Child's Play
Child's Play
R | 09 November 1988 (USA)
Child's Play Trailers

An innocent-looking doll is inhabited by the soul of a serial killer who refuses to die.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
CinemaClown Notorious for bringing on screen a creepy doll who has since become a staple of pop culture, Child's Play is no doubt cheesy & over-the-top but there's a fun vibe to it that makes it somewhat entertaining while its originality & practical effects are still noteworthy.The story concerns a single mother who gifts her son a much sought-after doll for his birthday. Unbeknownst to her, the doll happens to be possessed by the soul of a serial killer. And so when her son is framed for murders committed by the doll, she decides to get to the truth of it all.Directed by Tom Holland, the premise is absolutely ludicrous yet it works to quite an extent. Holland keeps the plot moving at all times, managing to create a few genuinely thrilling & exciting moments, even if many of the scenes are laughable or appear severely dated today.What benefits the movie, despite its bonkers storyline, is its emphasis on creating an atmosphere that reeks of suspense and more often than not, Holland gets it right with proper build up & execution. Camerawork is energetic, pacing is good, and the animatronics is truly impressive.The plot is very thin though, barely serviceable, and characters don't carry enough meat on their arcs either. Chucky still makes up for an interesting villain no doubt although that kid is downright terrible and his performance is cringeworthy. But he isn't the only one, for pretty much the entire cast is awful in their given roles.On an overall scale, Child's Play is marred with numerous shortcomings but there is something about it that makes you wanna sit back and enjoy the ridiculousness of it all. Several effects may look cartoonish today but there's an identity to it that has helped the film maintain its footing in the genre over the years. It's campy but it's also clever in brief doses.
filmtogo Don't judge a book by it's cover! Especially not if it's a toy that is called "Good Guy". Like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the way more family friends Jingle All The Way, Child's Play shows us the really bad behavious of a normal little kid that is influenced by tv commericals and consumerism. He wants a toy, he gets the toy and he is hunted by the toy. Be careful what you wish for. Basically it's The Crow in reverse. Here a bad guy gets shot. Comes back as a puppet and hunts the people he hates. I liked how the camera stayed on the level of the kid and the puppet. But everything else was just nostalgia. A very simple, not very scary horror movie.
lucaspd-99044 Considered by many a masterpiece, Child's Play is a film that has an excellent production value, all the effects of Chucky's animatronics; The somber, but high-quality photography; The locations and the scenarios chosen. All the production is of the highest quality. Also worth mentioning is the exceptional voice work of Brad Dourif and the good deaths. But this exceptional production value and Brad Dourif's extraordinary minimal work is compensated with a functional but not a bit original and inspired direction; A weak supporting cast. But the fatal point of the film is the script, which is counting on absurd and ridiculous situations and wants the audience to be scared and take it seriously.
Harhaluulo54 My mission to watch 30 horror movies from the 80's continues with Child's Play (1988). Doesn't really work as a horror, but appears interesting mainly due to its fame. The convenience, continuity errors and teleporting characters are not really that annoying once you get over the lack of mystery - and view the movie as a linearly told story. After this, the biggest problem lies in the acting. I understand our main actor was only 6-7 years old when filming this, but he doesn't deliver anything but dullness. Or maybe the problem is -in fact- Chucky, who just isn't even a bit scary. Just maybe our actor shares the same shock factor with the viewer, myself. "To kill him, you must pierce its heart." So of course we first burn it, shoot it in the head. And hand. And leg. And then finally we kill it, but only 15 minutes later to add to running time and make it dragging. Weirdly, the last 15 minutes and the part that dragged, was the memorable bit of this movie. It was the essence of 'Child's Play' and made it worth the while. All in all very mediocre and originality lacking take into the horror genre, but still managed to be what it aimed to. 5/10.