Caved In: Prehistoric Terror
Caved In: Prehistoric Terror
R | 07 January 2006 (USA)
Caved In: Prehistoric Terror Trailers

An extreme adventure tour group headed by deep caving expert John Palmer descends into a 2000 Ft abandoned salt mine , that was mysteriously closed down years ago after an unexplained disaster trapped all of the miners . They prepare for rock slides , blackouts , cave-ins - whatever might threaten their journey and commence their descent into the depths.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Akzidenz_Grotesk Other reviewers re-tell the plot here but I won't because I consider that a spoiler. This is a pretty good science-fiction/horror movie with likable actors portraying a family and some really nasty bad guys. I couldn't help but think the lead actor looks a lot like actor Mark Hamill.The sets are great and the dangers lurking will give you the creeps. The music score is appropriate for the film, with tonalities equal to the menace affecting the characters.Seven out of ten stars for being well-made, including the special effects, which are quite realistic and detailed.
beth-415 I am getting really sick of Sci-Fi's endless parade of beyond crappy movies. I feel quite insulted by this channel's wasted resources and it makes me want to stop watching everything on it in protest. The development department must think that Sci-Fi fans will watch anything with a bug or monster in it. While Caved In is not nearly as bad as some of the Sci-Fi movies I've seen, I am utterly astounded that movies like this continue to get made. Maybe I should take 15 minutes and write a script for their next movie. If I could give this movie a negative rating I would but I suppose it's worth a 1 for having Christopher Atkins is in it. I actually thought he did a decent job with what he was given and I watched it because he was in it. He looks great, by the way. Monica Dean was pretty good too but the rest of the actors were horrid. With the exception of those two, the overacting that plagues every Sci-Fi movie didn't fail to grace this one. I have not bothered with a Sci-Fi movie in a long a time and was once again reminded why I decided to avoid them in the first place. Stupid Sci-Fi Channel....
boyinflares "Caved In" features several 'name' actors who are unfortunately reduced to acting in such a by-the-books film. Christopher Atkins and Angela Featherstone play husband and wife John and Samantha Palmer who, along with their 2 children work as guides of some sort (I don't recall is being specifically stated what they do other than take people around strange places).Instead of going on a family vacation, John Palmer accepts on offer of a lot of money to take some less-than-respectable people into some ancient caverns to hunt for a tomb full of emeralds. So he does, while his family are left to explore above-ground. Naturally, things get out of hand in the old tunnels when giant (CGI) beetles begin attacking, and one-by-one the bad guys all begin to get killed off, or double crossed. The bugs begin making their way to the surface, putting Palmer's family in even more danger.The acting is not too bad, well, it shouldn't be considering who some of the cast are. Christopher Atkins and Angela Featherstone both give decent performances, but poor Colm Meany, formerly of "Star Trek" fame is reduced to little in his role here. Monica Dean and David Palffy are fairly good in their roles as criminals, though one of them has a heart. Chelan Simmons spends the entire movie being unlivable annoying and / or running around screaming. It's a good thing her acting ability also improves for her next film "Final Destination 3".Sci-Fi and Horror are combined often for films ("Event Horizon", "Alien") but do not always work well together. This is one of those cases where it's really personal preference, as the film lacks a lot of things, but it is not without trying.
ezzat_1983 This has got to be one of the worst movies I have seen in a while. I was severely disappointed with this movie as I'm all for watching the DVD's that only have a couple of copies on the shelf at the DVD store as they're quite often rare gems, but this was one of the exceptions.This is a classic, badly made B grade movie: Dodgy no-name, b-grade actors with terrible clichéd lines that can't act, amateur designed CG beetles that move jerkily and don't seam in with the movie at all, ghastly and unrealistic lighting (is meant to be 2000ft below ground but you can see everything like they're out in the middle of a summers day), crappy fake/unrealistic set design (I've seen better at a theatre production!), terrible fake, stupid gore shots put in only for shock value to cover the gaping fact that the plot is shockingly badly written and there is no substance to it & shocking cinematography. The director wants his face slapped! My final comment would be: if you want a good laugh at a terrible movie, get this out, otherwise, leave well alone!