The Rocketeer
The Rocketeer
PG | 21 June 1991 (USA)
The Rocketeer Trailers

A stunt pilot comes across a prototype jetpack that gives him the ability to fly. However, evil forces of the world also want this jetpack at any cost.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
rdoyle29 This film's a bit of a hard sell to general audiences. There have been more than a few knowing homages to serials (the Indiana Jones series being the most obvious), but this isn't really one of those. Rather than making a modern film that references old films, this is pretty much a serial with a $40 million budget and (at the time) modern effects. It's deliberately old fashioned and will work for you to the extent that you enjoy action stuff from simpler times. I do ... so I enjoy this.
mwcrunner The Rocketeer is an amazing action packed superhero adventure and as amazing as Indiana Jones. It's about a man named Cliff who started out as a racing pilot and then becomes a superhero when he finds a rocket which was stolen from a factory by a gang of crooks led by Nazi agent named Neville Sinclair. It also has a really good love story in it and like in all superhero movies the good guy always gets the girl. In the end of this film Cliff aka the Rockteer saves the world from the Nazi's and gets the woman of his dreams Jenny Blake. This film was worth watching and this came out the year I was born just like Terminator 2 and Beauty and the Beast. The Rocketeer also reminds me of Iron Man cause the Rocketeer and Iron Man both wear iron helmets and use rockets to fly. Amazing and thrilling here. 10 out of 10.
mmallon4 As a fan of classic Hollywood cinema, how can I not love The Rocketeer? I delight in all those old Hollywood references, from lines such as "You stood behind Myrna Loy with a bowl of grapes", to a movie set very similar to the castle interior from The Adventures of Robin Hood. I even find myself thinking this film's protagonist has pretty sweet life going for him; he gets to fly planes all day, has a hot aspiring actress girlfriend and lives in 1930's Hollywood. The cast of The Rocketeer have that cartoony look which stars of the 1930's possessed; even one of the film's villains is modelled after Rondo Hatton, a not well known b-movie player with a uniquely disfigured face. The film also provides a nostalgic look at the golden age of aviation; ah for the days when aviation was a gentleman's pursuit, back before every Joe Sweatsock could wedge himself behind a lunch try and jet off to Raleigh-Durham.Why do these pulp serial adventures keep failing at the box office (The Shadow, The Phantom, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow). Of course The Rocketeer's lack of box office success cancelled plans for an intended trilogy. Are audiences just not interested in these kinds of films, or do they just keep getting poorly marketed. Either way, this is why we can't have nice things.Timothy Dalton is the one of who steals the show as the Errol Flynn- esque Neville Sinclair. Dalton really is one of the last of his kind, as a Shakespearean trained actor who can play these types debonair, hammy villains, both here and his role in Hot Fuzz. Interestingly Errol Flynn himself has had (hopefully untrue) posthumous accusations of being Nazi sympathiser. What's scarier than Nazis? The Rocketeer has the answer: Rocket propelled Nazis who can travel across the Atlantic on their jet packs.My only complaint with The Rocketeer and the only aspect which prevents me from awarding the movie with the mighty 10, is the lead protagonist Cliff Secord played by Billy Campbell, whom I find not to be terribly interesting. While it could be argued he's supposed to be dull in keeping with the tradition of B-movie serials having bland leading men. Still I would rather have a more charismatic screen presence but when a movie still manages to be this much fun despite this nor do I ever care in the slightest as why the rocket blasts to not burn of the back of Cliff's legs, it's defiantly doing something right.
jljacobi When it first came out, I remember enjoying the first 30 minutes of this movie, then finding it a bit slow. This time around, I found myself appreciating the tribute aspects a bit more and enjoyed it in its entirety. You'll like this movie a lot more if you know about the era and the real life counterparts of the characters that are referenced and portrayed. Without that knowledge, the movie might appear far more naive than it actually is. The acting is generally spot on for the tribute tone of the movie and both the leads are outrageously good-looking people. If memory serves I developed a slight crush on Ms. Connelly after my original viewing of this movie. I'm sure I wasn't alone. I'm not sure it didn't happen this time. This was filmed long before she joined the Hollywood cult of the anorexic.The FX are nicely done and the science is perfectly out of whack considering the genre that the film mimics. All in all, I appreciate this movie and its honoring the past without becoming a schmaltz-fest. It's an action movie done in a thoughtful manner. I Like It.