Six-String Samurai
Six-String Samurai
PG-13 | 18 September 1998 (USA)
Six-String Samurai Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic world where the Russians have taken over a nuked USA and Elvis is king of Lost Vegas, Buddy is a '50s rocker and wandering warrior rolled into one, too-cool package. Armed with his six-string in one hand and his sword in the other, Buddy is on his way to Vegas to succeed Elvis as King. Along the way, he saves an orphan who decides to tag along.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more. A very tongue in cheek send up of all those dystopian action adventure thrillers of the seventies, eighties, and nineties, Six-String Samurai is also very self-effacing, but stylish. The story is a combination of a road-trip, Mad Max beyond thunderdome, and a fight to the death for wannabe RocknRollers, with a most unusual father-son dynamic thrown in. Jeffrey Falcon and Justin McGuire (as Justin McQuire) are amazing together, which is just as well, as they're on screen together for all but a few scenes, and the success of this film depended entirely on their working well together on screen. If you enjoyed the tone of "Some Guy Who Kills People", or the australian classic schlock comedy "Body Melt", then this is definitely for you.
fezzik-5 i'm actually typing this as i watch this movie for about the tenth time. does it have flaws? certainly. the editing can be rough, the pacing is a bit slow, and the ending is very good but a bit unsatisfying (it makes you want SSS Part II). But this is the sort of movie I wish there were more of: a sincere, stylistically consistent romp through one man's vision. Well-acted, action-packed, but most importantly a convincing construction of a fantastical universe that sucks you in for 90 minutes. I've seen this movie 10-15 times and every time it gets better. Plus, it has the best quotable one-liners. "Follow the yellow back road, homie. It'll always be the same, wherever you go."
emguy The 'Road Warrior' ties are obvious, as others have noted. Throw in some deliberate clichés from cheesy martial arts flicks, cheesy 60s rock-and-roll movies, Clint Eastwood westerns, some 'Wizard of Oz' references, and a dollop of 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.' And maybe a touch of 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes' too.The plot, such as it is, is bare-bones simple and has been done a jillion times. In fact, it's more predictable than one would expect at several points, though I won't give away the ending. The story is really just a rack on which to hang lots of campy, cult-film-wannabe moments.
Guardian978 This is an absolutely awesome piece of American cinema. It's just absolutely indescribable; there are two groups of people in this world, those who have beheld the awesomeness of this movie, and those who think the first group is just weird. If you don't think it's awesome, then obviously you haven't beheld it and are therefore in the latter group. Buddy Holly is a samurai-sword wielding, kung-fu-fighting, guitar-picking hero making his way across a post-apocalyptic desert in order to become the new King of Lost Vegas. He's pursued by Death, who looks like a combination of Rob Zombie and Slash from Guns N' Roses. The fight scenes are awesome and have an amazing soundtrack to them, and the dueling guitars scene near the end is one of the coolest confrontations ever. I can't gush about this movie enough. If I could give it a higher rating than a 10, I would.