Six: The Mark Unleashed
Six: The Mark Unleashed
| 06 May 2004 (USA)
Six: The Mark Unleashed Trailers

Resistance fighters must stop a brutal dictator who uses high tech surveillance to rule the world.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Uriah43 This movie begins in the not-too-distant future with two car thieves named "Brody Sutton" (David A.R. White) and "Jerry Willis" (Kevin Downes) breaking into a garage and stealing a Porshe 911. Neither of them have accepted a computer implant which has been mandated by law. Eventually they get caught and thrown into prison with others who have refused to accept the implant—most notably Christians. One of these Christians is named "Luke" (Stephen Baldwin) who has an uncanny ability to see into the future. Another person they meet is a smuggler by the name of "Tom Newman" (Jefferey Dean Morgan) who was apprehended by his ex-wife "Jeseca" (Amy Moon) who happens to work tracking down those who refuse to receive the implant. Because of Jeseca's connections Tom is given an assignment to find and kill one of the leading Christians still at large who goes by the name of "Elijah Cohen" (Cosimo Michael Occhipinti). He very reluctantly accepts. Anyway, for those who like Christian movies dealing with this particular subject matter, I believe that they are in for a real treat. It has a very interesting plot and it kept my attention throughout. On the other hand, there were a couple of things I did not like about this movie. First, I didn't especially care for the special abilities of Elijah Cohen. It just wasn't as realistic as I would have preferred. My other criticism concerned the extremely limited role given to Eric Roberts (as the smuggler named "Dallas"). It just seems to me that an actor with that much ability should have had more screen time. But that's just my opinion. In any case, I liked this movie for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
the_wolf_imdb There is one problem with Christian movies: They are NOT labeled as Christian movies ("CH" rating or something like that). I have bought this movie discounted, but I still feel like I was robbed. I have expected "immense SF thriller" from "near future, about the mind control and the heroes who are the only hope to remove the dictatorship". What I got is almost two hours cheesy Christian propaganda, way too long, boring, cheesy, single dimensional, no effects, tragic dialogs. If I would be interested in such material, I can get plenty of this for free. There is NO action, NO SF (even Space Truckers are more SF than this!) The view of "God's" or "free" people to "dictatorship" is not even naive, it is complete off track. The "1984" seems absolutely great and thrilling in comparison with this piece of crap. "1984" is depressive, realistic, chilling view into communistic-like future with no chance for individualism and no chance to victory. Here you have totally unrealistic view to dictatorship - enemies are allowed to talk and encourage those who should be terrified by punishment, prison cell walls full of Bible texts, prisoners are dressed clean and allowed to pray etc. etc. The dictatorships DO NOT work that way. If you want to see how real dictatorships work in their "correctional facilities", watch Gray Zone, Killing Fields or Katyn. This is just very neat, very boring, generic Christian brainwash with very standard message: Ye shall be evangelized to the exquisite death by love of Christ and the boredom! So: I want $3 back and 2 hours my life too!
djpappa I found this movie to be hilarious with moments of genuine creepiness. Is this really what fundamentalists think is going to happen? I went to Catholic school as a kid and I think the nuns there would find this story as alien as I did (but, probably not as funny). I couldn't tell one moronic drone from another. Apparently no one in the future can think for themselves. No matter what side your on you wander around quoting "doctrine" written by others more "enlightened" then yourself. If these are the choices I'll take door number three. A robot is a robot no matter what words he is spouting. To paraphrase the movies last line: "The choices I make may be wrong but, at least, they will be free".
bkoganbing With such recognizable stars as Stephen Baldwin and Eric Roberts in it, Six, The Mark Unleashed has quite a bit more production values in it than you normally get from a Christian film. Note the producer is Paul Crouch, Jr. of the Crouch family of Trinity Broadcasting Network so it's not like they're short of funds.The creative end of this film is Kevin Downes and David A.R. White who are the Ben Affleck and Matt Damon of the Christian film world. Note their respective credits, you'll find it almost exclusively in that genre.Both of these two are getting a little old to be playing juveniles although Downes has quite the baby face, just like Matt Damon. They're a couple of petty criminals who get caught with some stolen items, but more important than that, they're caught with a counterfeit mark. The mark of course is the mark of the anti-Christ and it's a computer chip planted for thought control. That's an automatic death sentence.In prison they're tossed in with Jeffrey Dean Morgan who neither buys into the thought control of the world 'Leader' who's come to power or with the Christian apocalyptic theology. He's a former cop and that makes him a good candidate to infiltrate the Christians and kill a new 'prophet' with the shegetz name of Elijah Cohen. Morgan's ex-wife Amy Moon dreamed up this assignment. Morgan escapes with White and Downes who has now become a believer. The rest of the film is what happens to the three of them.Baldwin and Roberts lend their names to this project in strictly minor roles for box office. Usually these films immediately go to the Christian television circuit with a limited if any kind of run on the big screen.If you're a believer this film is better than average, if you're not the story will be silly and trite. Reviews for these kind of films are wasted because the audience is a built in one, dictated by religious beliefs. Kind of like a Star Trek movie in that way.