Cold Weather
Cold Weather
| 13 March 2010 (USA)
Cold Weather Trailers

A guy who moves back to Portland, Oregon becomes involved in the mystery of his ex-girlfriend's disappearance.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
leereddy Cold Weather is an American mystery drama written and directed by Adam Katz, with Ben Stambler and Brendan McFadden co-writing and producing.The film is set in Portland, Oregon where the piece is set with additional scenes shot at Cannon Beach, Oregon.Beginning with an introduction to the main protagonists, Doug (Cris Lankenau), a forensic science dropout and his sister Gail (Trieste Kelly Dunn)with whom he has recently taken up residence with. Doug soon begins work at an ice factory, working the night shift where he meets Carlos (Raul Castillo), a part time DJ of rare 60's tunes and avid Star Trek fan, a peculiar dichotomy granted, but why not?A friendship ensues, with a little help from Sherlock Holmes novels that Doug turns Carlos on to, and then we meet Dougs ex girlfriend Rachel (Robin Rykoon), who is in town on business. The aforementioned group proceed to hang out, play cards and share milkshakes.Then the film takes a left turn, switching from what I assumed was to be a fairly pedestrian Indie flick about life, relationships, aspiration etc into a odd little mystery movie.What makes this film interesting is the subtle way in which the plot develops, as well as really good acting from all involved that is at all times sincere and believable. The slightly unorthodox story line, as well as precise, well crafted dialogue affords the film some comedic moments, too. The tone of the flick is quite characteristic of Indie films, with long shots and mood enhancing settings and scenes. I really enjoyed this film, in large part due to it's great writing and sublime performances. The plot almost takes a back seat to the characters and their nuances. In fact the film as a whole feels like it's more about two siblings bonding than it's story arc.Solid production values see this film at a thoroughly decent 96 mins worth of viewing.
marketsurfer I had to include the spoiler notice, but guess what, nothing happens!! Honestly, the movie just ends like they they ran out of film. Just when you think they might have stumbled on the first clue, the movie ends. That's it. The movie ends. Was there a plot? I don't think so. I waited for a plot, but I just got the credits. What a complete waste of time. For the tiniest of moments, I thought there might be a conclusion, but no. It just effing ended. In a parking garage of all places.Honestly, this movie is why Hollywood doesn't shoot more movies in the Pacific Northwest. Apparently, PNWers can't finish a movie. It just ended. Just like that. It just ended. I am so disappointed.
ThreeGuysOneMovie This is an interesting indie film by auteur Aaron Katz. I had not seen any of his previous work but had heard the film was well received at SXSW in 2010. Similarly, I had seen a review that compared it to the film Brick (2005) that I had enjoyed immensely. Plot wise the film introduces us to a forensic science college dropout Doug who idolizes Sherlock Holmes and his Slacker sister Gail as they move into an apartment together in Portland Oregon. Doug lays about and searches for some direction in life, eventually finding a menial night job at an ice factory. We are then introduced to one of Doug's co-workers Carlos and Doug's ex-girlfriend Rachel who is in town for business. The four start hanging out together, playing cards and board games, drinking coffee, going to clubs and enjoying each other's company. Rachel's sudden mysterious disappearance from her hotel room spurs the other friends to action and ignites Doug's inner Sherlock Holmes.This film is considered by many critics to be part of the mumblecore movement. As such it has lots of long shots, a slowly evolving plot and realistic dialogue between lots of slackers. In some respects this film is more about the brother sister relationship between Doug and Gail than it is about the mystery of Rachel's disappearance. It has an arty independent feel to it and it was obviously shot on a low budget. Cold Weather is certainly not going to be for everyone's taste, especially the abrupt ending. However, I really liked its quirkiness and indie feel probably because I've got thing for overly educated layabouts.Since this is available on Netflix instant streaming I would suggest you give it a viewing. That is if you enjoy small independent films with a grungy vibe. I found it inspiring that the writer/director was able to get this made, I plan on checking out some of his previous films. O and I think I would like to take a trip up to check out Portland Oregon it looks amazing.
mets910975 First off..NOT A MYSTERY..I almost never post a review on here but I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to fellow movie watchers alike if I let them see this junk without fair warning as to what they were about to embark on...ITS SLOW BORING. AND to those who claim its a beautiful portrayal of the brother sister relationship? Hmmm I can think of ...ohhh...about 20 billion other portrayals far better for critical and entertainment purposes. Save your 96 minutes and watch ANYTHING ELSE!! It tries to be artsy and indie and also makes feeble attempts at quirkiness and humor but all efforts fail miserably...when it ends you will be left wondering where the money u spent to watch it went. Nothing but disappointment and head scratching will happen and not in a deeper meaning higher thinking kind of way...just plain nothingness