R | 16 October 2015 (USA)
Re-Kill Trailers

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Richard Dominguez Wow This Was Very Good ... Imagine You Are Trapped At Home In A Zombie Outbreak ... Your Only Communication With The Outside World Is The New Re-kill Network ... A Kind Of 24/7 Zombie News Network ... Even The Commercial Are Outbreak Related ... The Re-kill Show Follows Special Op Teams Who Are Sent Out To Eliminate Zombies Or Rescue Survivors ... The Action Is Good, Acting Was (Under The Movie Circumstances) Not Bad, The Script Was Original And Engaging ...
SwallowbrookFL I found this among the best-ever movies of it genre. It reminded me of Network and Putney Swope and some others. Wonderfully detailed, nearly verisimilitude, great mockumentary, funny as heck, look for "wrangler" credits.Like Network, which seemed so improbable until we realized that virtually every detail of Network came to be, this movie presents huge sci-fi/horror speculation that also bears a lot of resemblance to current events.The commercials were among the best parts.Greg
MrGKB ...this brainless action/horror product apparently gave a number of solid B-movie actors the opportunity to tour beautiful Sofia, Hungary. Oh, and make a shaky-cam movie. The results are mixed, and mostly forgettable, despite a veneer of $9.5mil in production quality. The gimmick is a reality show in the near future after an 85% fatal zombie apocalypse. Manhattan is a quarantine zone into which a camera- embedded SWAT team is inserted in search of some nefarious secret project. The story borrows tropes from across the spectrum, mashing them together into nothing special. The acting is okay, the pace is mostly good, but the plotting and dialog are routine and disengaging. This is video game level material. Fine entertainment for the indiscriminate zombie junkie, but otherwise pure make work.
nathan-mcgee6 I checked this out expecting the same old zombie apocalypse movie and that's exactly what I received. But with a small twist to this flick, it's shot entirely in reality show style. Now that is nothing new or anything because that's been done with zombies, such as the Spanish film REC and the zombie diaries. Now I'll say the reality show style here is not as believable as REC but it was well executed and delivered a nice twist to the movie it even includes commercials such as zombies apocalypse propaganda about re populating the earth, you know the good stuff. The plot is isn't anything to really talk about because it is what is, just a group of people killing zombies, running and hiding from zombies and being by eaten zombies.But the acting is good, it's above average for this kinda movie and the special effects are well executed with a nice mix of practical effects and modern computer effects. Now the story gets a little boring in parts, the camera sometimes shakes a little to much and the propaganda commercials gets a little annoying at times. But overall not a bad movie just don't expect much from it and you might like it.