Land Ho!
Land Ho!
R | 11 July 2014 (USA)
Land Ho! Trailers

Martha Stephens and Aaron Katz's buddy comedy Land Ho! follows former brothers-in-law Mitch (Earl Lynn Nelson) and Colin (Paul Eenhoorn) as they travel through Iceland. The pair of 70-year-olds find themselves in need of an adventure to break out of their rut, and soon the extroverted Mitch has talked Colin into the trip. Along the way they have various amorous encounters, and attempt to recapture the spirit of their youth.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
dglink Imagine your ex-brother-in-law invites you on a trip to Iceland: first-class air tickets, nice hotels, good restaurants, a comfortable rented van. Now imagine your ex-brother-in-law is a dirty old man, obsessed with younger women, who spouts unwanted unsolicited advise, and is a generally all around annoying person. Unfortunately, Colin, portrayed by Paul Eenhoom, failed to remember those facets of Mitch, played by Earl Lynn Nelson, and ended up spending far too much time in his company. The audience will also find they have spent more time than necessary with Mitch, who may have a generous heart, but is a boorish companion. Written and directed by Aaron Katz and Martha Stephens, "Land Ho" is described as a road trip movie, but the film, which is short on road and long on talk, could be more aptly compared to "My Dinner with Andre" than to "Easy Rider," although Mitch does like to inhale regularly.Obviously shot on a low budget, perhaps as a labor of love, the film is somewhat amateurish, the acting seemingly non-professional, and the writing unfocused. While set in glorious Iceland, the movie fails to celebrate the island's natural beauty. Instead, Mitch talks and talks, Colin listens and listens; the film might just have well cut the travel budget and been set in Ohio. Perhaps spending 90 minutes in the company of two elderly gentlemen, who share anecdotes and wisdom gleaned from their lives throughout a motor trip together, could have fueled an intriguing film. However, listening to Mitch impart silly advice to embarrassed newly weds, offer tips on dressing to an embarrassed niece, or graphically describe women to an embarrassed Colin wears thin. While "Land Ho" is earnest and not truly bad, the movie is overly talky, and the audience will leave both admiring the tolerant Colin for his infinite patience and hoping no ex-in-laws show up with similar offers of "free" travel.
comicman117 Land Ho! Is a very pleasant surprise. Coming into the movie, I had zero expectations, since I had never heard of the film prior, and a movie about two old men embarking on a journey through Iceland, sounded like something that could have been boring for me. However, great chemistry between the two leads (Earl Lynn Nelson and Paul Eenhoorn), along with an emphasis of character than story, and a lot of very funny but vulgar humor, made Land Ho! was a pleasant surprise for me.Land Ho! is a film that starts out in The U.S. (the opening scenes were filmed in Kentucky), and winds up going to Iceland after the first fifteen minutes of the film. Telling the story of two brother-in-laws named Mitch (his full name is Leslie Mitchell, but he prefers Mitch because he finds Leslie to be a girl's name), and Colin, an Australian, who decide to go through Iceland in an attempt to reclaim their youth. They go through Reykjavik nightclubs, spas, and campsites. This film is supposed to be a throwback to the 1980's road trip comedies, as well as an exploration of age and friendship. Mitch and Colin are still friends in the film all the way through, despite their differences and arguments.As mentioned already, Land Ho! is a joy to watch, but what it makes it work is the actor's chemistry with each other. As played by Nelson and Eenhoorn, Mitch and Colin are believable as old acquaintances and best friends. The two bicker and argue in the film, but they still laugh and have a good time with each other. I especially like the movie references they give (of which the film has plenty of), including Sleepless in Seattle, Rio Bravo and Pretty Woman. Those were fun to hear and catch, as was the rest of the film.The movie itself is put into three different sequences, referring to where the two are traveling. These include, The Golden Circle, Land Manga, and Laughter. Some of the plot concerns Mitch seeing his younger cousin (who refers to him as uncle, even though they are second cousins), who is visiting Iceland. The other parts of the plot concern Mitch and Colin getting caught up in some wacky shenanigans, like in an assuming scene where the two get lost in the dark after being outside and are trying to get back to their hotel, but can't see and eventually end up sleeping in the woods at night; very amusing scene.The humor in Land Ho! comes from the characters interactions with each other. Director and writer team Aaron Katz and Martha Stephens clearly have a good idea on how to create genuine humor. Mitch and Colin, or either one or the other are the focus of the film 100% of the time, which is a good thing, and adds to the humor and interaction. Quotes such as "angels pissing on your tongue" and the use of the words "balls" in a particular scene, had me and the audience cracking up, as we were already enjoying the rest of the film. Another funny scene occurs when Mitch and Colin are in the water swimming around. Colin does his best Johnny Weissmuller Tarzans' scream impersonation. The film's dialogue and humor can be very vulgar at times, so it may not be for everyone, even if the film itself is harmless in terms of actual imagery.Land Ho! is an enjoyable, road adventure comedy. It's not the greatest movie ever, but as a piece of entertainment, it works extremely well. The actors' chemistry, along with the humor, helps to make the film enjoyable to watch. You don't see many road movies like Land-Ho made these days.
Sara Guaglione I've always been suspicious of titles that end in an exclamation point ever since reading "O Pioneers!" in my high school English class. What makes a "!" necessary in a title? Is it to express excitement or a sense of urgency of what I'm about to experience? Or is it Sony Pictures Classic yelling the title of the film "Land Ho!" at me? The film's name could easily ditch the punctuation, as it was neither exciting nor titillating enough to deserve it."Land Ho!" is a story written and directed by Aaron Katz and Martha Stephens, telling the story of two old men; Earl Lynn Nelson plays a gruff Southerner named Mitch, while Paul Eenhoorn portrays Colin, a timid Aussie. The 60-something ex-brothers-in-law set off on a road trip through Iceland in an attempt to lift their spirits after failed marriages and tragic romances.Read my full review here:
steven-leibson I took the title of this review from the 1976 Jethro Tull album, which is an appropriate time period for this movie because Mitch and Collin, the two main characters in this movie, appear to be either pushing 70 or in their 70s like many boomers. Mitch was a doctor. Collin was a bank manager. Neither is working any longer. Both are now divorced. And alone. The two were married to a pair of sisters, which makes them ex-brothers-in-law but more important, old friends. It's giving nothing away to tell you that the movie spends five minutes in Kentucky and the rest of the time in Iceland.This is a road trip movie that follows a set pattern. It starts sort of rocky, gets into a swing, there's a trumped up moment that drives the characters apart, then there's resolution. It seems like every road trip movie is written this way. Only the surprises differ. In this movie, there's a third main character that never speaks. It's the incredible geography of Iceland, which Mitch and Collin explore throughout the movie.This is an enjoyable film, which looks lightly at some of the issues associated with growing older that many baby boomers just like Mitch and Collin face today. See the world through Mitch's and Collin's eyes and you'll feel a bit better about the journey. Better yet, buy two first-class tickets to Iceland like they did.