R | 01 May 1979 (USA)
H.O.T.S. Trailers

Four girls spurned by the popular Sorority on campus decide to start their own and steal all the men on campus away from the house that rejected them.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
catholiccsi T.O.P.S. cries out for a remake. Sometimes described as a mere T & A film, T.O.P.S. is much more. It is a parody of "Forbidden Planet", "Carrie", M.A.S.H., and homage to "Animal House". It is a subtle animal rights film and a fine feminist satire of adolescence getting laid sagas. Decades after its original release, it still has the verve and vitality of classic films such a "The Palm Beach Story". That is not to say the filmmakers or anyone else beyond the emotional age of a sixteen-year-old boy or Hugh Hefner took it seriously. It is in its way as good as the famous "Animal House" made a year earlier, though that too is a fine work. Neither work takes itself too seriously. They are juvenile jokes with mild titillation aimed at pre-teens. Anyone over 13-years-old might find the gags a tad weak, of course. No matter, most adults will enjoy this classic holiday film after too much food and wine on Thanksgiving evening when the cold fog rolls in over town and one has not desire for serious viewing. My family watched it at Thanksgiving. However, the editing, cinematography, acting, direction, production design, and iconographic structure are professional. Lindsey Bloom leads a great cast as the protagonist of the film. The other cast members are not as well known as she is. I think that at least one posed in the magazine "Playboy" back when its founder was still young enough not to look too silly with just over child age models.What is not always well known is that woman were important creators of this film. With a brilliant feminist satirical screenplay written by W. Terry Davis, Cheri Chaffaro, and Joan Buchannan, H.O.T.S, enjoys playful direction by Gerald Seth Sindell. Mr. Sindell and Ms. Davis along with Don Schain and others co-produced this classic romantic comedy. I think it is at least as good as M.A.S.H. I must mention that this work is beautifully photographed and edited. It is a fine film about the late sixties. I think that everyone worked at a high level to make this film It is a small masterwork. I would like seeing it remade because it still has potential for improvement and updating.
Aldo Renato I gave this a 10 because it's the best film of its kind...a good old-fashioned T & A film in the shadow and spirit of "Animal House." I saw this with a similar film called "Swap Meet" and both were good of their type...a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Let's be honest...there are more breasts in this movie than one could imagine for an R-rated movie. From beginning to end, they just seem to keep showing up on screen (sunbathing scenes, bedroom scenes and, of course, the climactic football game). Also, a memorable kissing booth (kiss me, Clutz!) Everybody seems to be having a good time in their roles (several Playboy Playmates, Danny Bonaduce, several familiar TV and movie actors, etc.). The only complaint I have to register is that Lisa London's character is called by her last name "O'Hara" and not a good 1970s name like "Olivia" (or even Ora or Ona or O...??!!). I saw this again in the late 1980s with my now ex-wife (pretty well endowed herself) and she couldn't believe I was actually enjoying the movie!! She was probably jealous!! Again, this movie is a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon...just don't think too hard!
Scarecrow-88 Look, it's simple. I knew what I was seeking after when I decided on renting H.O.T.S. and got exactly what I hoped for. I can't imagine what a person would hope to get out of the movie besides what the cover and synopsis spell out quite loudly.The mistreated and downtrodden college girls at FU University(..ha ha), picked on by the rich gals at the local sorority, decide to form their own little club, repairing a bedraggled and unkempt house, naming themselves H.O.T.S.(each letter named after the founding girls' last names). This is where the two dueling sisterhoods battle for supremacy over the university jocks, initiating pranks and other humiliating methods against each other. The final showdown will be a striptease tag football game where once and for all the ultimate winner will be determined.You get plenty of the usual familiar traits which accompany these kind of sex comedies, including plentiful nudity, tons of (less than subtle)sexual innuendo, sophomoric humor, the wet T-shirt contest, a cat fight, animal mascots, shenanigans involving the faculty, among other things. I've read that H.O.T.S. basically follows(..or is inspired by)National Lampoon's Animal House, but it's more in line with something like The Cheerleaders, basically young adults living it up like there's no tomorrow, all smiles as beautiful boys and girls hook up, engaging in lasciviousness and immorality. Those at HOTS will do whatever it takes to make the grade and embarrass their rivals by any means possible.You have bumbling mafioso escape convicts attempting to recover their loot inside the attic of the HOTS' house, antics involving a hot air balloon, a kidnapped mascot bear who goes free invading the sorority's headquarters, a "pleasantly plump" member of HOTS and her nerdy boyfriend, and Danny Bonaduce. You'd think Bonaduce would just have a glorified cameo, but his role is actually more extensive..he has his own band, is often the butt of a number of cruel(..but hilarious)jokes(..including a special smackerooni at a kissing booth, and a practical sex joke involving the HOTS' mascot seal) and there's some poking fun at his member.Perfectly grating soundtrack and numerous Playboy bunnies, their breasts exposed for our viewing pleasure. Striking similarities to Revenge of the Nerds in some respects.
J :: E H.O.T.S. is proof that at one time, the movie industry said "F-OFF" to the censors, and made movies with whatever they wanted! In today's world, this movie would be too "over the top" and "extreme" for it to be anywhere than behind a velvet curtain. Although, BestBuy had several copies on their $5.99 rack (in case anyone wanted to get a copy)! The movie was brilliant in its own way, in that it blended humor into a T&A movie loaded with Playboy Playmates! Unlike most skin flicks, it did have a plot. That, however, is not exactly why you would watch H.O.T.S.H.O.T.S. is a college movie that reminds me of the Revenge of the Nerds movies, in that it takes a group of "average people" and puts them against the elite rich preppies that most people can't stand! The only difference is that the "Nerds" in this movie have a much better shot at getting laid! I notice that there are some people who would rate this movie low, and to me that is ignorant! Obviously this is not intended to win Oscars or break barriers in film. If you are looking for that, then go watch what ever the critics pick for you! You have to appreciate the fact that this movie actually had a funny plot, decent acting (for the most part given the genre), and plenty of girls getting naked! H.O.T.S. is one of those movies you watch to get your mind off of modern day problems and daily stress, and instead, laugh and have a good time! If you are looking for a funny college-based movie that has enough skin to turn a pink Miata straight, then you should really check out H.O.T.S.!