Dawn Anna
Dawn Anna
| 10 January 2005 (USA)
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The true story of a single mom who overcomes many of life's obstacles.

Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
MarieGabrielle This movie was shown on Lifetime, and is well worth it; the family is very realistic, the story is, as we know, tragic, but the message is hopeful as it is seen from Dawn Anna's perspective. Debra Winger is excellent, and understated, as well as the ensemble cast.We learn of Dawn Anna's medical illness, and struggle to support her children as a single mom. There is, however no trite and superficial dialog; (think Desperate Housewives melodrama). This is normally hard to find on Lifetime, which primarily portrays women as victims,and one-dimensional characters.The story is well acted, and portrays the family very well, but the ending is somewhat of a surprise, and we do not see any foreshadowing of problems at the high school.I would have liked more depth, (i.e. The cable movie "Bang, bang! You're Dead") since this topic is so important, and relevant to problems in American society, the audience is entitled to some theory or detail from the writer, as to events which led up to the Columbine killings.This is a very human story, and it was helpful to portray the life of Dawn Anna's family; but I think there is also a bigger picture which we need to know about, and this could have been written into the story without concentrating solely on the perpetrators, or victims.
Kevinisha Gordon (bigchief0418) I loved this movie. It showed how you get through life's ups and downs and they couldn't have chose a better actress, Debra Winger. All of the cast acted as if they were a real family, I couldn't have asked for a better cast!! The only thing is that you have to watch the beginning of the movie to understand it, because if you don't watch the beginning you'll get lost.Dawn Anna lets you know that family is very important and spending time with your family is very important. Dawn Anna went through a lot and with the help of her kids and her very caring boyfriend she wouldn't have made it through. I rate this movie a 10 out of 10 stars. It has excellent actors/actresses, and excellent directory and filmography. I LUV THIS MOVIE SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
joannabanana324 I think people saw this movie expecting a Columbine story. The title of the movie is called "Dawn Anna" not "The story of Columbine High School", so I think it's safe to assume that the movie will be about Dawn Anna. Yes, Columbine was mentioned because Dawn Anna's daughter died at Columbine. They aren't going to center the story around it. It's supposed to be about a woman who goes through a life-threatening illness and her youngest child dying and being able to persevere. I thought this movie was heart-felt, and I found it even more touching because I actually know Dawn Anna since she substituted at my middle school one day. The movie is about the strength of an ordinary woman and the importance of her family. Don't see this movie if you're expecting it to be about Columbine, because you will be disappointed.
cotati5 Dawn Anna is one of the best dramas and inspirational movies of this new year-2005 and one of the best lifetime movies I have seen! Debra Winger has always been an actress who gives "all of herself..she is so natural and wonderful!" I did tape this movie, but hopefully lifetime will repeat it for anyone who has not seen it as yet. I have been wondering what happened to Debra Winger and as such, when Lifetime announced this movie, I was very excited. Ms. Winger has a rare combination of maturity, inspirational, warm, funny, deep emotional sensitivities and yet "the spirited young girl" comes out in her, portraying the "young at heart." Her portrayals leave me with "ever lasting memories!" I applaud all the characters in this movie! Bravo to Debra Winger and Lifetime T.V! Rhoda Friedman RCJ Enterprises