WWE In Your House 3: Triple Header
WWE In Your House 3: Triple Header
NR | 24 September 1995 (USA)
WWE In Your House 3: Triple Header Trailers

All three titles will be on the line when WWE Champion Diesel and Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels team up to take on the Tag Team Champions. Bret Hart goes one on one with Jean Pierre-Lafitte. Razor Ramon faces Dean Douglas and much more!

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Micitype Pretty Good
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Savio Vega vs Waylon Mercy. An alright match, Vega was good at working the crowd and Mercy was an interesting guy who didn't really go anywhere. Some good stuff here. Rating: 3.5/5 2nd Match: Sid Vicious vs Henry Godwinn. Another good match, there's not a lot to it, but it's short and it flows well. That, and DiBiase getting slopped at the end is funny. Rating: 3/5 3rd Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs The British Bulldog. A decent match with both guys doing OK, now that Luger isn't in WWF anymore, it'll be interesting to see what Davey Boy can do on his own. Rating: 3/5 4th Match: Dean Douglas vs Razor Ramon. Even though the match ends as a result of interference, the match is surprisingly good up to that point. I wonder if Douglas regrets jumping ship to WWF yet? Rating: 3.5/5 5th Match: Bret Hart vs Jean-Pierre Lafitte. So Jean has a pirate gimmick, and the whole match is about Bret getting his jacket back. As dumb as that set-up sounds, the match is probably the match of the night. Good back and forth action for both guys, Bret does a good job of selling to a new guy, and Jean puts up a good fight. Possibly a contender for Match of the Year. I was surprised by this match a lot. Rating: 4/5 6th Match: Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs Yokozuna and The British Bulldog, Triple Header match. This is one of those matches where all the titles are on the line. I'm normally not into these types of matches because the victories don't last long. There's great chemistry between Nash and Michaels, and they work the crowd into a frenzy. The endings also funny because Owen Hart runs into a Jackknife and gets pinned even though he's not technically in the match. Some people might find that irritating, but beings I don't really care for Owen Hart, I find it hilarious. The result would be overturned the next night, but it was still fun. Rating: 4/5 Final Rating: 7 out of 10. I'm really glad they started doing these shows. So far they've all been short and sweet, with some good matches to boot.
amanwhorocks 1. Savio Vega Vs. Waylon Mercy - We started with worse than average match 5/10 2. Psycho Sid Vs. Henry O. Godwinn - Totally about nothing. Bad-skill wrestling. 4/10 3. The British Bulldog Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow - Clear victory for Bulldog in ordinary match. 5.5/10 4. Dean Douglas Vs. Razor Ramon - Heh another lost for Razor in boring match. 5/10 5. Jean-Pierre Lafitte Vs. Bret Hart - Clear victory for Hit-man. Lafitte is a suicider :) 6.5/10 6. Triple Titles Match: Tag Title Defenders-Yokozuna/British Bulldog vs. WWF Champ-Diesel/IC Champ-Shawn Michaels - OMG, Diesel pinned Owen, which appeared for las hal minute. This match sucks hard and booking also. 4/10
Spawn Devil 1. Savio Vega defeated Waylon Mercy via pinfall.2. Sid pinned Henry O. Godwinn.3. "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith pinned Bam Bam Bigelow.4. Dean Douglas scored a pinfall over Razor Ramon.5. Bret Hart made Jean-Pierre Lafitte submit to the 'Sharpshooter'.6. In a 'Triple-Header' title match, Diesel & Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Boy Smith & Yokozuna. Diesel and Michaels held the World and Intercontinental Titles, respectively; Owen Hart and Yokozuna were the Tag Champions. The stipulations of this match read that, not only were the Tag Titles on the line, but either singles title; if Diesel or Shawn were to be pinned, their belt would go to the man who scored the fall over them. At any rate, it would be Diesel pinning Owen Hart - who wasn't even in the match, as Davey Boy Smith substituted for him. The Tag Titles were on the waists of Shawn and Diesel for the evening, but were returned the following night on 'Monday Night Raw'.Overall Mark: C+
Big Movie Fan In Your House 3 was a fairly average card and like most In Your House events over the years it was saved by an awesome main event.WWF Champion Diesel and Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels were due to face late stars Owen Hart and Yokosuna who were the tag team champions. For various reasons Owen couldn't make it so he was replaced by the late British Bulldog. The four stars had a truly memorable match.(SPOILERS AHEAD) Whilst the match was great it was also pointless in a way. Diesel and Michaels won the tag team titles when Owen Hart made an unscheduled appearance in the final moments of the match and was pinned. So in a sense, the pin was not legal. The tag team belts were returned to Yokosuna and Owen Hart the next day on Raw so why the WWF featured this match is a mystery?All in all though, the action was great and extremely enjoyable.