WWE Vengeance 2002
WWE Vengeance 2002
| 21 July 2002 (USA)
WWE Vengeance 2002 Trailers

Vengeance (2002) was a PPV which took place on July 21, 2002 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. The main event from SmackDown saw the WWE Undisputed Championship in a Triple Threat featuring The Rock, Kurt Angle and the defending champion The Undertaker. The main event from Raw was between the champion Rob Van Dam and challenger Brock Lesnar for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The undercard featured The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) versus Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Edge for the WWE Tag Team Championship and John Cena's first ever WWE Pay-Per-View match against Chris Jericho.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
amanwhorocks 1. Table match - Chris Benoit/Eddie Geurrero Vs. Buh Buh Ray Dudley/Spike Dudley - Match was quite good, but I don't get why somebody booked Baba's victory there. Lame. 7/10 2. WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Champ-Jamie Knoble Vs. Billy Kidman - Another lame booking. Jamie won at PPV secondly in a row. OK, that's what we want to see. 7/10 3. WWE European Title Match: Champ-Jeff Hardy Vs. William Regal - Hardy nicely retained his title. 8/10 4. Y2J Vs. John Cena - This where true personality is. When you got younger-new talent get over you. Thank you Chris Jericho, you was the winner there. 8/10 5. WWE Intercontinental Championship - Champ-RVD Vs. Brock Lesnar - DQ ending, but pretty good match. 8.5/10 6. No DQ Match - Booker T. Vs. Big Show - Big Show laid for Booker T. in a clean way. Hat down guys. 8/10 7. WWE Tag Team Championship: Champs-Edge&Hogan Vs. Christian/Lance Storm - Hogan was taking it to bottom, but rest was good, Y2J saved the team and caused new champions. 7.5/10 8. Triple Threat WWE Undisputed Championship: Champ- The Undertaker Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. The Rock - Hey that was full of action. Inspite of The Rock had won, I was really pleased by this match. 9/10
Big Movie Fan My favourite WWF/WWE card of 2002 was Survivor Series/WrestleMania X8. This would rank as my second favourite and was a big improvement over King of the Ring.Spike and Bubba took on Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit in a tables match. I wasn't sure why the referee was waving his warning finger at times towards the competitors because I thought there were no rules in these matches. It was a strong opening match. Bubba and Spike were the winners.In a Cruiserweight Title match, the talented Jamie Noble beat Billy Kidman.Jeff Hardy beat William Regal in a relatively short match that was very good. It was a European Title match.Rookie John Cena then took on Chris Jericho. I am not sure why the bookers had Cena win because they haven't done much with him since but it was a good contest. There are some great rookies coming into the WWE.Brock Lesnar then battled Rob Van Dam in a match for the now defunct Intercontinental Title. An excellent match which Brock won. Despite what some people say, Brock is very convincing when it comes to selling the opponents moves and telling a story in the ring. Paul Heyman was also at ringside. He reminds me of the managers from years ago such as Jimmy Hart and Slick in that he is always trying to interfere. It was his interference that got Brock the win.Booker T then beat the Big show in a no DQ, no count out match. Quite good.There was then a promo involving Triple H, the lovely Stephanie McMahon, Eric Bischoff and the forever charismatic Shawn Michaels. Stephanie and Bischoff were bidding for Triple H's services (this brand extension thing has been the best thing to happen to WWE in 2002). Triple H eventually signed with Raw.Lance Storm and Christian battled Hulk Hogan and Edge in a very entertaining tag team title match. I still can't get over wrestling's top guy Hogan sharing a title with someone else but it was a good match in which everyone pulled their weight.Then came the main event in which Rock won the Undisputed Championship by beating Kurt Angle and the Undertaker. The holder of the belt, the Undertaker, didn't even get pinned but lost the belt when the Rock beat Kurt.Overall, a fantastic event from start to finish. If you buy the DVD version, you will get a bland music video by Desire, 7 insightful interviews with the stars of WWE and the match in which Hogan and Edge won the tag belts from Billy & Chuck. Well worth anyone's money.
Gary Ballance MATCH 1- Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero vs Bubba & Spike Dudley. First off, my only pet peeve about table matches (which this one was) are those which take place under regular tag format rules. If these matches are non-DQ, why don't all 4 men fight in the ring at the same time? Anyway, this was a reasonably good one, once it got going. The Dudleys won, which surprised me. (I think the Hardyz/Dudleyz table match from Royal Rumble 2000 has set the bar, and hasn't been bettered.)MATCH 2- Jamie Noble vs Billy Kidman. I was pleased w/ the Vengeance card as four of my favourite wrestlers were all on it- (a rare occurence these days)- Jericho, RVD, Kidman and Lance Storm. Good Cruiserweight action as usual. Kidman sells an arm injury well and Noble's victory with a Tigerbomb was out of nowhere. Liked Kidman's second-rope Skyhigh and Shooting Star press.MATCH 3- Jeff Hardy vs William Regal. Not a whole lot to say about this European title match. It's OK, but Regal and Hardy's styles are so different and don't really mesh that well. Rollup victory for Jeff.MATCH 4- Chris Jericho vs John Cena. I was glad to see this match added to the card, but the climax of the match p***ed me off hugely. They should have let Cena take Jericho to the edge, but let the wily Canadian come out with a victory. Cena was winning their feud in the weeks leading up to Vengeance, so this should have been Jericho's chance to save face and win (cleanly, with the Walls.) Instead, Cena wins with a rollup reversal of the Walls. I HATE rollup victories!! The match itself was good, and while the result was disappointing, at least Jericho used the Flashback and BreakDown. (And Lionsault).MATCH 5- Rob Van Dam vs Brock Lesnar. IC title match. Much better than their KoTR encounter, as this match goes longer and with more offence for RVD. Lesnar is DQ'd for interference from Paul Heyman. Van Dam almost gets to use the Van Terminator on Lesnar, but falls victim (after the match) to an F-5 on a chair. Glad RVD didn't have to job 2 PPVs in a row!MATCH 6- Booker T vs Big Show. I was not really looking forward to this match, but Booker saved it with 2 amazing spots: an Axe kick through the Spanish announcers' table and a Rolling/Houston Hangover (which he used to win). Good stuff. [Glad the nWo is gone. It wasn't doing much- not even HBK could save it.] Triple H signs with RAW (because of Shawn Michaels) in a slightly drawn out promo. [I may be in a minority, but I think the brand extension is absolutely terrific. I was getting tired of the same old main events on both shows. Now, other wrestlers are getting a chance to shine- it's good to see]MATCH 7- Edge & Hogan vs Storm & Christian. The highlights reel before this match was really funny- " World War One.. World War TWO!.. Korean War.. Vietnam..AMERICA SUCKS!!" Also, Storm and Christian's promos before the match were really good (especially JR's "how dare you" to Storm's comments). OK match. Thought Edge would turn, but he didn't. A title shot to the head by Jericho ends Hogan & Edge's reign as champions, as the 'Anti-Americans' steal the gold!MATCH 8- The Rock vs Angle vs Undertaker. Despite The Rock's victory, this is the best PPV main event this year. Dozens of near falls, signature move swapping and application of submission holds made this an extremely exciting match to watch. The Rock Rock Bottoms Angle to begin his first Undisputed title reign.OVERALL- Great to see all my favourites on the same card. Some good matches and NO awful ones. A return to winning ways for WWE.
curositykiller Firstly let me say that I didn't like the fact that The Rock won the title that is so gay. Next I feel Regal should have got back his European title, Jeff Hardy is a crappy champ. Rob Van Dam had the Intercontinental title too long already Brock should have won it. I am pleased with Storm and Christian being tag champs, best match was the Booker T and Big Show match in my opinion.