| 20 September 1993 (USA)
Star Trailers

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
rnkoneil I accidentally happened upon this movie when I was looking for something to watch while eating lunch. I actually turned to the WE Network because it said it had the last 20 minutes of some movie about the importance of "sticking it" for some gymnastics team -- I figured cheesy goodness. Well, I got cheesy alright. First, I missed a good 20-40 minutes at the start of the movie. Luckily, most of it was recapped fairly quickly, especially in the bedroom scene where Crystal admits that she felt responsible for the death of her rapist.I love Jenny Garth and will watch her in just about anything. She's just so pretty, and I want my lipstick to look as perfect as hers always does. She looks great throughout this movie, and doesn't really age over what seems to be more than a decade. Overall, I felt bad for the actors as I watched this movie. All of them tried to sell their parts, but all were so poorly written that it was a constant struggle. Frankly, I was surprised to see Terry Farrell and Mitch Ryan (Greg's dad from Dharma & Greg) in this. But the writing was not the worst part of this movie. About a half-hour before the end, her mother dies, and when they show the headstone the death date is 1979. Having missed the beginning, I had gotten the impression from the wardrobe that this was taking place in the 80s. Not one leisure suit or bell bottom in sight. Shame on the person who did wardrobe for this film! Don't get me wrong -- all the outfits in this movie were beautiful, but they were completely wrong for the time period. It almost makes me wonder if they told the wardrobe person that it was a period piece.Bottom line -- good for a laugh or to feed a Jennie Garth fix. :)
Judy-flanagan Star is an excellent Danielle Steel movie that shows the love between two people from the days of their idealistic youth and living through life's experiences by years of chasing their individual dreams. Crystal is the female character's name, played by Jennie Garth, whose dream was to be a singer and actress. She became involved with her manager who took advantage of her career and her life with his possessiveness and deceptiveness, until he was murdered, for which Crystal was accused. Crystal telephoned her love and he traveled to California, utilized his lawyer's talents to represent her, and cleared her. She sent him back East to continue his work, but with the knowledge of when he is finished with his work and done all he can do and is ready, she'll be waiting. Cystal's handsome love married the wrong woman, which he realized just prior to marrying after seeing Crystal singing in a night club he and his fiancé visited. His wife came from a family of power and repeatedly reminded him of this throughout their marriage focusing on opportunities her family could do for his career. His idealistic dream was to do good things for humanity, in conjunction with Senator Bobby Kennedy's run for the U.S. Presidency. His work took him to underdeveloped countries where he saw so many difficult situations for people of all ages. When he decided he had enough of his wife, her family and the whole scenario of the politics that go with it, he went home to Crystal and found he also had a son.He expressed it well toward the end of the movie when he returned to California where Crystal and her son were (back on their family ranch), "Whereever you both are is home."
triple8 SPOILERS THROUGH:I'm not a major Danielle Steel fan but have seen maybe three or four of her movies. This was not my favorite. I did not read the book before hand but it wasn't hard to figure out relatively quickly, where this one was going. The movie itself was not that long and that was the biggest problem. This didn't feel like a movie, more a series of events. There was absolutely no story development whatsoever.This story, taking place over so many years, really needed to be at least another hour maybe more. It just didn't work here. There was a "This happens, then this happens" quality. Nothing was developed, to the point where I really wondered what I was still doing watching this when there really was almost no story there.What WAS there was a vivid and throughly captivating performance from Jennie Garth as the main character Chrystal. She elevated the movie but it seemed so little effort was put into making this absorbing or giving it any sense of realism whatsoever, that it was quite disappointing and whatever one thinks of Danielle Steel, the other movies I've seen of her work did NOT have that element.Craig Berko seemed miscast but that may not be him, the character development was weak too. The character of Elizabeth, the wife, was developed pretty well though.I liked the scene where Chrytal goes into the bar when she firsts get to San Francisco looking for work but then it seems like overnight she is a major success which was rather difficult to believe. And I REALLY didn't buy that chance meeting between Garth and Berko. But the whole movie is pretty much like this.I have a feeling the book is much better but the movie itself is probably no more then a 5. Five is ultimately my vote and one thing I will say is having Garth in the lead role was a big positive. This actually would have been better as a miniseries or even a television series. Decent but skippable and 5 out of 10.
sbrnnxn I'm not a fan of Jennie Garth's anyway and when I watched this movie it was with strain. Most of the scenes were silly like all of a sudden Ernie was murdered and they didn't investigate further. He didn't have any other enemies unless I've missed something. I guess it was a lame way of Spencer entering back into Crystal's life because like Elizabeth said, he isn't that type of lawyer. Last but not least the part at the end how he discovered that Zeb was his son. For all he knew Crystal could have gotten pregnant by someone else after he left-it could happen you know! A lot of time and money wasted on this one.