Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy
Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy
| 22 June 2000 (USA)
Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy Trailers

Six young archaeology students discover the remains of an ancient Aztec mummy and accidentally unleash the fury of an evil god.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Vomitron_G Somebody, please, for the love of Christ Possessed, give David DeCoteau one of those "Worst Director Ever" awards. Or at least have the world know about this through other means. A moronic idiot should never be allowed to play with a camera and a strobe lightning effect device. I'm not laughing.A bunch of teenagers on a location that looks like a mansion with some dorm rooms. They're supposed to be taking some extra geology or history classes (during summer, is my guess). There's a dried-up mummy stored on a table in the mansion, and some nerd awakens it with some ancient evil plastic scepter thing (or whatever). The mummy looks like some dude with a Halloween mask, wrapped in dusty toilet paper. Some teenagers get killed, and I can't even remember how (I saw this flick a few weeks ago and I don't have Alzheimer, so go figure...). And then this movie ends at some point.The most fascinating thing about this film, is director David DeCoteau's idea of suspense. Building up tension, to him, equals having someone walk around in the house, while the mummy is shuffling through the frame in the background of the shot, like some stoned dude who got lost on his way to the toilet. While that sounds more like comedy to me, it's not even funny.
michael-turner13 I only just got this movie a few days ago and have only just watched it and my god IMDb has not got an a grade that can show how bad this film is.The acting is atrocious. I have seen more lively pieces of ... cough, cough, you know whats. The actors are completely unmotivated and are just saying their lines without any thought. When they were talking I thought 'the wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.'As for the storyline, it is even worse. During the first three quarters of the film nothing except the occasional killing.The soundtrack is probably the most note-worthy aspect of this entire piece of 'beep' and that is moderate at best.My final opinion is 'leave this in the tomb and let it gather dust.'
tangentslayer I found this in the bargain bin at the local grocery store, and think that 2.95 was overpaying for this garbage.The film looks like it was filmed at somebody's home and none of the characters are likable. The Egyptian-looking Aztec mummy is fat and moves at the pace of an arthritic slug. The kid who supposedly is a direct descendant of ancient Aztec priests is fish-belly white, and the pronunciation of Aztec words is hideous. (Tlaloc, pronounced ta-lay-lock, instead of tla-lock) You will definitely walk away from this flick thinking "there go two hours of my life I'll never get back! )YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
edwin_a_dark I've seen better film on a bath tub. The producer/director may have worked in Hollywood for over 20 years and started out with a fright master, but he must have cribbed pages from the Ed Wood Book of Terrible Movie Making! No, that's a spiteful statement, isn't it. Sorry, Ed! At least your movies were fun! Don't waste your time on this movie. The acting is not much better than a junior high production and the cliché mood-setting storm is annoying instead of scary. Stilted dialog, ham reactions, and staid camera work create a boring experience. The mummy in profile looks more like Homer Simpson wrapped in day-old diapers.In fact, the only positive things I can say about this movie is the mummy's makeup is spot on (not his costume!) and the packaging is top quality. Whoever designed the DVD packaging should have written and directed the movie as it appears more time and thought went into the cover instead of the movie.You can't sue to get back the 96 minutes wasted on this "film". You'd get more out of making your own version of Scream of the Mummy, and it would probably be much better than this.This movie proves that you really can't judge a movie by its DVD packaging, and there ought to be a law about delusional and false self-promotion on DVD covers of what amounts to something that is not much better than a frat-boy weekend home-made video.