R | 17 February 1997 (USA)
Busted Trailers

In the town of Amity, the cops take crime off of the streets and put it into the police station where it belongs.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Steve Pulaski Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are two highly respected teen heart-throbs and have a very eventful life and the later years in 2007 and 2008 their lives were focused mainly on getting back together on their show The Two Coreys. Up until Corey Haim's tragic death in March of 2010 they still were not good friends. So, with my goal being to try and watch all the movies they did together, I had to dig deep and find this one. A garbage, disgrace wannabe parody film that fools you into thinking it lives up to the level of Airplane! and The Naked Gun which were wildly popular near this film's releasing. But all it does is fall short and forgotten, where it belongs.Corey Feldman plays the head of a Police Station in the town of Amity in which is run by dumbasses. The Police Station's goal is to take Prostitution off the street and into the jail where it belongs. Amity's Mayor hires a woman named Captain Mary Mae to keep the station in shape, but struggles dearly seeing as everyone in the entire station is a complete idiot and does a miserable job of trying to run and do their duty. Corey Haim gives in an awful performance acting like he could care when he could careless if this film does anything in terms of success. Feldman as well.Ron Jeremey gives a cameo that is classified as "too little too late". If he would have had a bigger role and not a last minute decision to throw him in this he may have had a chance to get this movie a bit better reputation. But its the complete opposite, his cameo was completely last minute (like everything in this film) and is just overall bad. Elliot Gould doesn't contribute much good to the film either.The main problem where this movie is the worst stems from the jokes. They are the kind of jokes I dub as "expression jokes". Like when a character says "I'm gonna knock your lights out", strolls over to their desk casually and does just that. Or when the girl comes to watch the station the boss acts Feldman to show her the ropes. He picks up a blog with three ropes on it and says "Small, Medium, Large" just like that. The jokes pretty much sound like nails on a chalkboard for people who wanted to enjoy this.In the 1980s, parody movies were interesting because they poked fun at the clichés that are in movies. The hero winning, the guy getting the girl, and everything else that is a mentionable thing that almost every movie shares. It was nice to see a movie done differently in the 1980s and have the joke be on the characters. Nowadays parody films cram every little spoof of pop culture they can in a 75 - 90 minute film which is just annoying and even more angering when the jokes aren't that funny. This movie was grueling to watch and undoubtedly the worst Haim/Feldman film ever in both their careers. That fact was established when the film though borderline softcore porn scenes with Corey Feldman would make the film good. The worst parody film I've ever seen, worse than anything made by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. That says a lot.Starring: Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Dominick Brascia, Ava Fabian, Elliot Gould, and Ron Jeremy. Directed by: Corey Feldman.
movieman_kev Ever wonder what a "Police Academy" movie would look like if it were made by people slightly less intelligent? Yeah, i know that is certainly quite a mean eat to pull off, however this film certainly does just that. There''s no real plot here, just one ultra-lame sight gag after another after another. Soon the film is sapping your will to live. Even the abundant gratuitous nudity can't rescue this unfunny mess. Only proving further (as if any further proof was needed) that the glorious '80's heyday for Corey Feldman has LONG since been over. I'm tempted to tell him the cliché of 'not quiting his day job', but if he's going to keep coming out with sheer unadulterated crap like this my advice would be to please do quit it. In retrospect, my summary line is not that accurate, as said mongoloids would actually likely make a movie that was MUCH more watchable.My Grade: F Where i saw it: The Movie Channel
jaws! There are a few laughs in Busted. It's kinda a sex spoof type of movie. Little entertaining. It's not a very bad movie. I give it ** out of ****
LadyFate Well if your looking for a great movie...this isn't one of them. But if you like Corey Feldman...I'd recommend at least seeing it once....he's the main star.