R | 06 May 1988 (USA)
Shakedown Trailers

When a local drug dealer shoots a dishonest cop in self-defense, lawyer and renegade undercover cop join forces to clear him. But when their investigation leads them into a maze of greed and corruption, they learn that in a town where everything is for sale, anything can happen.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ellenirishellen-62962 They work well together,but understand Weller is TOO intense.Love Sam,though.Corrupt cops nearly get away with it all,both heroes only just escape death.Weller is a real nerd here,Sam his usual cool dude.Great support all around,even if I rooted for the cops to fail.They did,all were pretty sleazy.Especially loved when Mr Porsche got his for his role in losing evidence.
georgewilliamnoble A routine cop action thriller that has a split personality in that it develops a more than decent multi layer story, only to throw in some Perry Mason court room intrigue interspersed with several every more entertaining but outrageous action fill up's that seem to belong to another movie.In the end there are just to many plot holes and sub plots going on, a little discipline would of made for a better film. But, for all of these irritants, this is still entertaining fair, if ultimately rather shallow.A easy going 6 from 10, I'm in a good mood!
tabbal-michel Cool engaged B movie with two cool actors in the gloomy New York of the 80's. And with a funny appearance of Paul Bartel in the role of a judge of night and a extract of the movie, The Soldier and a scene where we see a poster of the movie, The Exterminator, both directed by M. Glickenhaus himself !
Pepper Anne Behold! Another movie about crooked New York cops and the two unorthodox cop and lawyer that gives them the shakedown. The story was alright, but the action scenes were tremendous. In fact, they were too good for a movie that had a very solemn thriller aspect in addition to having trouble picking up the pace at points. Things will go slow and then bam! Some wild action scene occurs. This also makes the ending, ala True Lies, far too ridiculous to really enjoy. Perhaps, if the story was all about Sam Elliots character, the quiet and rugged cop who doesn't ask too many questions, it would seem fitting as an explosive cop shootout kind of movie. But the film is transplanted into the courtroom with subtlies of Peter Weller's character, a lawyer, who is defending the drug dealer accused of killing a cop who is part of a whole line of New York's finest shmoozing the city's notorious drug dealers. This movie wasn't too bad, and probably enjoyable for those who like cheap, 80s cop thriller movies without too much regard to writing. If they'd have kept up with the action scenes, it'd made a fine action/suspense film. And, without all the action, it'd made a fine thriller. It just changes tempo too often is all.