Amityville 1992: It's About Time
Amityville 1992: It's About Time
R | 16 July 1992 (USA)
Amityville 1992: It's About Time Trailers

A hot-shot architect returns home from his latest business trip with a surprise: an ornate old clock rescued out of a soon-to-be-demolished mansion in Amityville, New York, that brings about a seemingly unstoppable demonic force.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Micransix Crappy film
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
bh_tafe3 The most satisfying resolution that the makers of this film could come up with was for none of the film to have ever happened. That really should have told them something.An architect named Jacob gets invited out to Amityville and is commissioned to build a timeless town. He comes home to relay the news to his hot ex-girlfriend Andrea (Baywatch's Shawn Weatherly) who is babysitting Jacob's hot daughter Tina (a 23 year old Megan Ward playing a teenager) and his son Rusty. And for some reason he decided to rummage through the remains of an "Old House in Amityville" (can you guess which one?) and found a vintage clock that is "just what the house is missing." Fair to say that Jacob is a weird guy.The clock starts ticking disconcertingly loud and Rusty discovers another strange thing: whenever you get up in the middle of the night and flick the light switch on the room turns into an old school 1800s vintage torture chamber, that is until the light blows. The next day Rusty skips school so he can tell the strange woman next door about the torture chamber. She explains to him that there is an evil in the house that has nowhere else to go because where it used to be is gone. That's about the closest we're going to get to exposition methinks.Jacob gets mauled by the neighbour's dog that same day after his wrist watch stops working, basically so something weird can happen around the idea of time and to give babysitter Shawn Weatherly an excuse to stay in the movie to nurse Jacob back to health. Anyway they ring the neighbor to find out if the dog had been vaccinated, when she reveals that the dog had not been out that day. They are doing an OK job of building weirdness here.From there things get weirder and weirder and people (and dogs) start dying. Megan Ward runs around in her underwear and right at the very end of the movie, we end up back at the start where Jacob comes home with the clock, Andrea remembers everything and smashes the clock. Jacob asks "What was that all about." "It's about time!" Amityville: It's about time really isn't a good film. It's lame, pointless and everything about it from the performances, to the dialogue, to the direction is so clichéd and unengaging. There are worse films you could watch, but that really isn't saying much. Ultimately.......It just isn't worth your time.
callanvass Jacob Sterling brings home an ancient clock as a gift for his family in a suburban neighborhood and everything begins to fall apart for the Sterling's. It doesn't help that Jacob is estranged from his family to begin with. It is up to Jacob's ex, Andrea to try to keep things civilized, but the house is now full of pure evil. I can't believe it... Hell has frozen over. After so many awful Amityville sequels, I have finally found one that is actually enjoyable. The 4.1 rating unjustly gives this film a bad reputation. What really helps propel this movie is the creativity. Whenever this movie shows signs of growing stale, it has another trick up its sleeve. This movie is pretty low-budget but doesn't lack imagination, that's for sure. At this juncture, they were running out of things to do with the Amityville house itself, so they started using inanimate objects, such as lamps, mirrors, and clocks. The Amityville house isn't really feature in this movie, aside from a couple of visuals here and there. I really liked the innovative things they did with time. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and manages to be shockingly unpredictable with it. I dug the surprising amount of gore. I'm not gonna spoil all the surprises, but nasty dog bites, severed dog head, and a scene involving Megan Ward are the highlights. There is also some decent character development in this one. Even though the family is very persnickety and snobbish, they are developed rather well. Stephen Macht is excellent as the arrogant father. His intense performance was a lot of fun to watch. Shawn Weatherly is solid for the most part as Andrea. She had a few off moments, but came through when all was said and done. Megan Ward almost had me drooling all over my carpet. Her sex appeal is out of this world. Wait until you see her infamous mirror scene. It is a major treat. Damon Martin is a tad annoying as Rusty. I didn't care for his nonchalant attitude. Jonathan Penner talks like he's on crack as Leonard. I couldn't stand him. His character was a smug idiot. Nita Talbot provides some class in her role. The ending is extremely creative and well done. It makes you ponder with a lot of things about this movie. Final Thoughts: I think it is the best movie in the entire series, with Amityville II: The Possession being right up there. It makes up for the low budget with creativity and delivering on it's ambitions. There is plenty to delve into if you're a horror fan. Don't be fooled by the low rating or the bad reviews. This is a bit of a gem6.9/10
Michael_Elliott Amityville 1992: It's About Time (1992) ** (out of 4)Jacob Sterling (Stephen Macht) returns from a business trip in NY and has an antique clock with him. It turns out that this clock has a bad history including being present in the infamous Amityville house. Soon all sorts of bad things are going on so Jacob's son (Damon Martin) and girlfriend (Shawn Weatherly) must try and destroy the clock. This here was the sixth film in THE AMITYVILLE HORROR series and it was one (of many) that went direct-to-VHS back in the day. I think what really hurts this film's reputation is the "Amityville" title because I'm sure there are fans of the original three movies (why I don't know) who come to this cheap horror film and are disappointed that it's really not connected. Like HALLOWEEN III, if this film was released on its own and not part of a series then perhaps it would be enjoyed more. With that said, no one should mistake this for a good movie because it's not. However, it's still better than your typical low-budget film. The story itself isn't the greatest in the world but I think there are enough interesting ideas to where you can stay entertained. The film also benefits from some pretty good special effects and you're going to be shocked at how good they are compared to most movies like this. We get a rather vicious dog attack that looks quite real and the leftover impact of the attack is on full display throughout the rest of the movie as the wounds continue to ooze blood and other stuff. There are also a few other creative death scenes but one is without question really bad and I'm not going to spoil it but it's something that happens after an almost death by car. You won't miss the scene. The performances are also better than normal with Weatherly really coming across good as the girlfriend. AMITYVILLE 1992: IT'S ABOUT TIME shouldn't be looked at as a masterpiece or any sort of good cinema but it's certainly much better than most films in the series.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** The fifth installment of the Amityville Horror that really has nothing to do with the famed haunted house. It has to do with an antique French clock that supposedly was found, before the cursed dwelling was finally demolished, in it.Getting the clock for a steal widowed architect Jacob Sterling, Stephen Macht, brings it back to his home to Southern California as memento of his trip back east. The clock as it soon turned out is in league with the Devil in being able to drive people to do evil and ungodly things. It also can drive those who are in possession of it insane as it soon does to the unsuspecting Jacob.Jacob ends up being brutally mauled by his neighbor's sweet and lovable dog peaches ending up with both rabies and a gangrenous right leg. Mad and deranged Jacob, not seeking medical help, goes completely insane locking himself up in his room and playing with toy houses as his two kids Lisa & Rusty,Megan Ward & Damon Martin, and live in housemaid and lover Andrea, Shawn Weatherly, flee in panic. It soon becomes evident to Rusty that it's that damn clock that driving everybody in the Sterling home crazy which now includes, besides his already cracked-up dad Jacob, his sexy hot to trot sister Lisa.Things get so out of control that Andera calls for help in having her former boyfriend psychiatrist Dr. Lenoard Stafford, Jonathan Penner, come over and get the now criminally deranged Jacob committed to the nearest mental institution before he cause any more damage! This all backfires with Jonathan not the crazed and out of control Jacob left hanging, or better yet twisting, in the wind.***SPOILERS*** The movie ends much like it began but with the knowledge, to those watching, that it was that clock that was responsible for all the mental and psychical carnage that happened in the movie. It was there and then that Andrea did what she should have done right from the start which would have prevented all the mass hysteria, and insanity, from occurring! And thus saved the world, or those in the movie, a whole lot of pain and suffering.