Hello, Dolly!
Hello, Dolly!
G | 12 December 1969 (USA)
Hello, Dolly! Trailers

Dolly Levi is a strong-willed matchmaker who travels to Yonkers, New York in order to see the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. In doing so, she convinces his niece, his niece's intended, and Horace's two clerks to travel to New York City.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
kz917-1 Barbra Streisand & Walter Matthau star in this classic of Hollywood. Also cast is Michael Crawford (in his youth) who will later star at the Phantom of the Opera in both the West End & Broadway and Tommy Tune's first film.Matchmaking is Dolly's game and she has her eye set on someone for herself!I didn't realize how many of the songs I've heard before elsewhere.Entertaining if you love musicals and any of the stars...
TheMegaCritic2000 . Well, right off the bat, I will admit that I love this movie. I know it almost bankrupted 20th Century Fox and that the critics were lukewarm about it on release in 1969, but they were flat-out wrong. And the perspective afforded by the passage of time has seen this become one of the most-loved of the Hollywood blockbuster musicals.The principals in the cast are all wonderful. Streisand is simply gorgeous and sings beautifully, as does Marianne McAndrew. Matthau is, well, typical Matthau: all wonderful hang-dog expressions of exasperation and a grouchy exterior hiding a warm-hearted soul. Michael Crawford, in an early role, doesn't quite have the voice he developed later in life, but it suits the part of the shy and nervous Hackl. The music is fabulous. It is one of Jerry Herman's very best pieces of work, in my opinion. It's full of great songs and the finale set-piece, when Dolly returns to the Harmonia Gardens, is magnificent, along with Louis Armstrong's great singing.Gene Kelly had Michael Kidd onboard as choreographer and he produced some superb set-pieces. The parade scene is incredible and required hundreds of extras. The story might be a bit thin, but the production values more than make up for it. The sets are remarkable, as are the costumes. The fact it was shot in 65mm Todd/AO means that it is a great visual experience, with tremendous detail visible.This is a truly great musical movie. If you haven't seen it, you really, really, should. You'll been for a treat.
tavm After hearing about this musical for decades, I finally watched this movie version of the Broadway musical Hello, Dolly! just now on Netflix Streaming. What a wonderfully tuneful movie this was with great choreography and perfect camera angles. And why not as the director is Gene Kelly who's such a great hoofer himself. Okay, so maybe Barbra Streisand was indeed a bit young for the title role but her singing and acting more than makes up for it. And Walter Matthau is perfect as the man who eventually...well, watch the movie if you want to know. And seeing Michael Crawford way before his triumphant run in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera was another fine treat here. But the real one was seeing the great Satchmo-Louis Armstrong-belt out the title tune with Ms. Streisand several years after making a recording of that song with the result of him not only being the first to hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 after The Beatles' 14 weeks there with their first three U.S. releases, but also becoming the oldest-at 63 then-to do so which still stands. Incidentally, the youngest to do so was Little Stevie Wonder at 13 with "Fingertips, Part II" the year before. So on that note, Hello, Dolly! is highly recommended. P.S. Since this is Black History Month, besides Armstrong, Scatman Crothers also appears with Ms. Streisand in the beginning number giving her a line or two.
middleburg One of the most underrated films of all time (even by IMDb viewers!!) What's not to Love about this film? It showcases Barbra Streisand at her Barbra Streisand best, and has one of the top five musical numbers in the history of Broadway. It's a sweetly innocent, escapist billowy tale, old-fashioned and charming, set within a gorgeous palate of lavish Belle Epoque era interiors, and Hudson River Valley Scenery, with a Louis Armstrong appearance that is the cap-per of a truly delightful entertainment. Those of you who haven't seen the film--please ignore the naysayers and the snobbish critical reviews--just escape into an earlier, innocent time, where strolling down the Avenues of turn-of-the 20th century NY, enjoying a lavish, calorie and cholesterol - laden banquet at a beautiful restaurant, watching with child-like glee a great old-fashioned parade and relishing the simple beauties of a sun-filled day all dressed up with tuneful melodies and snappy dancing warms your heart and provides a jolly good time! Relish and enjoy this treasure of an American Musical! Heck with the critics! This is one of the most fun musical entertainments ever captured on film!