Rise of the Zombies
Rise of the Zombies
| 27 October 2012 (USA)
Rise of the Zombies Trailers

When zombies overrun San Francisco, a desperate group survives by locking themselves inside Alcatraz Prison. When the undead breach the island, our heroes are forced to return to the mainland overrun with the undead.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jlthornb51 Unusually powerful horror film from director Nick Lyon and a fresh contribution to the Zombie genre. With incredible imagination and originality, Lyon and his screen writers have envisioned a sort of zombie apocalypse where the dead are threatening the living with a fate too terrible to contemplate. A group of survivors take shelter from the chaos in San Francisco by going to Alcatraz. When it's learned a scientist may have an answer to this rampaging plague, survivors leave the island to search for the laboratory. Lavar Burton gives his best performance in years and Mariel Hemingway is outstanding as the anchor of the group. French Stewart is superb in a role that allows him to stretch as an actor with wonderful results. The scenes on the Golden Gate bridge are especially haunting and the imagery of zombies climbing up the bridge to reach survivors will stay with you for months. The vast vistas of carnage and the devastated bridge roadway are incredibly realistic and breathtaking to see. The idea of a Zombie Apocalypse is an alien concept to most of us and something seldom attempted in other genre films. Director Lyon tackles the enormity of this vision with gusto and his film becomes on of the truly horrifying zombie films in decades.
bdhancock8 There have been bad zombie movies and terrible zombie movies. And there have been bad zombie movies that know they're bad but they have a lot of tongue-in-cheek type jokes that brings them some level of redemption.This movie is worse than bad and has no redeeming qualities. The acting is terrible and surprisingly, the makeup is much worse. It's as if they made this movie with no makeup or FX budget to speak of. Many time they sacrifice the acting budget for the makeup/FX budget but this one sacrificed everything for nothing worth while. A 1970's zombie movie made in someones pot smoke filled basement with an ancient 8mm movie camera is better than this drivel.LeVar Burton's performance is a let down and Danny Trejo's is even worse. Mariel Hemingway decided to leave her acting chops at home as well. There is nothing convincing or that takes your mind off of how bad this movie really is. Some zombie movies give you a chuckle and some just leave you flat but this on leaves you in a trench and then covers you with dirt.
sysgoddess We finally watched this on the SciFi channel over the weekend and I still am not sure whether to call it a Horror movie or a Comedy Horror.It was actually so terrible that I laughed at the cheesy plot and 'effects' throughout the entire movie while wondering what happened to Levar Burton's career that drove him to appear in this.And French Stewart and Mariel Hemingway playing scientists was so completely unbelievable that it still gives me giggles thinking about it.The zombie baby looks just like the one from the most recent retake of Dawn of the Dead and was probably created by the same effects company. Both the birth scene and the doll/zombie baby was laughably bad.
FishersRJF This was the lamest movie ever!! First off Zombies can not climb up a bridge like they did and when they were getting into the helicopter, some waited for the door to close. When that many zombies get close to you, you never survive. They had zombies all around them and they survived!! Also Zombies do not swim like they did!! Plus when a zombie is eating you, you do not stand up with only a bite on your neck, especially when the zombie has been "eating" you for that long!!! The baby turning into a zombie was pretty sick and never should have been included in the movie. Also the main character used a shotgun to shoot a zombie biting someone's leg and only hit the zombie! Bull! Plus they were always aiming down and at the chest, but managed to hit them right between the eyes every time! This movie is only worth watching for a good laugh and to point out all the horrible mistakes!!