Lost in Yonkers
Lost in Yonkers
PG | 14 May 1993 (USA)
Lost in Yonkers Trailers

In the summer of 1942 two young boys are sent to stay with their stern grandmother Kurnitz and their childlike aunt Bella in Yonkers, New York.

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Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
preppy-3 This is based on a Tony Award winning Neil Simon play. In 1942 an unemployed widowed father leaves his two young sons to live with his tyrannical mother (Irene Worth) while he searches for work. Also around is Bella (Mercedes Ruehl) who is 36 but mentally 16 and Louie (Richard Dreyfuss) who has gotten involved with gangsters.Great movie. They perfectly captured the 1940s look and feel. Also the script is great. Unlike other Simon pictures (which are little more than one joke after another) this perfectly mixes the comedy and drama. The acting is mostly fantastic. Worth is a little one note but Dreyfuss and especially Ruehl are incredible in their roles. This was not a big hit and unjustly overlooked at the Oscars for acting but it's well worth catching.
magicinthenight After a triumphant run on Broadway, the film adaptation of "Lost In Yonkers" was completely snubbed at all of the major film awards ceremonies. Neil Simon's classic is brilliantly written and the direction is so simple, yet very subtle. But what really makes the film work is the performances. Dreyfuss is no Kevin Spacey, but does what he can with the role. The two boys are played expertly by their respective actors. Irene Worth reprises her Tony-award winning role and I thank god for that. She is spectacular as the stern grandmother.But the stand-out here is Mercedes Ruehl. The woman delivers one of the most underrated performances in film history as Aunt Bella. She won a Tony, why no Oscar? Seriously, she is *that* good. Ruehl delivers such a magnificent performance as the slightly disturbed woman. She really should have two Oscars on her mantle.GRADE: A ACTING: A WRITING: A+ DIRECTING: B MVP: RUEHL
Texasguy After watching this movie, I became interested in finding out about the young actor Brad Stoll who played the role of Jay. How sadenned I was to learn that he died of cancer. His talent was very promising, and it is tragic that his career was cut short at such a young age. Nonetheless, this film serves as a testimony to his fine ability, and I never tire of watching it. The performances are excellent across the board, and the story well written. I give it my highest recommendation.
kmccalle Memorable, well thought-out characters interact in this family disrupted by WWII. Set (of course) in Yonkers, a domineering grandmother inhibits aspirations of her offspring with selfish, puritanical behavior deriving from her own, difficult upbringing.
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