Seeing Other People
Seeing Other People
| 07 May 2004 (USA)
Seeing Other People Trailers

Ed and Alice are two months shy of getting married when she realizes that she wishes she'd had a more active love life while still single. Reluctantly, Ed agrees to have an open relationship in the months before their wedding, and initially this seems to improve their connection, particularly in the bedroom. However, as Ed and Alice get more involved in their own flings, the experiment goes awry.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
beuren Plot: Ed and Alice are engaged. They live together and are living the dull life. He has slept around before meeting Alice. She has a lot less experience. She decides she needs to sleep around before marrying. He very reluctantly agrees they should both see other people for a while. At first he is not really into it. His wild days are behind him and he is simply content. Until one day Alice comes back and tells him she made out with some random guy; who of course starts to fall for her. Of course this is a BAD idea which causes extreme strain on the relationship.Good movie. You can see the train wreck coming but still good.Worth a rental.
bcn124 This movie was SO stupid~!!! I could not bare to watch the rest of this movie..... To think that the spoiled bitch suggested to see other people, then walks right into another relationship 5 minutes after the agreement was made.... I really felt sorry for the guy, but then again, for a guy like that to even consider letting his fiancé see other people, to go along with her grand idea, well, I'm sorry but, he deserved what he got~! And she was definitely not the best fish in the sea either, he can do way, way, way better.... She had no tits.... to hips.... no nothing~! And you had to have known that she wanted this right from the start... 5 years~??? How on earth did they last that long~???
Klynne81 I rented this film because I enjoy watching things with Lauren Graham in them. Well, she was the highlight. Everyone else seemed complete separated from the picture. You kept looking around you at those watching the film with you going, what? However she provided some clarity, as she was the only normal character in the picture, which actually isn't saying much for the film. Personally it was too far fetched for me. However, I am glad I rented despite the fact I would never want to own it. I still feel that Lauren Graham proved to be a strong actress and even thought she was not the main character, she seemed to steal the movie. My husband and I were happier and cared more about her character ending up with Josh's character than we were about the two main characters.
dromasca 'Seeing Other People' can be placed in the zone between the romantic comedy and the TV sitcom. It has some good parts of each genre and some bad parts of each. Overall the good parts seem to slightly exceed the bad ones, without making the film an experience that one cannot forget. The theme of 'open couples' is translated in the life of a young couple before marriage, trying to experience multiple partners before they enter the institution. It could have been a more interesting film, if the authors would have dared more, but they preferred the moralistic path. The moral is that sex without love means nothing, and that the danger in such tentatives is in becoming too involved. Interesting for any one? Not for me, thank you - I found the treatment very conventional and boring. The leading couple are good and the relationship they act is very credible. Julliane Nicholson especially is a name to remember. The rest of the cast are sitcom actors, or they were directed to act like ones.