My Blueberry Nights
My Blueberry Nights
PG-13 | 04 April 2008 (USA)
My Blueberry Nights Trailers

Elizabeth has just been through a particularly nasty breakup, and now she's ready to leave her friends and memories behind as she chases her dreams across the country. In order to support herself on her journey, Elizabeth picks up a series of waitress jobs along the way. As Elizabeth crosses paths with a series of lost souls whose yearnings are even greater than her own, their emotional turmoil ultimately helps her gain a greater understanding of her own problems...

Micitype Pretty Good
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
tanelteder I read a review about the movie which said it's all about mood. If you don't have a certain mood, you don't like the movie. I totally agree. This is not regular entertainment. It too boring for that. It's a bedside movie. Something that you like only if you're in proper position and you don't have to worry about anything. It's a perfect picture for a movie night cause mainly all the action is on nights and in the end you probably feel it's time to go sleep.The cast is awesome. As a big fan of beautiful women, there are many in it. At the head of course my favorite, Natalie Portman. She's amazing here as always. But it's singer Norah Jones who's got the leading role. She's doing fine. Rachel Weisz is another beauty who has a small part to play.There are two things that may happen to you watching this movie. One was that you want to go sleep. The other which happened to me was that you feel hungry. Well it's of course if you haven't eaten just before watching the film. There are some yummy-yummy blueberry pies on-screen which may put your fauces to work. You've been warned!
hydebee-2 if you are here on IMDb, you will notice that most really bad movies have a high rating, such is the case for this piece of reality there is less than 1 of 6 movies that rate 4 stars , but here on IMDb it is more like 5 of 6 movies are 4 stars, so you begin to see that the people who tend to write reviews like the movies , my reviews are written from a neutral view, so with that said here we go my review of "my blueberry nights".Norah Jones is singer writer ,lets hope she stays that, i do not know if it was the material she had to work with or the ideal of the director to make a singer a star, but this movie sucks -plain and simple, it appeals mainly to women. the whole ideal of blue berry pie being orgasmic. i have sit thru some really bad female movies(eat-pray -puke)but blueberry nights is the worst, to me personally this is the worst movie of all time, it literally made me sick to my stomach , i wanted to get up and leave,Norah is the main character who leaves her boy friend Jude law , he makes really great blueberry pies , she takes off on a road trip no it is not a funny ,enjoyable road trip but a very dark trip filled with sickos , and very stereo-typed jazz joints as the ones in Memphis,on her journey she goes thru Memphis-neworlens-and Vegas to mention a few she meets a crazy cop,his even crazier wife, and then a crazy gambler played by Natalie portman,i don't know who would bankroll this crap but someone did and in my honest opinion this may be worst movie of all time, it reminds me of being held a captive in a nightmare, the funny thing is it had Jude law and Natalie portman in it, i am a Jude law fan,but i guess this shows anyone can be bought for money .miss Jones you need to stick to singing.and BTW if you are offered blueberry pie turn it down for chocolate cake.
mike dewey Don't bother with this if you're looking for deep existential meaning and revelation. But if you want an entertaining hour and a half story about a young woman's escape from her old life and her journey into some new horizons, then by all means give this a go. As our main character Lizzy (Norah) goes from her home base in New York, (where she cries on the diner owner's shoulder (Jude Law) about her unrequited love problems), to new horizons farther out west, she gets continually exposed to other dysfunctional relationships that actually pale in comparison to hers. The director (Wong) takes us through a couple of quasi-vignettes where our central character dons her waitress garb and meets up with an estranged and embattled couple in Memphis, soundly portrayed by David Straithairn and Rachel Weisz. This short segment of the film is deftly executed and gives our protagonist some serious food for thought.Tragedy ensues in Memphis and prompts Lizzy to journey farther west where she runs into a fast and sassy gambling lady (Natalie Portman). A similarly poignant story ensues as her "high-rollin'" new found buddy has some skeletons in her own closet that she continually tries to suppress. Ms. Portman's characterization here is worthy of note as she shifts her metaphorical gears ever so effortlessly from the brash high-roller to the lonely daughter of the estranged father.All through these events, Lizzy injects a subtle yet effective narrative as she sends letters of these goings-on to her old diner owner buddy back in New York. They are reflective and heart-felt and give the film a warmth and compassion that our protagonist seems to be developing on her soulful journey. Norah does well in achieving this subtle metamorphosis, especially when augmented by her lovely vocal and musical accompaniment. Other "non-Norah" sound track cuts also add emphasis and flavor to their given scenes.However, the journey goes a full 360 degrees as she finally goes back to her home base in New York, full new found experiences and perspectives. She arrives back in the "Big Apple" just prior to the diner closing where maybe she can get time for one last healthy portion of her favorite pie...and maybe more!
Rodrigo Amaro Singer Norah Jones plays a young woman who takes a soul-searching journey across America to resolve her questions about love while encountering a series of offbeat characters along the way. One of them is Jeremy (Jude Law) the owner of a coffee-shop whose Blueberry pies are the only one left out untouched (according to him no one likes it). She and Jeremy has some conversations about destiny, love and some left keys in the place and the story behind those keys. Wong Kar-Wai's film is a very unsatisfying work that drags the viewer into countless slow paced scenes, and a ridiculous cinematography that mixed slow motion with blurry effects. The conversations at night between Norah and Law was great, it was the greatest achievement of the film, but the excessive use of intern scenes was tiresome, we never know if a day passed by between these encounters, she just enters and enters again. The supporting roles performed by Natalie Portman, David Strathairn and Rachel Weisz sometimes were good, other times were irritating. I mean, this story was too forced. A woman's cross in the path of many different characters trying to see life in another way. And then what? What can we possibly learn here? The simplicity of acts, and the actions of the characters didn't embrace me, didn't move me at all. And the whole lesson given by Portman's character of never trust everyone was good (she's a gambler who makes a great offer to Jones and then everything went wrong and she lost Jones money). With this lesson in mind I didn't trust this movie, neither trust that the director of the great "Happy Together" made such a weak film. My question is: Kar-Wai was being real here in making this film, did he really show his feelings about love or it was a too much cinematic film, trying to be an artist? Oh, about the blueberry subject about everybody hating it, I wish I could understand this pointless reference. Is it really that bad? I never ate one but that's another story. It's a sad vacuum in terms of story and direction, although the performances were quite good. 4/10