Carry On Loving
Carry On Loving
| 20 September 1970 (USA)
Carry On Loving Trailers

The Wedded Bliss computer dating agency aims to bring together the lonely hearts of Much-Snoggin-in-the-Green. Its owner, Sidney Bliss, has enough complications in his own love life, but still produces a pamphlet called 'The Wit to Woo'. The strange collection of hopefuls lead to some outlandish matches—and jealousies are bound to lead to trouble.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
w22nuschler Sid James and Hattie Jacques are perfectly cast as a couple who run a wedded bliss agency. They basically play matchmakers. The first client of the movie is a Carry On newcomer, Richard O'Callaghan, a solid replacement for Jim Dale who had recently left the series. Sid takes down his information and the machine pops out Joan Sims. Sid rejects it, but Hattie makes him set up a date. Kenneth Williams plays Mr. Snooper, a marriage counselor. He is a bachelor and he gives bad advice to the couples. He is told to get married to keep his job. Sid decides to intercept Joan Sims, because he likes her. Hattie calls Charles Hawtrey to follow him. Jacki Piper makes her appearance in the bar where all the meetings are supposed to take place. She plays Sally Martin, who is an up and coming star. Ricahrd mistakes her as his date and she mistakes him as a publicity agent who is to take photos of her. Jacki looks gorgeous in a very short dress. He wants to have dinner and she wants to go to her place and do it(take photos). There is a lot of dialog confusing sex and photos. she tells him she is going to strip down and he gets nervous. She is just planning to take photos. Charles continues to follow Sid as he leaves the bar. We hear the Hitchcock theme in the background. Good music and a fun scene as Sid eludes him. Back to Jacki and Richard. Jacki comes wearing a pink nightie and a black bra and panties. Wow! There are a few more lines of play and she disrobes. She does a nice little spin to show off that perfect body. She finally realizes he is not a photographer and they tell each other what they are there for. He runs out embarrassed. Jacki Piper has no ego and does not come across as hey look at my body which I really love. She is so sweet and proper and looks so hot in her undies. Kenneth meets with Hattie about getting married. After that Sid meets with Joan at her apartment, Bernard Bresselaw shows up as her wrestler boyfriend. Then Richard shows up to meet her as his date. Sid escapes and Richard is thrown out. Jacki calls the next day to find out he is in the hospital for his wounds. She is wearing another short skirt and she meets him at the hospital. They have a funny scene where they discuss their night and the man in the next bed is totally amazed at what he hears. Hattie decides to match herself with Kenneth because Sid likes Joan. Later Terry Scott is matched up with Jacki's new roommate Imogen Hasall. He tries to make love to her and people keep interrupting. Jacki comes out again in her underwear and walks around. She looks perfect again. She is incredible. Anyway at the end all the couples get together and have a big food fight. What a great way to end this funny and fun film. What an underrated gem.
crossbow0106 This film is about hooking up and stars Sid James as Sidney Bliss, who runs the Wedded Bliss Agency along with Hattie Jacques. A series of lonely hearts come in looking for their significant others and this movie basically is a series of vignettes about what happens. The worlds do collide somewhat and while things get chaotic, they are also fun. This film is truly a product of its time in that there are open displays of affection and the young ladies wear miniskirts. This was the first film with the very pretty Jacki Piper, buts its the ensemble aspect of this film which makes it work. Its a sex comedy without the nudity. Its fun and enjoyable.
MARIO GAUCI Again, this turned out to be more enjoyable than I was anticipating – despite the essential lack of plot and the general feeling that the regulars are merely going through the paces. The premise – or, more precisely, series of sketches – revolve around Sidney James and Hattie Jacques' matrimonial agency; several people with various hang-ups turn up at their door – including marital consultant (but confirmed bachelor) Kenneth Williams, Terry Scott and inexperienced Richard O'Callaghan. The thing is that James and Jacques aren't married themselves, and he's been having a fling with Joan Sims (who's herself doted upon by pony-tailed wrestler Bernard Bresslaw)! Many generally amusing complications arise from this situation, though a lot of time is spent with the younger generation at the expense of the series stalwarts (Peter Butterworth, for instance, only gets an unbilled – albeit great – cameo). Some of the better moments include: Scott's visit to the house of proposed soulmate Imogen Hassall, with relatives who seem to have strayed in from an episode of THE ADDAMS FAMILY TV series!; their date in her flat (she eventually has a startling make-over), which is constantly interrupted by the arrival of her ostensibly engaged flat-mates; the unexpected arousal of Williams' stuffy housekeeper Patsy Rowlands after he brings home Jacques, and then Sims turns up to seduce him (because James wants to get back with Jacques) – the scene is further complicated by the arrival of the raging Bresslaw, who's however hilariously knocked-out by the charged-up Rowlands!; the side-splitting pie-throwing finale during James and Jacques' marriage – which is definitely one of the highlights of the entire series.P.S. Hammer Films starlet Yutte Stensgaard's scenes were deleted from the released version (reportedly, she was also in CARRY ON AGAIN DOCTOR [1969] – but I didn't recognize her in that one).
BritishFilms1 "Carry On Loving" was repeated on television on the most appropriate day - St. Valentine's Day. I had never seen this addition to the series before and was looking forward to seeing it as it was on very late on a Friday night. It was standard "Carry On" fare, but a little disappointing.A group of "lonely hearts" try their luck at the Wedded Bliss Computer Dating Agency - run by the ever-enterprising Sid James and his battleaxe wife Hattie Jacques. The film suffers from loss of the usual humour and the stalwarts lose their importance due to the woefully inadequate screen time spent on the "happy couples" - Terry Scott and Imogen Hassall and Richard O' Callaghan and Jacki Piper.There are fine performances from everyone including Charles Hawtrey as an inept private detective with very limited importance, Joan Sims as Sid's bit-on-the-side, Kenneth Williams as an UNMARRIED marriage guidance councillor and Bernard Bresslaw as the manic pro-wrestler Gripper Burke, not forgetting some delightful cameos from Peter Butterworth, Patsy Rowlands, Bill Maynard, Julian Holloway, Joan Hickson and Bill Pertwee.Overall, a good "Carry On" film, but not a great one. If you have never seen a "Carry On" film before, try watching something earlier such as "Carry On Cowboy" or "Carry On Up the Khyber" etc, then watch this, but be warned, Charles Hawtrey, Bernard Bresslaw and Peter Butterworth are sadly under-used.7 out of 10.