The Wild Blue Yonder
The Wild Blue Yonder
| 05 September 2005 (USA)
The Wild Blue Yonder Trailers

An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visitations to Earth and Earth's self-made demise, while human astronauts in space are attempting to find an alternate planet for surviving humans to live on.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Holzo This is the only film I've been unable sit through at the cinema. It was so hammy, cheap and amateurish that I struggled to restrain myself from laughing at how absurdly bad it was. My companion and I then joined the steady stream of escapees about 40minutes in. It is still a longstanding joke between us that he chose the worst film either of us have ever seen. Of course, there is a chance the film got significantly better after that point, but the ground it would have had to make up is so substantial as to make that inconceivable.Shame to be so harsh, I've enjoyed Herzog films in the past. I did however join this site with the specific purpose of reviewing this terrible film.
moviemanMA I am a huge fan of Werner Herzog. I think he is truly an amazing and inspirational filmmaker and I will never hesitate to watch one of his movies. This one intrigued me because it was so different from his other features. Sadly it was a bit of a let down, but not completely. I wouldn't recommend this film to many people (very few actually). It's so out there and different that I can't put my finger on exactly what it is. It's part documentary, part science fiction, and part Discovery Channel. Most of the footage is from NASA space stations or under the ice in Antarctica. There was strange music and very little narrating. It was a bit much and could have been cut down to increase the effect of the footage. I liked some of the ideas tossed out there like aliens who were not very intelligent (although they managed to travel to Earth millions of light-years away). The film was a bit confused as to where it wanted to go and what it wanted to be. A solid effort by Herzog and very original. I was interested throughout and even now I want to go back and take a peak. Maybe someday, but not right now.
frankenbenz I made the mistake of thinking I was about to watch the Herzog documentary Rescue Dawn was based on, but i soon found out I was wrong...very wrong. Instead, I spent 81 minutes watching "a science fiction fantasy" titled Wild Blue Yonder. In WBY Brad Dourif play an alien who narrates his way through NASA and arctic diving footage that Herzog interestingly uses completely out of context. The context is entrusted to Dourif's character who spins an elaborate yarn of human space exploration to his former home, the exploration of this distant planet and the astronaut's return to a future, pre-historic earth almost 200 years later.WBY is essentially a found footage film, albeit an imaginative and interesting one. The highlight is the diving footage which truly feels like exploration of a alien world. The footage is hypnotic, perfectly accompanied by the equally hypnotic score by composer Ernst Reijsiger along with a song thrown indy rock genius Jim O'Rourke.Herzog sandwiches interviews with real-life mathematicians between the found footage segments, adding credibility to Dourif's yarn. Yet overall there is a sense of tongue-in-cheek behind WBY -- Herzog obviously doesn't want us to take things too seriously. But if he doesn't, then what does he want? By taking these images out of context he forces us to shift our perspective and see them with new eyes. He succeeds and by doing so, he begs the question: why don't we always change our perspective when looking at the world around us? If we did there's a good chance we would be less likely to take things for granted and instead we would see the world with the amazement of a child's eyes.
dbborroughs Werner Herzog's science fantasy about a trip to a far off planet. The plot concerns an alien played by Brad Dourif, who has come to this world from Andromeda when his world begins to die. He out lines the story of his time on earth and of our trip to his far off world. Consisting of new footage by Herzog the film also contains a great deal of footage from a space shuttle mission as well as images from under the Antarctic ice. Its a strangely hypnotic film thats often a head trip as we are forced to look at our own world as something, somewhere than what it is. This is a heady mix of facts and fictions mixed with beautiful images set to some intriguing vocal and cello music (think Tibetan throat songs) . For much of the film the mix works as we begin to see believe that the aliens are here and that we sent a mission that went there. The problem with the film is that there are long passages, particularly with the space shuttle stuff where its nothing but image and singing. It would be fine if there was a change of image but Herzog holds the images, say of an astronaut jogging, much too long. I don't why he felt the need to use all of the footage that was shot of some subjects. It will drive you to the point of slumber. Which isn't to say the film is bad. Its not. the dialog, well monologue is very witty and contains some great quotes. It also presents a few facts, about distance and our ability to bridge it that is wickedly disheartening for people looking to jump in a ship one day and travel far away, while at the same time opening you up to the possibility of actually doing it. Ultimately this is a movie that you will think about for a long time after you see it.