The Real Blonde
The Real Blonde
R | 27 February 1998 (USA)
The Real Blonde Trailers

An aspiring actor and his girlfriend handle life's frustrations, while his friend seeks fulfillment with a blonde.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TxMike This is a quirky, spoofy look at actors trying to make it, yet still having to work to make rent. This one works as a waiter. The writer- director managed to get a large number of talented "name" actors, some with fairly brief parts, to appear in this. It is just a fun viewing. I found it on Netflix streaming movies.My sole reason for seeing it was for Daniel von Bargen, who died way too young last year. I knew Dan in college, we both were in a long running student musical at Purdue in 1969. He was an actor, I became a Scientist. He has a role here auditioning actors for a movie, the whole scene at about 90 minutes into the movie is only 4 minutes long but it is a good glimpse of von Bargen.The nominal star is Matthew Modine as Joe. He and his long-time girlfriend, Catherine Keener as Mary, share an apartment in Manhattan. She works as a makeup artist, mostly for advertising photo shoots, he is a mostly out-of-work actor who pays bills with a job as a waiter for special events.I enjoyed it.
ltlacey To start off, this movie was not as bland as some have written. It's actually a fairly decent movie about relationships and how losing, or gaining, them affects our daily lives. The movie starts out with an elderly lady walking her dog which then gets stolen and she's crying out for her Buddy. The woman and her dog are a relationship, as throughout this movie we see her now and then watching TV (more relationships, if only fleeting) and it's obvious she is all alone and all she had was her dog. The main relationship in the movie is between Joe and Mary. They have been together for 6 years and are experiencing issues. The 2 actors worked well together and actually this was one of the better performances I have seen from both actors. I liked how Joe and Mary worked out their issues and knew when to back off. Then we have fringe relationships and shallow characters who only want one thing. In one case, the woman must be a real blonde (hence the title), and in the other, the character, played by Hannah, just wants sex. Another surprise was Denis Leary in the film and his character as the teacher of a self-defense and self-esteem class for women. All in all, everyone portrayed a character that was real and with plausible lives.
Nick Dets I will start by saying Tom Dicillo's "Box of Moonlight" was the very best film I have ever had the great pleasure in watching. It was a highly symbolic, magical experience that had almost a spiritual feel to it. I knew his 1998 release, probably an attempt to return to his "Living in Oblivion" themes, "The Real Blonde" wasn't going to be nearly as good, and I was right. It was a good film, don't get me wrong, but I just couldn't help but be disappointed. His signature style is ever present here, and that is one of the delights about "The Real Blonde". There is a lot of clever, almost subliminal use of devices that require a second, third, (or sometimes more) viewing, great dialogue and dead on satire, and great acting and photography. Matthew Modine (an actor I never did care for) wasn't bad as a man struggling to make it big, and fed up with the sickeningly fake and shallow people that make up the entertainment and fashion industry. His girlfriend (Catherine Keener, great as always) shares his pain, although she is the only true, genuine character in the entire movie.
SpringsteenRules This is an OK movie. Nothing great, but worth a look if it's on cable. The real reason to watch this is to see the GORGEOUS Bridget Wilson. She is one of the most beautiful women in the world today. She even shows a VERY SHORT glimpse of one breast!! Check her out!