Hello Herman
Hello Herman
NR | 07 June 2013 (USA)
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Set in the not so distant future, in Any Town USA, sixteen-years-old Herman Howards makes a fateful decision. He enters his suburban school and kills thirty nine students, two teachers, and a police officer. Just before his arrest, he emails his idol, famous journalist Lax Morales, sending him clips of the shootings captured with Herman's own digital camera. In the clips Herman tells Lax, "I want to tell my story on your show". Lax, haunted by his own past, is now face to face with Herman.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
C.H Newell I was hoping this film might add something to the debate about school shootings in America, but unfortunately it does not. The story of Herman Howards, a bullied and ridiculed young kid in high school, who decides to finally show people what they're doing to him: he walks into his school, laying waste to many students and teachers with guns and pipe bombs. Herman is familiar; he's like all the real school shooters who ended up taking lives needlessly because they were traumatized personally. I have sympathy for those who are bullied- I was in juniour high school, and it was awful. However, there's a difference between having sympathy and agreeing with what someone has done. School shootings have a lot of angles to consider- one major angle being the availability of guns to people, and particular young people, in the U.S- but this film goes in too many directions, never really going for one angle instead of a bunch.The acting was all right. Mainly Norman Reedus carried the acting here. Even the kid who played Herman wasn't that great, though there were a few moments I enjoyed from him. Unfortunately acting can't make up for the lack of a decent plot. It's too simple. They're not really saying anything here. I gave this a 4 out of 10 because of Reedus, and also the willingness to tackle a really tough subject for American audiences. Other than that, I would say skip it. I was waiting on this awhile, but now I'm thoroughly disappointed.The one thing that I did enjoy here Reedus' character, and his backstory. He was involved with some undercover reporting, a la Hunter S Thompson with the Hells Angels, which of course eventually goes bad. Basically we get more depth into the character, how he has not always necessarily been an "innocent", and took part in something brutal. Though this is another area the film also falls short- they never really gave me a satisfying conclusion to the character and his demons. It was a very intense setup, but I don't feel like they paid it off in the end.Find something else to watch, unless you have some time to waste. There are a couple other films involving school shootings, particularly Zero Day, that use the premise more effectively, and with much more impact.
Ting Zhang This was my 2nd time watching "Hello Herman" and compared to all those entertaining blockbusters, I'm glad to see a movie like this being made. It proves to be educational and gives us a profound reflection. Through Herman, I can see the bullying victims' situation and feel sorry for them. Those kids shouldn't be treated like that and Herman made it known that we're the same; human beings need to be treated the same and need love. I feel sorry for those kids and wish they could stand up for themselves. This movie draws our attention to those troubled kids at school, and makes us think about what contributes to those kids' actions and what we can do to help them. As for Herman, I feel sorry that he is always being picked on and bullied by other students, which makes his insanity more understandable. However, I'm angry that he doesn't know how to stand up for himself. He allows himself to become addicted to games and doesn't even know what to do when his sister gets an accident.Sometimes people blame the family or the mother for being too busy. I always doubt that and think it's an excuse for not being responsible for themselves. There are divorced families everywhere and parents need to make a living for the family. Kids from those families should be more responsible and act like an adult. Our society does need to pay attention to those kids, help them understand their situation, and lead them to the right direction. Maybe Herman will get society's attention now and make our society take actions to prevent more tragedies.
Lilli K. This film truly is thought provoking. I was pulled in the second it started and I never lost interest. It really does raise awareness of teenagers and what they experience in school and at home. A lot of what the main character feels is disconnect from the people at his school and never really truly fitting in. He was just a lost kid who didn't know what else to do to make people actually notice him and he decided to act upon this with violence. Some major issues are prevalent in Hello Herman and in society. Issues of violence, bullying and chaotic family life. A very interesting aspect of the film was the whole concept of how Herman devalued his life. When people see something like this happen they immediately point the finger at the killer and they want to see him suffer. The film reflects what's been happening in our society and doesn't let up on making a point.
Marios Betancur I am such a Norman Reedus fan, so I was very excited to see that he was in a new movie this summer. I may have initially watched Hello Herman out of loyalty to Reedus, but I took away much more than just an increased respect for Reedus as an actor. Michelle Danner blew me away with her exceptional directing that gives us a stark look at the dangers of remaining inactive at quelling violence within our schools and our households. Danner, a renowned Los Angeles acting coach, set out to make this film with endorsements from top Hollywood producers, like Steven Spielberg. From the very beginning it throws you right into the chaos of a town torn apart by the school shootings of a student embittered by perpetual abuse from bullies and personal trauma from home. The film really captures the pain and grief that effects everyone within a town that endures such tragedies. This film will most likely go down as one of the most important and relevant films of 2013