After Midnight
After Midnight
R | 03 November 1989 (USA)
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A college professor teaching a course called "The Psychology of Fear" brings his students (including a psychic) to his home, one dark and stormy night to tell scary stories. The first involves a young couple whose car breaks down by an old, abandoned house. The second has four trendy teenage girls getting lost in a bad part of town and chased by a pack of vicious dogs. Last, a woman on crutches confronting a stalker at the answering service where she works the night shift.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Anonymous Andy (Minus_The_Beer) In the pantheon of iconic horror anthologies, you have your "Creepshow," your "Tales From" both "Crypt" and "Darkside," and even a "Twilight Zone The Movie." ...and then you have "After Midnight," which in no way belongs to the same league as the aforementioned genre standards.Really, "After Midnight" is the sort of thing you'd let slide to the bottom of your Netflix queue until one bored Friday or Saturday night. Within the first 20 minutes or so, your instincts prove to be true as this 3-part anthology has little to offer that its predecessors haven't already done in much bigger and bolder fashion. That's not to say that this film is completely worthless or without merit. There are some over-the-top, silly moments that -- whether intentionally or not -- will elicit a chuckle from anyone in the right mindset. It also boasts a pretty solid cast of "Hey, I know that guy!" and "Oh, that's the voice of Bobby Hill!" It's just so unfortunate that most of the 90 minutes spent on this film are devoid of any legitimate scares or creativity. Much like a drunken midnight snack, it comes and goes and leaves little to remember in its wake.The first story, "The Old Dark House," focuses on a couple who find themselves stranded and seeking shelter in, well, an old dark house. Not much happens in this story until its hilariously stupid yet unforgettable conclusion. Nothing worth losing your head over, though. Next up, "A Night on the Town" finds a group of girls who just wanna have fun but instead have an unfortunate run-in with a crazy hobo and his three vicious dogs. The meatier of the three stories, this one doesn't do much to capitalize on its tense set-up. Its setting is creepy and all, but there's little else of interest here, though genres fans will enjoy spotting Penelope Sudrow of "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors" and Judie Aronson of "Friday the 13th Pt. IV: The Final Chapter" in the pack. Finally, "All Night Messenger," a would- be tense game of cat and mouse between a phone operator (Marg Helgenberger) and some creep making threatening phone calls. This one almost hits the spot, but is undermined by sharing the identity of the stalker with the audience too early and too often. It also ends right when it starts getting good.The three stories are surrounded by a wrap-around that, bad as it might be, feels a little more fleshed out than the rest. A nutty professor (Ramy Zada) teaches his students about the meaning of fear (or something). Even though their teacher reveals himself to be a bit suspect early on, the students seem fit to follow him home regardless. This of course culminates in a truly bizarre finale that begs a rewind. Overall, "After Midnight" isn't a movie that can be recommended for anyone other than those who grew up in video store aisles and/or those who remember staying up way too late to watch horribly butchered slasher films on cable TV. It's terribly slow, at times dull, and if you watch it (ahem) after midnight, there's a good chance you'll fall asleep halfway through. Having said that, it's not without its charms, and while there isn't one single segment that sticks the landing, there are a few moments of inspired lunacy that make it worth sitting through at least once. Even still, there's nothing here that is worth losing sleep over.
utahman1971 Okay, I just read a review of this movie and the guy says this movie is PG-13. Where the heck did you get that rating from? It says it is rated R, and no where else says PG-13 for this movie. Someone has lost his marbles. Need to go find them dude.One of the best Anthology movies, but not the best. Most of the 80s anthologies are very good compared to the newer ones. This one pulls you in and really takes you into the horror at the end. I really enjoy these kind of horror movies.Just not that many done in the 90s or 2000s. I wish there were though. I really like catching this on Comet television network. That I saw it quite a few times now. Creepy, but I do not get scared easily, and PG- 13 horror is a no scary movie at all for me.Lack of everything a rated R horror movie should have from a PG-13 horror. So there is no way this one was PG-13. Guy that said that is nuts. Must of been on something to say that. Check it out.
atinder Fun teacher, making Person Wet him self in class lol, the teacher invites some if Collage Kids to his house after Midnight for some very scarystories.There were decent stories , nothing really stood in those story, I did like the first story and found a little funny.The second story. I didn't really like. I felt sorry for those dogs,I already forgot what the 3rd story was!, I hated the way the movie ended as really just started all over again.I hate those endingI give 5 out of 10
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~ After Midnight is a collection of tales from the late 80's that seems to have been forgotten about. I'm a sucker for the anthology format, and I had never heard of this one prior to renting it. Needless to say I couldn't wait to see if this was a hidden gem. Let me just say there is a reason I have never heard of it. After Midnight is a pitiful effort and a waste of time. Not one of these stories, nor the wraparound, have anything going for them. The best story is a haunted house tale starring Marc McClure but you'll know the twist if you're paying attention. The other two boring yawns, I mean yarns, are about a group of girls attacked by dogs and an answering service girl (Marg Helgenberger) being stalked by a psycho. The only positive thing I can say it that it features lots of people who have worked in the genre before. So around every corner you will see someone that either Freddy killed, or Pumpkinhead tore apart, or Jason skewered through a raft.