The Painted Veil
The Painted Veil
PG-13 | 20 December 2006 (USA)
The Painted Veil Trailers

A British medical doctor fights a cholera outbreak in a small Chinese village, while also being trapped at home in a loveless marriage to an unfaithful wife.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
tmlhash I love this movie. It is one of my favorite movies I will get no tired watching it again and again. I have hated and fallen in love with Walter Fane, same as Kitty did. Edward Norton played that character simply perfect. Each simple detail on the way he moved, walked, watched, breathed added the right value/element to the character and transmitted plenty of emotions. Naomi Watts!!! Oh another excellent actor to this movie. I hated the frivolous Kitty at first, but than I hated Walter for "making it pay" to well matured Kitty later. Excellent movie in every single detail.
srhope-34746 So far I've not been able to watch more than the first few scenes. Not owing to any gruesome horror, but because I feel I've seen this film many times before. I stopped at the scene in the Chinese theatre. When Liev Schreiber's character tells Watts about the theatrical plot, he is so obviously telling her what she feels about her mistaken marriage, it is the writer and director choosing to verbalise rather than let the characters show through their actions and emotions. Too clumsy and obvious to generate real feelings in me at least.
scorpiowriter Watched this last night on Netflix. At first, was annoyed by Naomi Watt's heavy Australian accent bleeding through her British character's, along with Ed Norton's very weak accent.Once they went to China, everything changed. The scenery (filmed in Guilin, Guangxiprovince) is MAGNIFICENT. Interesting to watch the characters go fromloathing one another to a sort of reunion. Definitely worth a watch.Love the scenery, costumes, music, and melancholy lighting. Would haveliked to see more of Waddington.Jeez, I have to add more lines to my review. Most people have the attention span of a goldfish, IMDb! What else is there to say...wish I saw more from the Chinese character's points of view, so they weren't just stereotypes , i.e. Chinese Peasant #1. Would have liked to known more about the experiences of the French nuns--what gives them pleasure? How about seeing the local foods? There was a humorous scene where Dr. Fane meets up with a Chinese warlord--reminded me of the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Good movie, definitely if you can get though the dreary English scenes--where I wish more character development had occurred--you will love it. And Lieve Schreiber makes an excellent DOUCHEBAG character!
The Couchpotatoes I watched this movie purely based on the high ratings and positive reviews it got on IMDb. I can get that people like this movie if you are into this kind of genre. But drama/romances are not my thing so to me it's just a movie I will have watched once and then forget about it. The only thing I liked about The Painted Veil were the nice nature shots. Those were breathtaking. But the story itself is just not good enough to me to entertain me for such a long period. But I get that some people will like it because the actors did a good job. You can't fault Naomi Watts and Edward Norton for anything. They are good actors, everybody can see that. To me it's just the story that is too boring, but I can't say it is a bad movie. It's just not my cup of tea.