Getting There
Getting There
G | 11 June 2002 (USA)
Getting There Trailers

Taylor and Kylie Hunter are sweet sixteen and licensed to drive. Grab a seat in their classic Mustang convertible as they set out on their very first road trip, to the Winter Games in Utah. Cute outfits, even cuter guys. And all kinds of friends along the way. But watch for Olympic-size detours. Will they ever make it to the velvet-smooth ski slopes and posh Stein Ericksen Lodge at Deer Valley and the big-air snowboarding at Park City? Will they be on time for the Winter Games? See for yourself why half the fun is getting there.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
seksi_inc The rest of you who will have seen Getting There by the Olsen twins will look at my rating of 5 out of 10 and think that's far too generous. I'm around the same age so I guess I can somewhat...sort of relate to the movie regardless of it's many downfalls.It was ridiculously cheesy and pointless to say the least but I think that any girl 15 years and younger would say that it deserves the Academy Award. The Olsen twins have been blessed with many things, good looks, drive, determination, just some of the many things that has helped them become multi millionaires (going on billionaires). Unfortunately, acting was not one of those blessings. I heard that even their fans who went out and saw this movie in theaters said that they were extremely disappointed with how it turned out and I can't blame them.If they pick the right movie, work with an acting coach and pick a good script, they could be amazing actresses. They have so many connections in Hollywood...why continue to star in these C level movie productions. I'd like to seem them star in something really provocative, possibly a drama or even step out of their character. Girls, just because your twins doesn't mean you have to be together in the movies all the time.To sum this up, if you are a 15 year old girl and younger, Getting There will definitely be the movie for you. As for the rest of us, I don't think there is far too much sympathy for the Olsen twins.
cooling_boy1 I really want to comment on previous comments. The comments that says that this movie is so very bad and that it is the worst they ever seen. They also says that the "Olsens" can't act at all and that they are the worst actresses in the entire world. For the first i actually can't understand how people can think so about the "twins" and for the second, if you think that then you really have to hate the "twins" and i really mean HATE! But people are different and all don't thinks the same so i can sometimes understand them that they think so but they then have to hate them as i said before. Because if you like them then you can't hate any of their movies. They are so cute and nice and act very well. Personally i think that the "twins" are very good at acting and doing their own movies because they usually not only plays in their movies they also are the producers and works a lot behind the camera and have a bog part in the making of their movies. They have their own opinions of what they think are good and bad in the script and if they don't something is correct or appropriate they usually change it in the script. So they make a lot of big decisions to make the movie to get even better and more fashion-forward because they always knows what's popular. So after all you can really say that most of their movies are their "own" movies. And this movie was no exception. A lot of the clothes and stuff they are wearing in the movie they have decide themselves. And that is real fashion. It's one special thing in this movie and that is that they are finally licensed to drive. That make the movie different from the other they have done because they can go to other places a long way from home without their parents and only enjoy the time with their friends and of course boys.They can feel a kind of liberty. And on top of all this they get their own car and they decides to drive to Salt Lake City where the Olympic games are at the time. And that become a real adventure for them and their friends, both problems and funny things happens almost all the time. A road trip that take a long time to forget about. A memory for life! These things make this movie so great and worth to see. A little bit different movie with the "twins" and that is rather exciting. Si finally i can recommend you to watch this and don't listen to the persons who thinks that this is the worst movie ever made on earth! They don't know what they are talking about and aren't "real" "Olsens" fan. But you don't need to be a fan to enjoy this movie because it is for all different kind of people. So hope you will enjoy as much as me! Have a great time in front of the TV!
tpaulish First off, Mary-Kate and Ashley are super-cute in this movie in particular - great outfits and shades. Toast makes the movie. A favorite part of mine is when Mr. Hunter and Toast are cooking at the barbecue and Mr. H says: "Toast, this is USDA prime choice - treat carefully." To which Toast replies, "No prob, Mr. H. I have the utmost respect for meat." Another bit where Mr. Hunter cracks me up is when MKNA's new car is revealed to them and Danny says, "Hey Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, you uh, you think you could adopt me?" And Mr. Hunter just laughs at him. More great scenes - Mary-Kate (Kylie) taking her road test w/ the Asian guy and he's like, I've got two kids that really need to be raised by both of their parents. She's like, "Oh, do you have any pictures?"And the buffet in Vegas is ridiculous. Raj: "No, I am carrying this for Toast." Oh and HOW could I forget the Shamu plug?!? Mary-Kate gets that ridiculously cute look on her face (you know the one I mean, followed by the half-hearted giggle) when she says, "We could always do Shamu." Ashley: "We can't just sit here all day. Anyone, thoughts, ideas, suggestions? ... (looks at Mary-Kate). You say the whale and die."Finally, the scene where Mary-Kate shots down Sam is TERRIFIC! I mean, she doesn't even apologize - yeah girl power! MK: "Actually, chill Sam." Sam: "What?" MK: "I'm just not feeling what you're feeling. I mean, do you see the problem here? To you we should be boyfriend/girlfriend, but what about what's in my head or in my heart?" Sam: "You're not into it?" MK: "Actually, no I'm not. Charcoal has kind of become black and white." Sam: "Kiley, I know you like me." MK: "Sam, liking and kissing are two totally different things I mean, it takes two people to kiss, but it takes two people to want that kiss, I'm just not into it. I mean, you're one of my best friends. But that's the way I like it."
hellraiser40 ... but so talentless!!They sucked when they were young, they suck now.This movie is irritating, badly made on a technical level, hasn't a story, über-bad acting, is silly beyond belief and so politically correct it makes you want to vomit.Maybe some day they will be able to 'act' in a good movie, but I don't think we'll live to see that day!Worst thing I can say about this : I thought Britney Spears' Crossroads was better and less irritating. How about that?Avoid this at all cost.