Hot Tub Time Machine
Hot Tub Time Machine
R | 26 March 2010 (USA)
Hot Tub Time Machine Trailers

Four pals are stuck in a rut in adulthood: Adam has just been dumped, Lou is a hopeless party animal, Craig is a henpecked husband, and Jacob does nothing but play video games in his basement. But they get a chance to brighten their future by changing their past after a night of heavy drinking in a ski-resort hot tub results in their waking up in 1986.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Milan Barac I don't understand how can someone give high rating for this movie!!! It is stupid and utterly vulgar. If there is a 0 in voting options, I would rate it with 0. Story is horrible, acting yet worse. Jokes are not funny at all. I will not watch a sequel for sure, even if my life depended on it.
wogsurfer If you were transported in back in time to where the most significant moments of your life happened, and they lead to life not working out so well, would you take the opportunity to change things?This is the conundrum most time travel themed films pose, but never with a deliberate outcome like Hot Tub Time Machine.After nearly committing suicide in his garage Lou (Corddry) is taken back to the place of where some of the wildest moments took place in his youth, Kodiak Valley Ski resort by his former best friends Nick (Robinson); a dog groomer whose wife cheated on him, and Adam (Cusack); whose ex-girlfriend has made his life hell.Disappointed that the resort is not the same wild party place they knew from the 80's, they decide that a night spent drinking in the hot tub is their best option, somehow they are transported back to 1986 and must relive a fateful night, plus also make sure Adam's nephew Jacob (Duke), who has tagged along for the trip, is born. What follows are a series of events that lead to a showdown with a resort cop with delusions of grandeur and a climax that comes somewhat expected, but also left me a little surprised when I first saw it, it's also the source of a bit of a paradox for mine.Time travel movies for me present questions about actions and consequences, and also looking at the road taken in the film for the story, but also other roads that could have been taken, and the results it may have made. I also often think about traveling back in time, and seeing the younger selves of my parents, and seeing first hand the events in their lives that have lead to the reasons for how they deal with things in the present.Paradoxes in the story left me with some questions, but they don't really need exploring because of the hilarious nature of the film. I also don't think this film was meant to pose any deep and meaningfuls, but it could make you think about what some of the consequences of time travel may lead to, good or bad.
witster18 If I could leave a one-word review - that would be it. HTTM has many laugh-out-loud moments.4 friends go back to a ski resort to re-live teens, but actually end up doing-it, literally.Before we talk more about this - pass on the sequel. It gets too ridiculous and too crass, and misses Cusak for sure.HTTM accomplishes a lot more than say,"Take Me Home Tonight(4/10)" in terms of paying homage to the 80's. TMHT missed the mark completely. Here, the dress, the music, and many other ideas are perfect.The film is paced perfectly, and as ridiculous as it all seems, it still works. Lots of connect-the-dots sub-plots involving and connecting both timelines, and good there's solid character development and chemistry as well.Rob Corddry and Craig Robinson steal the comedic moments, while Cusak holds everything together as the best actor and the leader of the group. Overall, this film isn't going to win any awards, and there have been much better films on the subject(Back to the Future), but HTTM gets props for sheer fun without going too far over the top, or crass in the process.Mild thumbs up. 63/100
Mr-Fusion There's something promising in "Hot Tub Time Machine"'s premise, like a movie built on a really funny gag. What's really disappointing about it is that it's just a series of tired jokes and none of them hit it out of the park. Give me a base-hit, something. Instead of transporting the leads\ characters to 1986, it sends 'em to an '80s themed party - MTV, ALF, Reagan and some retro merch from Hot Topic; referential sitcom stuff. I'm actually surprised with this being John Cusack at a ski lodge, there's no "Better Off Dead" shout-out. The trailer made this look pretty good, but this needed more Lizzy Caplan and less (monumentally) obnoxious Rob Corddry.This just didn't work for me.4/10