Carry On at Your Convenience
Carry On at Your Convenience
| 15 June 1971 (USA)
Carry On at Your Convenience Trailers

This is the tale of industrial strife at WC Boggs' Lavatory factory. Vic Spanner is the union representative who calls a strike at the drop of a hat; eventually everyone has to get fed up with him. This is also the ideal opportunity for lots of lavatorial jokes...

Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
grahamsp This has to be up there with Khyber, Loving and Camping. The gags flow thick and fast and Williams is in top form. Kenneth Cope's mother is superb with her dry direct approach while Sid James makes one of his better performances. Best scenes are Sid James as the fortune teller "Williams is brilliant" and Patsy Rowlands and again Williams are brilliant in there own private scenes.Putting James and Jacques together as man and wife works well with Sid constantly delivering killer lines and Joan Sims is given free range with some excellent put downs. A number of Carry On's tend to have a lot of hiatus where nothing happens but Convenience never fails to deliver.
Spikeopath I like this entry in the series, I really do. Many others however find it a dud and feel that it should be flushed down one of the toilets that feature at W.C. Boggs' factory in the film. Blending the obvious toilet gags with a tale about unionised shop floors, the Carry On team have actually crafted one of the franchise's less mucky pictures. Sid James, so long the bastion of sexually driven lechery in Carry On folklore, has a very restrained role in this one, and this to me somewhat explains to an extent why "Convenience" is often shunned by the series fans.Elsewhere it's the subplots away from the factory that put the smile on my face. Charles Hawtrey is indulging in strip poker with shop steward, Vic Spanner's, mother!. While James' Sid Plummer is getting horse racing winners from his budgie,! all under the watchful eye of his apparently scatty wife Beattie {a terrific Hattie Jacques}. Sexy eye candy for us blokes comes in the form of Jacki Piper, and the film finale on the Brighton seaside is drunken buffoonery to at least raise a giggle or two. Not the best Carry On by a long shot predicted by Sid's budgie, but certainly not one of the worst either. 6.5/10
w22nuschler This is one of the Carry On's that is perfect. Cowboy and Jungle are the only ones that can beat this one. I cannot believe how this only rates a 4.5 on the IMDb rating. Every one in this cast is perfect. Sid James and Kenneth Williams plays the head of a toilet company. Richard Callaghan plays Kenneth son who is the manager of the plant. He is very good here. He is again chasing the perfect Jacki Piper who plays the daughter of Sid. She also works at the plant and serves the food. Joan Sims plays one of the workers. The two lead workers are played by Bernard Bresselaw and Kenneth Cope. Kenneth almost steals the show as a worker who is always trying to get everything for the workers, even when they don't really care about it. It is refreshing to see a movie that exposes the down side of a union. Everything made no days just bashes corporations and does not give the other side of things. I am a worker at a large company and I think I am treated fair and have good benefits. Kenneth forces the workers to go on strike with him and all go home for the day. Sid is married to Hattie, but he like Joan. Kenneth goes home to his mother who is upset that he went on strike. He leaves and follow Jacki and Richard who go on a date. He ends up ripping off the bottom of her dress as she walks off in anger. Jacki has a cute little butt. The workers strike again and all of them go to Brighton for a fun day. This is my favorite part of the film. Jacki Piper looks so sexy wearing a red striped top, a cute red hat and the shortest jean shorts I have ever seen. She hangs out with Vic to make Richard Jealous. They make their way to the pier to have some fun. Sid James also looks very cool in his outfit. Richard finally corners Jacki and asks her to marry him. She accepts and he beats up Vic. The scene where Jacki runs off with Richard is worth rewinding just to see her cute little butt in those short shorts. The next day we see them in the hotel married and we get some glimpses of Jacki taking off her outfit. She looks so hot in her little bra and panties. Back at the plant, Vic's mother and the other women force them to go back to work. Vic meets a girl who is going to start working with him and he decides to stay working. Richard and Jacki return to the plant to stop Kenneth from selling the plant. The final scene has Vic deciding to cope with a problem instead of striking. I really like this film. It has such a nice flow to it and the highlight is the scenes at the pier and the outfit Jacki Piper wears. A definite 10 out of 10.
bob the moo The WC Boggs Lavatory factory is the heart of its town but the workforce and management could not be more different. While the managers trial their new slimline bathroom suite, the workforce greet the news that the shop floor tea service has been stopped. Although the workers don't care, the union doesn't like it one bit and, in the usual show of strength call everyone out on a one day strike. Everyone uses the day "off" in different ways but everyone returns with something going on. Meanwhile the CEO is persuaded by his son to take on a large order for bidets with a very short turnaround time.It is interesting to see how the Carry On series changed over the 20-25 or so years that it ran for. Starting out with gentle situation comedies, they moved into bawdy spoofs and then gradually the innuendo and smut took over and gradually more and more of the output became like this film – plot less and heavy in crude, unfunny humour. That is not to say it is without value because there are still people who like the smutty postcards you can buy and those people will probably be wiping tears from their eyes at every joke in this film. Personally I was wiping sleep from my eyes because I found it all quite tiring. There isn't any wit or invention in the innuendo either – the writing is pretty lazy where the better films in the series at least had that going for them.The cast all try hard but it is hard to overlook the fact that many if not all of them deserve better than this. James gurns away like a good 'un but it is a bad sign that his faces are funnier than all his lines put together. Williams and Hawtrey camp their way through the film with good spirits while Sims is a terrible, cackling fishwife type who is the butt (sorry) of many of the smutty jokes. Jacques is wasted while Cope and O'Callaghan's efforts to carry the plot amount to nothing. The plot is rubbish and has no flow to follow. However the only thing I will say in its favour is that the portrayal of a British factory of the period is pretty much spot on. I work with colleagues in a factory who have been there for more than 30 years and they do tell tales of absurd strikes at the time, while most of them still have the same non-PC and sexist humour and attitude on display here.If you like the British sexual "comedies" of the 1970's then I suppose you will find the seaside postcard humour of this film a delight. For me I found it crude and basic, lacking wit or originality with all the jokes signposted like they were motorway junctions.