Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust
Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust
| 30 May 2017 (USA)
Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust Trailers

In her first comedy special post-health scare, Sarah Silverman shares a mix of fun facts, sad truths and yeah-she-just-went-there moments.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
The Couchpotatoes I'm a fan of Sarah Silverman. She's funny, knows how to make jokes about herself or/and her backgrounds, and she's not afraid of making fun of delicate subjects. I wouldn't say this was her best show but to me it was funny enough to be entertained and that's the only thing I want when watching a stand-up comedian. I'm not a big fan of the pausing she does alot. It looks too much like she's thinking about her lines and so it doesn't seem very natural to me. A little pause everynow and then is fine, to make a point, but with her it sometimes looks too forced and she doesn't need that. For the rest I think she has a good stage presence. Maybe she's not in my top of stand-up comedians but I still enjoy watching her.
bob the moo Although very popular, Silverman is an acquired taste in terms of her style, her comedy, and her politics. I think too often she relies on the shock factor juxtaposed with her fresh-faced attractive appearance, but mostly she has a fine wit behind so much of what she does. With this show there was a decent mix of personal reflection combined with that same shock factor material. Although she has some digs at Trump, the show wisely stays away from political humor but mostly takes from her personal situation and memories of her family. In this way the show is quite interesting, although it perhaps reduces laughs at times.Silverman seems a little different than I've seen her before. She felt very static and limited in her movements while on stage. In terms of her interaction with the audience, these also felt a little unnatural, and I wasn't always sure that it worked when she stopped her own show to look back at a line etc. In this way it was not a wholly successful show, and although I enjoyed it, I concede it was not as funny as I hoped, nor was Silverman as engaging.
leiaxsakura No, I'm sorry, I have to disagree with the rave reviews. I'm a Sarah fan. She's one of the smartest and funniest out there. But this is the wrong direction. There's a lot to enjoy here. Not the belly laugh kind. The kind of thing she excels at, discussing things that actually sound real in her life and posing them in a funny and revelatory way, pointing out the boundaries of our artificially constricted moralities. Fine. I'm up with that. What is different here is her self consciousness. She's a woman who has a great range of facial expressions and usually can't talk without her arms and hands being part of the conversation. Did someone tell her that's not cool? Her style is more mannered in this one, her pauses more mechanical, her facial tics more like an actor's. She was great the way she was. She doesn't need to be slicker. I liked it that sometimes she would be doing a bit and the audience wouldn't seem to be getting it and she'd be so surprised at their dumbness she'd back track to try and get them to see what was funny. Yeah, maybe a bad idea in personal terms. Not slick but human. It was 'the new' cool. Showed how sparky she was and how vulnerable at the same time, that she wanted to be telling you something. Maybe this was a performance on a night she wasn't in her best place. The real Sarah Silverman is better than this.
Atha Russ I usually avoid Sarah Silverman. I appreciate her as comic most of the time, but I just don't agree with her opinions. This was Sarah at her best. I laughed out loud, cringed slightly at her mostly-toned-down crudeness, and she didn't upset me with her opinions once. But the part I enjoyed the most was the credits. Here, I think we saw the real Sarah Silverman and I found her to be a delightful, warm-hearted, intrinsically funny and wise lady.