Heavy Traffic
Heavy Traffic
R | 08 August 1973 (USA)
Heavy Traffic Trailers

An "underground" cartoonist contends with life in the inner city, where various unsavory characters serve as inspiration for his artwork.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Irishchatter I felt that this movie was rather stupid than "an underrated gem" as some reviewer described it. There was no story in this at all, all you see is women sticking their boobs out, people taking drugs, men's pants going down and seeing their penises. What do they have in meaning? Absouletely nothing!Yeah I know the cartoonist is the lead character but, he ain't doing a good job really. I would definitely give this movie a 0/10 if I had the chance to do on here! It's lame, rubbish and just again, it has no meaning.
gavin6942 An "underground" cartoonist contends with life in the inner city, where various unsavory characters serve as inspiration for his artwork.Another reviewer said that people who review this film poorly are either offended by the nudity or just do not get it. The nudity (and blood) do not bother me in the slightest -- fill the screen with as many animated sex organs as you feel necessary, for all I care. On the second point, it is possible I do not get it.While I understand the animation was innovative for its time and that the film shows urban decay -- both with cartoons and actual locations -- I cannot help but think that it just has not aged very well. Some scenes I found excellent (such as the God segment), while others were completely forgettable. It balanced out to be average at best.The New York Times called it the "most original American film of the year." Could they look back now and say that again? I am not so sure.
haildevilman R.B.'s best by far. I'm wondering how much of this is autobiographical. The only question being if it's 100% or not.Great characters. Seemed like more kept getting introduced then brushed off. It's like everyone knows everyone.Not for people squeamish about un-P.C. humor here. Every race took a few hits in the 'stereotyping' department. I think R.B. just tried to make fun of all of them.Mobbed-up Italians, Guilt-ridden (and inducing) Jews, uptight whites, flaming gays, and Jive-talking blacks. And the lead character's J.D. friends trying to hook him up.And did anyone notice the vintage strip show playing in the background during the bar scene? Looked like it was from the 1940's.Great film.
dave A very gritty portrayal of city life. Heavy Traffic(not to be confused with the title of the animated film Heavy Metal) is a visual journey that contains plenty of sex and violence. It obviously isn't for all tastes. This is considered by many Ralph Bakshi's(Fritz the Cat) best work. The animation may seem a bit dated,but remember the movie was made in the early 70s, and had a pretty low budget. The only problem I had with the film was that it was too short,but despite this fact there is some good character exploration(but there could have been more with some of the secondary characters). The sound of the VHS copy I viewed seemed a bit off at times, but that's hardly a matter.