Carry on Follow That Camel
Carry on Follow That Camel
| 10 August 1967 (USA)
Carry on Follow That Camel Trailers

Bertram Oliphant 'Bo' West wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation, so he joins the Foreign Legion—with Simpson his manservant in tow. But the fort they get posted to is full of eccentric legionnaires, and there's trouble brewing with the locals too. Unbeknown to Bo, his lady love has followed him in disguise.

KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Leofwine_draca A surprisingly funny instalment of the CARRY ON franchise, given this film's poor reputation amongst fans. A lot of that ill feeling stems from the presence of Phil Silvers (SGT. BILKO) in the cast, replacing Sid James; Silvers is hardly a perfect fit here, but I found that come the end he had acquitted himself well with the material.And the story is very enjoyable. This is a broad spoof of the Foreign Legion movie, with an upper class toff (Jim Dale, on fine form) and his manservant (Peter Butterworth, excelling in one of his larger roles) drafted into the Legion to do battle against Bernard Bresslaw (excellent) and his nefarious Arabs.The cast give some very good performances in this one, particularly Kenneth Williams playing a (bizarrely) German officer. Inevitably the gags come thick and fast, and there's a fair share of hits among them too, including some great sight gags. What I noticed in particular, and it may be the nature of the spoof, is that CARRY ON FOLLOW THAT CAMEL has much more in common with the 1950s-era CARRY ON flicks than the crude 1970s ones, and that's perhaps a reason I enjoyed it so much.
timsmith37 Sergeant Bilko makes for a disconcerting presence in a Carry On spoof of Beau Geste, but the experiment is more successful than not thanks to a solid Talbot Rothwell script, with Silvers playing well off the stiff upper lip types. Dale and Butterworth are in fine form as the naive aristo and his loyal valet, while Gilmore puts in a moustache twirling turn as the caddish rival, and as the object of their affections Douglas is absolutely luminous - and laugh out loud funny as she undergoes her rites of passage while retaining impeccable English manners.Less successful are the broader ethnic stereotypes from Williams, Hawtry, Simms and Bluthal, though Bresslaw enjoys himself as the villainous sheik, while Harris is more sultry than might be thought possible as a treacherous belly dancer.Not a classic, but by no means the dregs of the series (see Convenience, Loving, Behind, Henry, England, and - shudder - Emmanuelle and Columbus.)
MARIO GAUCI I wasn't really expecting much out of this "Carry On" spoof on Foreign Legion films – but it turned out to be a highly agreeable entry in the long-running series. Unusually for them, the film-makers went for an American lead in the person of Phil Silvers – then again, his Sgt. Nocker here was directly inspired by the latter's popular Sgt. Bilko characterization (which originated on TV); actually, the clash of comedy styles works surprisingly well here.Most of the series stalwarts are on hand – Kenneth Williams as German fort commandant Burger (with matching short hair); Charles Hawtrey as Captain Le Pice(!); Jim Dale as Beau West(!), a dishonored Englishman who joins the legion (accompanied by loyal valet Peter Butterworth) after losing girlfriend Angela Douglas; Bernard Bresslaw has one of his best roles as the flamboyant villainous sheik; and Joan Sims is Madam Zigzig, hostess of the local tavern. Anita Harris also makes an impression as a sultry belly-dancer.Apart from the traditional desert-march-fraught-with-mirages sequence, there are a couple of delightful running gags here – the naïve Douglas (who decides to stick with Dale) is taken advantage of by several men on her journey to join her lover, and eventually ends in line to being made Bresslaw's 13th wife!; another involves the constant attempts to violently curtail the cock's heralding of each new day by the reluctant soldiers. This good-looking film – which actually anticipates the team's other outing with an exotic setting, the even better CARRY ON...UP THE KHYBER (1968) – is satisfyingly capped by an action-packed climax.
m_pratt Follow that camel is a barrel of laughs from beginning to end. Its a great feast of historical carry on humour.Phil Silvers is fantastic and its a shame it was his only Carry on appearance.Jim Dale and Peter Butterworth are as magical as ever. Hawtrey is funny as is Williams. The sequence with Angela Douglas making her journey and having sex with different people is similar to Emmannuelle. Joan Sims is Slightley wasted as Zig Zag she has little to do. Bernie is having the time of his life as Abdull Abdull.Anita Harris is very good as Corktip. The plot of the story is as follows. Bertram Oliphant West Jim Dale and his valet Simpson Peter Butterworth are off to join the foreign legion. Meanwhile Lady Jane Ponosby Angela Douglas is trying to find them. She is taken by Abdull Abdull to the oasis. And sergeant Knocker Phil silvers and Oliphant are taken as well after being tricked to Corktips house thinking it is their lucky night!!. However they are captured and taken to the oasis. I don't want to spoil too much of the film. There is no Sid James in this film but its still good. Its one of the best Historical Carry ons. 10/10.