The Six Wives of Henry Lefay
The Six Wives of Henry Lefay
PG-13 | 19 October 2010 (USA)
The Six Wives of Henry Lefay Trailers

A presumed-dead man's current wife and former wives squabble over his funeral arrangements.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Michael Ledo Tim Allen plays Henry LeFay, a man who never met a woman he didn't marry. Henry is a "Crazy Eddy" type who lives in a small upstate NY town. He is on vacation in Mexico when word comes to his daughter Barbie, that he has died. Barbie, who looks like a Barbie doll, is our voice of reason during this film. The movie then goes into a flashback of Henry, married to a young girl named Autumn (same age as his daughter Barbie), is also engaged to woman who Barbie loathes from high school (3 years younger than his wife Autumn) while he is having an affair with his ex-wife. To be honest, she was wife number 2 and number 4. At one point his ex-wife is chasing Henry with a knife because during oral sex he had answered his cell phone to talk to his fiancee (while his wife was away).At the funeral, his ex-wives have conflicting instructions, written by Henry as to his funeral arrangements. During the bickering, an African-American woman shows up at the funeral claiming she was really Henry's first wife and that their marriage was annulled after three months. Henry's elderly mom keeps mistaking her for the hired help. In one touching scene Barbie tries to bond with her grandmother by asking her to tell her something she never told her before. As it turns out, grandma was a woman for hire at Pearl Harbor during the war.After the funeral (I will spare you the comic details of the funeral to prevent spoiling the film) the movie ties up loose ends in a heart warming fashion.Normally I avoid things with cute title puns such as Joan of Arcadia, or Grey's Anatomy, but this one was good for a laugh. Adult themes, rear nudity, drops the f-bomb very infrequently.
rooprect Weekend at Bernie's. Death at a Funeral. Grand Theft Parsons. Call me sick, but there's something hilarious about dead people. And if you feel the same way, you'll enjoy this movie even if it isn't exactly Citizen Kane.In the opening scene, our titular character Henry, while bragging about his 6 ex-wives, dies. In the second scene we learn that his estranged daughter "Barbie" (wonderfully played by Elisha Cuthbert in a role that may remind you of the adorably neurotic Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally") must organize his funeral which is to be attended by, you guessed it, his 6 ex-wives.From there you can probably guess how things turn disastrous, and that's the fun of this movie. It's so delightfully predictable that you needn't stretch your brain cell too far to have a good time. Presented in an interesting collage of flashbacks of Henry's life and vignettes of the days leading up to the actual funeral, the movie gives us some funny, over-the-top characters. My favorite was probably Wife #2 "Ophelia" (hilariously played by Jenna Elfman), a vodka tonic swilling socialite who always seems to be just 1 Xanax away from being a serial killer. Tim Allen himself plays a memorable role as Henry Lefay, not exactly a likable guy, but very fun to watch as he makes a total arse of himself.There's a serious undertone in a subplot about the daughter Barbie and her inability to commit to romance herself, despite the fact that she's dating an absolute dreamboat "Lloyd" (Eric Christian Olsen) who will likely have all the ladies in the audience swooning and all the gents nervously checking around their seats to see where they dropped their sensitive side.In all, this is a fun romcom driven not so much by its plot as it is by the absolutely insane characters in the story. Don't miss small but memorable performances by Barbara Barrie ("Grandma Mae") and Edward Herrmann ("Mr. Goodenough" the funeral director) who are both respected veterans of the 1960s Alfred Hitchcock hour as well as more TV credits than you can shake a remote at. "The Six Wives of Henry Lefay" is an adult yet family friendly film without any gratuitous nudity (well OK, we do see Tim Allen's bum as he runs naked from a knife-wielding psycho) and without any profanity (well OK, there is one F-bomb but it is perfectly placed and thoroughly hilarious). Safe to watch with your kids or your parents... but definitely not your ex-wife.
Robert W. --Fun sitcom like comedy --Dark twisted and funny --A little bland at times and perhaps over the top too much for its own good at times --Solid cast, good supporting characters --Story sometimes feels a little contrived and forcedTim Allen does a solid job in the role as womanizing Henry. He doesn't have a ton of screen time but he definitely carries the movie very well. Nice to see him in something a little less slapstick for movies.Elisha Cuthbert is actually really great as Henry's daughter Barbera. She has great chemistry with the cast and with Allen as well. She really shows some great acting chops though she is the straight-woman in the comedy.Andie MacDowell is also very good but also sort of the straight-woman. Her and Cuthbert have good chemistry as mother and daughter.Jenna Elfman, and Paz Vega are also terrific as the often screwy wives (especially Elfman) who has an odd but solid chemistry with Tim Allen.This is director Howard Michael Gould's first go as director. That might have hurt the film a little bit because a stronger director might have held the film together just a little better. He has a lot of experience in producing but I'm not sure he has the experience yet to hold together a movie as director. Still sit back and relax and you can enjoy this very quirky little dark comedy. You won't be rolling on the floor laughing but laughs and chuckles are plenty. 7/10
napierslogs When "The Six Wives of Henry Lefay" is just a screwball comedy, it's actually pretty good. Every ex-wife has something to add to the hilarity and absurdity, and Tim Allen is the best he's been in years as the unapologetic Lothario, Henry Lefay.Jenna Elfman is the crazy ex-wife, Ophelia, she could very well be his one true love except for when she's chasing him around the house with a carving knife. Andie MacDowell is her usual self, trying to bring stability as the mother of Henry's child. Lindsay Sloane is particularly hilarious as the naive and current but soon-to-be ex wife. However the star of this movie is Elisha Cuthbert, Barbie, Henry's daughter. She has had it with him marrying women younger than her, lying to her, and tricking her into trying to break up with a wife for him. She's at her best as a tough, together, independent woman when she as to arrange her father's funeral while trying to appease all the wives.Cuthbert is great as Barbie, and the movie really is about her, but she's the only character with any kind of depth. When "The Six Wives of Henry Lefay" tries to be a touching drama, it fails miserably. There is nothing particularly thoughtful about this film, and all the wives are painfully painted one-dimensionally, and I don't think they were supposed to be."The Six Wives of Henry Lefay" is funny, but it's not particularly wise or emotionally profound.