Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation
Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation
| 16 October 2012 (USA)
Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation Trailers

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Eric Stevenson It's a shame such awful films are easy to find. As a huge fan of the Living Dead films and the zombie genre in general, I was vastly disappointed to find this remake so awful. Well, is it even really a remake? It's definitely this in name only. In fact, it even mentions the original movie or features clips from it or something. They mention a similar incident in 1968, so I guess this was instead meant to be an unofficial sequel to the original movie? I thought it would just be a cheesy remake, but it was much, much worse. It was just nothing happening for most of the movie with horrible effects and awful pacing.I guess "Zombie Nation" is still a worse movie as it's even more boring. This of course deserves mention as one of the worst horror movies ever made. I was amazed at awful everything looked. I didn't get a chance to see this in 3D and it's easy to tell it was supposed to be like that. A lot of things just seemed to jut out at me. I'm not into 3D, but wouldn't have bothered watching this in any version really. There was some pretty bad looking CGI in this. This movie features a guy who's a mortician and zombies appear and that's about it. They barely focus on the zombies at all. The original "Night Of The Living Dead" movie was hokey, but it was also original and helped define films in general.This film has really clumsy satire too. It features a parody of Fox News called Fixd News. Hey, that's not funny! Sarah Palin even appears and gets turned into a zombie. I don't see the joke in this. From what I recall back in 2012 when this movie was made, she wasn't a big deal. That was the election before this time. I think someone is turned into a zombie at the very end, but I don't even know. There's a scene where a cadaver comes to life but that might have just been a drug hallucination. This looks more like a low quality movie filmed for the Internet. It's lacking anything special and is an embarrassment to zombie fiction everywhere. *
Gatto Nero I'm a zombie fanatic , so I will see any movie with zombies in it, no matter how bad they are. When I heard that they would be doing a sequel/prequel to the N.O.T.L.D 3-D one with Sid Haig. I was excited to see it. especially since it had one of my favorite actors: The WishMaster himself: Andrew Divoff. And it also has Jeffrey Combs to boot, (who I didn't recognized because of how he has aged: he gained weight and has thinning hair, I was shocked how he changed) I said, it can't be that bad.Well, folks, let;s say it's not that good. The only saving grace to me is great Divoff and Combs interacting with each other. And the lovely Sarah Lieving to look at. There was also the cute but weird goth-chick who's into necrophilia, actress Robin Sydney. Her love-buddy played by Adam Chambers, who looks like a young Tom Sizemore to me, really doesn't have much to do except take orders from Divoff and get high with the goth chick. He somehow winds up a zombie, but who cares.All in all, it's not that bad, but not that good either. Just like Jeff Broadstreet's earlier effort with Sid Haig instead doing the role of Gerald Tovar, Jr. that Divoff does here. Still, it's good for at least one good viewing to see these two old greats actors acting together in a zombie atmosphere film no less. So , grab the popcorn and enjoy, just don't expect a classic, enjoy with a open mind and you'll have a 'ghoul' old time!
Michael 'Hallows Eve' Smillie This movie was not too bad but in saying that it wasn't great either. The CGI effects in some parts was second rate and the acting was average too, although I did like Andrew Divoff and Jeffrey Combs in this. The story wasn't ground breaking either, but there were a few funny bits in the film. I have to say that some of the zombies looked pretty good for a B type movie, and some of the bloody gory parts were not that bad, but again they were out weighed by the average parts of the film. I did try to give it a chance, and like I said, it wasn't really bad, but it's the kind of movie that once you see you really don't need to see it again. So I give it a 4 out of 10.
trashgang With a title like this what could probably go wrong? And with two horror icons as main lead what can go wrong? What a great title, Night Of The Living Dead surely will attract horror and zombie geeks. And face it, Re-animator also is a big teaser. This is great.Sadly the title is the only thing that is great. The acting by Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster) and Jeffrey Combs (Re-animator) was for me okay but the script itself had nothing to offer. There are here and there a few killings that are nice to see like the bashing of a head but most of the effects are pure cheap CGI. Just see for example one zombie being hit with acid, how stupid that CGI effect was. But it is really the story itself, there's too much of talking and there isn't anything happening. The zombies itself did look great in the beginning and looked gory and nasty but once the horde comes alive in the cellar it's as stupid as it good be. No effects or make-up. They did add some funny notes towards the geeks with referring to the Pittsburg outbreak in 1968 and the Romero zombies in the cellar.On the other hand the scene were they are tripping do offers some necrophilia by Dyeanne (Robin Sydney) but again it is really a let down. I knew Robin from Wicked Lake (2008) and there she shows that she isn't afraid to show some flesh but here it's just a underwear girl sitting a top a zombie. Jeff Broadstreet, the director, should have known better with already one NOTLD remake on his list, the 3D flop with Sid Haig. It is really weird with those two icons that they couldn't save this terrible flick, even familiar faces like Sarah Lieving (Cristie Forest) and Robin Sydney couldn't add anything towards this turkey. Still, it will sell due the icons and due the title but be warned that when you see Jeff's name on the list to leave it as it is. This is a perfect example how a title can sell a bad flick.Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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