Six Men Getting Sick
Six Men Getting Sick
| 01 January 1967 (USA)
Six Men Getting Sick Trailers

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.

Lawbolisted Powerful
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Denis Eremeev (NePerfectionist) David Lynch once said about how he came to start making films."One night I was drawing a garden in my studio, immersed in a thick black night, where green grass seemed to dilute this bottomless darkness, and I sat down beside my picture, began to peer at it, and I heard the wind blowing and My picture was rustled with grass, and then I thought, "Oh,the moving painting!" "And so he realized that he wants to shoot / draw "moving pictures" called films. And this work, his first work, is so simple, so genius. In its essence, this is the true image of the philosophy with which Lynch still pictures his paintings. This is nothing more than a painting that constantly changes its state, and all this translates into a moving picture.It is with this thought you need to look at this picture. It is she who will give you a complete idea of ​​the primary thought Lynch shot his greatest works ("Mallholland Dr.", "Eraserhead", "Blue Velvet").Looking at this disturbing picture, you can experience the same sensations as when looking at pictures of surrealists, such as Salvador Dali. And if you are suddenly not familiar with the works of Lynch at all, then I advise you to understand and feel his view of the cinema precisely from this work, and what undisclosed potential the cinematography possesses, not playing with your intellect, and not even with your eyes, but with your subconscious mind ...
SignorPorcino As in most of Lynch's films, the viewer can't really tell what's truly going on, and interpretation is left up to him.However, for me, this felt basically pointless, if not for the object of artistic experimentation within animation. The repetitious aspect of the film, short as it is, is what most bugged me. I felt as if I was sitting across from an awkward man-child who was trying to stuff crackers through his nostrils, repeatedly and unsuccessfully, or something strange, staring at me with huge eyes, as if he expected me to react in some way. Awkward and uncomfortable. Then again, this does almost have a certain level of interest. What exactly tickled my curiosity I don't quite know.Anyhow, its worth a look if you enjoy Lynch's work and presume to understand it, which probably no one entirely does. Still interesting to see what his early work was like.
Michael_Elliott Six Men Getting Sick (1966) ** 1/2 (out of 4) David Lynch's first film is an animated short running four minutes that shows exactly what the title says. The animation is ugly, the soundtrack annoying but these two things are what makes the film work. The film is rather surreal in a weird sort of way but this fits the director just fine.Alphabet, The (1968) *** (out of 4) David Lynch's second film is a four-minute short of a nightmare with a woman in bed saying the alphabet. This is an extremely weird short but at the same time it's perfectly surreal and just downright strange. The bizarre images of the woman spitting up blood are eerie to say the least. This certainly isn't a film to show you kids to each them to say their ABC's.
colonel-5 So nine people have seen this film?Seeing as the film was essentially a temporary piece of installation art, a loop of film projected onto a sculpture as part of an exhibition back in 1966, I have a very genuine interest in talking to those people - they must have some interesting stories to tell.
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