Hello Again
Hello Again
PG | 06 November 1987 (USA)
Hello Again Trailers

A suburban housewife chokes to death and is brought back to life by a spell cast by her wacky sister.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
remyjcl i love this film it totally brings me back to being 10 again, it was just wacky enough to hold my attention, fair enough it doesn't match up to todays standard of movie but its a heart warming story that i love to watch again and again. Shelly plays the total scatter brain that i expect of her and her sister Zelda soon enough becomes the voice of reason. Danny plays the ever doting son and i have to say was a hunk in the 80s for me. i totally recommend this film to anyone with a weird sense of humour, for goodness sake she chokes on a chicken ball. My favourite part is at the end when she pretends to be possessed and talks about the cowboy boots that cracked me up, watch you'll see what i mean. Its a classic family film that you'll really enjoy.
Melissa Joy Reaburn Clark 'Hello again' might not be the best movie ever made in fact you could class it more as a made for TV movie but its not trying to be 'A Street car Named Desire' all its trying to do is bring joy to Shelly Long fans. It made me chuckle. The premise for the movie is very good. A house wife who lives through her husband and has no particular purpose in life suddenly dies but only for her to be brought back to life for her to live her life the way she should of all along. However the film is very patchy in places with no real character development, change in plot confusing, jokes fall flat, random scenes clutter up the film, the list of problems could go on. Shelly Long does the best she can with a dodgy script as do the other actors. Her performance leaves you in no doubts of her comedic talents. But through out its problems it never lose its its tone. Lighthearted fun for all the family especially Shelly Long fans.
Enrique Sanchez There is a lot in this movie that is fun to watch, fresh, charming, original and could not have been made with any other cast. Shelley Long won me over with this film. I was never a big Cheers fan but this made me wake up and take notice of her. She has been underutilized in Hollywood because she isn't outrageous...but that's everyone's loss.Judith Ivey is another great talent with which Hollywood has no idea what to do. Her charm and kookiness in this film lets her shine.The rest of the cast has a great deal of chemistry and is cast well for their broad characteristics.Please don't listen to others - - there are hundreds of other movies that deserve to be reviled and vilified more than this. Sure it's predictable -- How many movies aren't??? The concept is enjoyable and I predict that some bimbo-star of the future will remake this and it will be fabulously popular. People will flock to see it just because of the bimbo and then finally THIS movie will have had its vindication and will be eulogized -- pardon the pun. Just see it. It's fun.
lastsea All right, so it's not the great epic of our times, but it's pretty cute. Gabriel Byrne gives a good performance as Kevin Scanlon, the workaholic doctor who falls in love with Lucy Chadman, a nonsensical suburban housewife resurrected a year after her death. Byrne combines wry humour and determination nicely - and is the reason I've seen the movie as many times as I have. Shelley Long bubbles as usual, in the role of Lucy, a woman who must choose between her old life, and her second chance for happiness. It's a cute 80's romantic comedy, and an enjoyable anecdote.