Live and Become
Live and Become
NR | 30 March 2005 (USA)
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In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews and are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Cortechba Overrated
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
KATO-SUBZERO Yom Shi Shi, 9 September 2016: I found this movie by accident, but I am so happy that I did. I wish that I had known of it in year 2005. This film is based on a true story about Ethiopian Jews suffering and dying in Ethiopia, Africa for lack of food and medical help and that eventually Israel saves them. The English title is: "Live and Become" or "Live and Become Jewish", which is about a Christian boy and his Christian mother in Ethiopia. To save her son, when the Israelis arrive to save many Ethiopian Black Jews, the mom tells her son to say that he is Jewish and go live in Israel so that he will not die in Ethiopia.The young actors, Moshe Abebe and Sirak Sabahat both playing "Solomon" at different ages and pretty Israeli actress, Yael Abecassi in the role of the adoptive mother both deserves an academy award. The entire cast was excellent. Excellent acting, excellent direction and great locations. Also it was great to hear the dialogue in Ivrit and also in Amharic, but I don't know why French is included.I also love when the young cute Jewish girl, actress, Roni Hadar started to like Solomon in spite of his dark skin. God does NOT see skin color, Elohim, Adonai, El Elyon Only see the heart and mind of people. Real Love overcomes hate, bigotry and prejudice and I think that if I had the chance to meet a pretty White Israeli Jewish woman, love and marriage would Not happen between us because I too am African Black American and I would be looked down upon because of my skin color.My favorite scenes was when Yael told him that Sarah loves him and she waited 10 years for him he better tell her that he loves her. I thought finally and the beautiful wedding scenes. But even more what I loved is the fact that Sarah loved him in spite of his skin color not born Jewish. True Love conquers all.But I wish that more White Jews and darker skin Jews (converts included) would open their hearts and minds and allow men and women to love and marry freely without all the racism. For the Jewish women and men in America that have open hearts and minds and loved and married darker skin, I say Toda La El for them.I also loved the scenes with the Jewish celebrations, music and dancing. The Israel Jewish culture of religious and non religious is very beautiful with the dancing in a large circle and celebrations.I hope that when it was originally released that it was well received and won some awards.I wish that it was release in United States. Todah Rabah.Shalom, Laila Tov ve La heet ra ot.
Armand "Va, vis, deviens" is not an ordinary film about Judaism or integration in a community.It is not story of a man between worlds and feelings.It is only radiography of a strange century, reflection of his errors and image of fragility of a space. A testimony of permanent search of real life's sense. Picture of daily fight with yourself for good definition of reality. Shlomo is not Jew.This is his fundamental sin and source of fear. In same time, Israelian society is, as his past, part of a single coin. He must be Jew against his dreams, hesitations or truth. He must be only Jew, against his painful memories and basic nostalgic image.So, the film is description of evolution in the skin of social role. Sequences of a vital trip to self-definition. Exploration of a society, vulnerable, fragile and obsessed by the shadow of stranger.Radu Mihaileanu's film is more that a beautiful story, version of new Cuore or pathetic pledge for empathy. It is a page of life's complexity, part of universal crisis present in the relation between West and East Germans after fall of Wall, between Romanians and Bessarabians after 1990.In a consistent measure, it is a subtle try to definite the Judaic faith and the Jew statute, the aspects of exile and symbols of reality. In fact, the film is a personal testimony about the role in a chimeric world of everyone. The question of Adam skin color is form of self-definition, form of self-discovery.An indirect confession of a great film director about his origins, expectation and his long and harsh fight for be yourself.
jeromezz Obscure topics allows new perspectives. Removing us from our surroundings so completely this show gives us unique perspectives. Powerful, have you ever been mean to a new comer? I bet you have even if by accident. You will regret that after this.What is it to be a newcomer? Well now we have a better idea. Live and Become is perspective.Inspiration abounds; what a family story, what a childhood story, what a freedom story, the honesty of it; it is a tremendous trembling perspective. Just walking barefoot has never been so amazing.This subject is not popular, -a story about a black orphan trying to become a Jewish Israeli. Watching this story somehow becomes more private because it is so obscure. If this movie gets the audience it deserves it will diminish its uniqueness. Really worth watching but if you do keep it secret.
LibbieSnyder To Whom It May Concern: I was very moved by Live and Become. I am happy a film like this has been made, especially because it allows non-Ethiopian Israelis and non-Israeli Jews to get a glimpse into the reality of an Ethiopian immigrant's experience.Despite the wonderful qualities of Live and Become, I feel compelled to voice a complaint about the film. A film like this has great power – it has won countless awards and been viewed by millions of people around the world. The film presents itself as being factual and contemporary. For these reasons, I feel that you have a moral obligation to maintain your 'factual' and 'contemporary' agenda across the board – both for the Ethiopian experience as well as for Israel the state. You can be fictional or accurate with both or neither, but you can't pass yourself off as being true to the one, and be completely inaccurate with the other.Examples: 1) As the Ethiopian immigrants enter Israel, someone says "All the Jews in Israel are white". Including a line like this in your film makes you morally culpable in reinforcing false stereotypes about Israel. Israel has enough unjust PR against it, framing the conflict as the "colonizing white Europeans" versus the "dark-skinned, indigenous Palestinians", which makes it all too easy for the uneducated majority to take a side. If you have an opportunity to factually educate the public, why did you choose instead to maintain ignorance? Over 30% of Israelis, throughout history, have been born and raised in the Middle East (Israel and surrounding Arab countries), the Mediterranean, and Africa. Nobody talks about that fact.2) In the scene where Schlomo asks his grandfather about a just solution to the conflict, I understand your intent is to portray the French family as liberal and left-wing. But there are ways to portray those political views without again reinforcing gravely mistaken misunderstandings about the Arab-Israeli conflict. The comparison of a newly planted tree to Israel and an old tree to Palestine is outrageous – Jews have been living in the land of Israel, continuously, for over two thousand years. Unfortunately, more people these days watch movies than read books. So the audience you've reached with your film will more likely base their opinion on the Arab-Israeli conflict from the message you've presented, rather than doing their own research on Jewish presence in the land of Israel over history. For this reason, you are guilty of furthering misinformation and hostility against Israel – you have rejected, rather than seized, an opportunity to help the peace process.Given the very factual, and very contemporary, suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians, you have committed a grave mis-service to everyone involved with your misleading messages. The least you could do is remedy these scenes, and make a public statement recognizing the true constitution of Israel's population and history in the land.
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