Crowe, Cung Le, and Lucy Liu. On the hunt for a fabled treasure of gold, a band of warriors, assassins, and a rogue British soldier descend upon a village in feudal China, where a humble blacksmith looks to defend himself and his fellow villagers. The most suprising thing of all from this film must have been seeing Dave Bautista turning into a golden "cousin of Colossus" plus Russell Crowe was pretty good and RZA as well and it's to bad that the sequel that they made a few years later called The Man with the Iron Fists 2 was so laughably bad and over the top because even tho this one is kind of silly it's actually alot of fun.
BA_Harrison Rapper RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan writes, stars in and directs this OTT homage to old-school kung fu flicks, clearly intending to emulate the success of Quentin Tarantino, who lends his name to the film to try and help increase viewer-ship. Unfortunately, RZA is no match for QT, not even in the acting department, and the result is an utterly atrocious, poorly written (horror hack Eli Roth co-wrote the script, so no surprises there), shoddily directed mess, with horrible performances from a surprisingly impressive supporting cast: blaxploitation star Pam Grier looks embarrassed, Lucy Liu is as bad as she was in Charlie's Angels 2, a whole slew of Asian performers seize the opportunity to be in a mainstream Hollywood production but no doubt regret their decision, while Oscar winner Russell Crowe puts in quite possibly the worst performance of his entire career.Even plenty of outrageously bloody violence, courtesy of make-up maestros Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger, and a bevy of hot Asian chicks cannot save this film from being a virtually unwatchable disaster. The plot is a mess of martial arts clichés clumsily thrown together with little regard for pace or narrative cohesion, and the ridiculous action scenes fail to generate a sense of excitement thanks to RZA's lack of experience (or talent) behind the camera and clumsy editing. As penance for this travesty, I suggest that RZA visit a mountain top monastery where he can dedicate the rest of his life to studying the real classics of the genre; in time, he might learn where he went so horribly wrong. At the very least, we would never have to suffer through another RZA movie.2.5 out of 10, generously rounded up to 3 for the gore effects and for sexy Grace Huang as Gemini Female.
grantss Chaotic mess. Random plot, silly dialogue, wooden performances. Fight scenes are your standard martial arts fare, ie well-choreographed and ridiculous. Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu are only there to give the movie star power. Even they seem to be just going through the motions. Crowe is also let down by having some of the dumbest lines in the movie, and having to put on a really silly accent. Goodness knows why he took the gig - maybe he needs the money. Don't be fooled by the "Quentin Tarantino presents..." in the title. He has nothing to do with this film, and will endorse any movie. (Seriously, I don't think he's ever disliked any movie). Give it a miss.