The Wrong Guy
The Wrong Guy
PG-13 | 01 August 1997 (USA)
The Wrong Guy Trailers

Nelson Hibbert expects to become the new president of Nagel Industries, but Mr. Nagel gives the promotion to another employee. When Nelson barges into Nagel's office to confront him, he finds Nagel's been murdered. Fearing that he will be implicated, Nelson decides to run from the law...despite the fact that the police already know the killer's identity.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Izzy Adkins The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
kipconlon-1 While my grade of "10" is perhaps written in the heat of a happy moment, given what a comedy is supposed to do (and how utterly most fail), I stand by my 10. Wrong Guy's as silly as it is smart, and Dave Foley gives one of those performances that make me understand how people can get all weak kneed at the idea of Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin, etc. You're just so happy to be watching every little thing he does. At the end of the movie I almost wished I'd been more depressed before it, because I had left over joy from watching. Colm Feore perfect counterpoint as not the wrong guy. I loved it! Oh, I guess I need 10 lines of text. there! Wrong Guy so great!
bspar I happened across this film one late night.I couldn't sleep until I saw the whole movie.I usually can predict what is going to happen next but with this movie I was surprised on each part.I thought he'd never get out of that trash can.Dave Foley kept me in stitches! Dave Foley portrayed a scared person who thought the whole world was after him.Jennifer Tilly was a crazy lady -- she kept Dave Foley going.Not a lot of big names in this movie but they all should be! My sister really enjoyed this movie too! The is a real laugh out loud movie!!!
bob the moo Nelson Hibbert is outraged when he is passed over for promotion to the head of the company. He confronts the CEO but finds he has been murdered. He panics and, assuming that everyone will assume he did it and he flees the scene and tries to head for Mexico. The police find that the CCTV shows that the killer was actually a hit-man and they start trying to trace him and ignore Hibbert altogether. However the killer is also fleeing to Mexico and tries to avoid the police, but they are hard on his heels. The problem is that Hibbert assumes the police are chasing him and continues to run, while the killer assumes that it is Hibbert who is leading the police to him and sets out to kill him.I knew nothing about this film when I sat to watch it and I was immediately intrigued by the enjoyably stylish title sequence. From this clever homage, the film continues with a sense of humour that is slightly silly but it is not 'dumb' or 'gross' silly. Rather, it is quite cleverly written and involves jokes/material that are quite imaginative AND silly at the same time. Things like the unethical cop, the various twists on convention, the silly characters and some nice lines make it consistently enjoyable even if it is only occasionally laugh out loud funny. The twists include a family bank that is under threat from an evil farmer and many references to Hitchcock movies including quite a funny finale that comes out of North By Northwest. It is hard to describe the style of humour but I found it funny and I imagine those who have a slightly warped sense of humour will find much to enjoy here – suffice to say that if you fancy the idea of the end credits featuring a song from 'Moby – The Musical' then this is the film for you!The cast are pretty good but it is the material that makes them come across as such. Foley's 'everyman' is good – not an idiot but silly nonetheless. Tilly is given a lot straighter role and doesn't have as much good material – hence she doesn't really stick in the memory as narcolepsy is more a device that would be used by the Farley's as opposed to Foley. Writer Higgins is good as the cop and his interludes are consistently funny even if they are pretty much the same gag. Feore is good as the killer and has some funny moments late on in the film as well as delivering the line that made me laugh the hardest in 'I fell on my keys'. Small roles from Banks, Scarfe, Colantoni and a few others are all good mainly because their material is imaginative and quite funny, even if some of it is only one line.Overall this is a funny, enjoyable film that will not appeal to everyone but it will be amusing for those with a slightly slanted sense of humour who enjoy silly humour that is more imaginative silly than dumb silly. The material is pretty well written and contains plenty of nice touches even if the overall plot is just daft. I didn't know what to expect and I was consistently amused and laughed heartedly quite a few times – why this was badly treated everywhere but Canada I can't really understand.
Barry (imdb-2378) I didn't know what to expect, but from near the beginning this film is comedy genius.The name scene in the hospital ranks with some of my favourites ever. The humour is in the detailing in much of the film, with good contribution from the lazy detective. I have to write some more, as it wont let me submit unless there's 10 lines, luckily I'm happy to rant a bit about Dave Foley's performance. Never seen him before, but will look out for him in future. He makes this film rather special. What was really excellent about this film (and essential to the humour in the plot) was the early twist revealing that this wasn't going to be another predictable wrong guy film. I wont reveal it as don't want to spoil it, but its very cleverly done.All in all, highly recommended.