The Puffy Chair
The Puffy Chair
R | 02 June 2006 (USA)
The Puffy Chair Trailers

Josh's life is pretty much in the toilet. He's a failed NYC indie rocker, and a failing booking agent. But he finds the potential of a small victory in a really bad idea. He decides to purchase a 1985 Lazy Boy on eBay, just like the one his dad had when Josh was a kid. He'll drive cross-country for the chair, staying with Emily at his brother's house on the way, and deliver it to his father as a surprise birthday gift. But when Rhett ends up coming along for the ride, it's three people and a giant purple puffy chair in a too-small van... and one of them has to go before the trip's end.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
ejamessnyder The Puffy Chair is a simple road movie about two brothers and a girlfriend who take a trip to deliver a chair to their dad on his birthday. The plot is as simple as that. They have a few semi-deep conversations and realizations and random adventures along the way, but it's hard to describe exactly what this film really encompasses.The synopsis makes it sound like a straightforward road movie, and it actually is, but it is not your typical road movie. It is not like most other road movies, which often rely on ridiculous plots and outrageous scenes for entertainment, such as in Planes, Trains and Automobiles and Due Date. The Puffy Chair feels totally real. Everything that happens feels real and feels as if it could happen. The characters are strange and quirky, but only to the extent of real human beings. But if you don't watch closely, you might miss it, and mistake this for a boring film, which it most certainly is not. Rest assured, the filmmakers knew exactly what they were doing and it was not an accident that this movie came out feeling so very real.At first when I was watching it I found myself wondering what they heck they were doing. Why were they talking like that? Who the heck were these people on screen? Then I quickly realized that they were real people. They were people just like you and me with their own unique habits and personalities. It felt weird because they were not typical movie characters, but the characters of real life, and for the first time I realized that it felt to see them on screen. They weren't characters like Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp. They were more like your next door neighbor.Even the side plots felt strange at first, like they were missing something. The character randomly stopped at a movie theater and met some people and hung out with them. I wondered what that had to do with the movie, but then realized that that was exactly what the movie was about. It was about these characters and what they were doing and it felt so real. And it felt fresh and it made me happy.If you loved Good Luck Chuck You then you'll probably hate this movie. There are no car chases or farting scenes. There's no grand realization or big conspiracy uncovered in the plot. But that's what is good about it. Although nothing externally exciting happens and there aren't any major twists, so much happens on an emotional level, to the point that when a minor tragedy occurs—which, in many conventional films would be trivial at best—we feel it so much more. We actually care. Nothing outrageous happens in this film, but that doesn't make it any less entertaining.
rowmorg The most annoying thing for me was the awful camera work. Worse than any porno I've ever seen. The characters were all unsympathetic and the only redemption came at the end, when the girl said: "I think we should make up". She actually said it twice, and my partner thought she said: "Break up", not "make up", which puts a whole different spin on the entire film, doesn't it?I guess the film-makers (who are most of the cast) came into some money somehow (Netflix seems to have been in there, although it seems incredible in 2005, when they were still mailing DVDs across the country). The story is a road-movie/comedy, although lots of joke opportunities were lost, and the "puffy chair" in question gets burned in a parking lot before the gift opportunity occurs. I doubt if they spent much more on it than the price of a decent second-hand car.Katie Aselton looked very pretty and shapely throughout (although we never got anywhere near seeing any of her assets), although her role was definitely whingeing bitch --- well wouldn't you be, with her partner? These musician guys are impossible.
ikarusprojekt There was something about this film that really did it for me. Mark Duplass and Kathryn Aselton had great chemistry! The situations weren't over the top....They felt just right. This film was very human...and what I mean by that is there was a lot of really,real stuff in this little gem.This is a MUST see for all you indie film buffs out there! I think there is something for everyone in this one!..."Puffy Chair" felt like a tag along production...It felt like a film crew tagged along with a guy and his girlfriend and his brother while on a road trip and whatever happened...Happened. There were moments when I forgot I was watching a movie. It felt as though I was right there with them..I can also relate to a lot of what happened. I am looking forward to future Duplass films!!....
unhappybirthday it's a beautiful thing to see over-privileged d-bags making it in film. If you can make it, the ending is a huge payoff - emily drops the MEGA-TON on Dupl-Ass! although, it would have made more sense to do what she did at the beginning when she threw all of Dupl-Ass's plates on the floor.Additionally, i found some critical shortcomings in Chair's attempt at realism.....1. chameleons certainly don't live wherever it was that they met up with the American taliban 2. first priority overnight upholstery is not as expensive as people think. 3. people are normally killed in motel parking lot recliner fires but this dude escaped with only a broken arm (unfortunately) 4. in the end, his parents didn't even seem like the sort of people who would want that kind of chair 5. there was a writing credit